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Turns out that we did actually know that highly effective vaccines smack the latest variant all around the place as well. Another straw snatched away from Devi and the gang on their march back to irrelevance. 

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4 minutes ago, philpy said:

I'm sure city didn't go ahead as it would only work out at about 48 fans.

Like I said.  It stands up to no scrutiny.  I’ve been in pubs this week with more people inside than that.  I bet there’s been games in public parks that have had more than 50 people round the pitch.

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3 hours ago, Detournement said:

The SNP hate football fans. 


It’s not just football fans. They hate pubs too. Oh, and live music, the arts, the events sector.... Anyone having fun basically.

The Scottish government’s micro-management of every aspect of the hospitality trade is approaching surreal levels. I know the following reads like a parody, but it’s for real.

Here’s their ELEVEN step set up guide for playing background music in a pub.



1-Seat volunteers at a table closest to sources of amplified sound (e.g. loudspeaker or television)

2-Volunteers should be seated at least 1m apart from each other to reflect current physical distancing requirements in hospitality for customers from different households.

3-Face coverings can be removed when seated and physically distanced.

4-Ensure that ventilation and other operating arrangements reflect opening hours conditions.

5-Switch on pre-recorded music of a genre typical to the venue / other audio at a low level (or for live music play instrument/s).

6-Pre-agree a topic of conversation and ask the volunteers to converse in a normal speaking voice - once you have familiarised yourself with the audio equipment this shoukd take no longer than approx. 10 minutes - ensure you have ready access to the volume controls.

7-Gradually increase the volume, ensuring that the volunteers can still converse comfortably without significantly raising their vocal effort (comfortable speech level; not shouting), or leaning in closer to hear or be heard. If they cannot, then the music / audio levels are too high and should be reduced. Remember that the audio should be subjectively low and remain in the background.

8-Once set, leave audio levels set as they are and check compliance at tables in different parts of the venue and (for staff) speaking across the bar.

9-Make adjustments to the audio levels as required.

10-When complete, make a record of the audio settings. This could consist of an indication of the master volume control, photographs of audio settings, set of notes etc.

11-Communicate audio levels, settings, and guidance to all staff (live musicians will note this for equipment).


I barely know where to start on that, but ’pre-agree a topic of conversation..’ 😂 Presumably the majority of volunteers for this level-setting exercise (assuming anyone can be bothered going through all this rigmarole) would be capable of spontaneously starting a conversation!

For the full, unexpurgated text of Scot Gov’s guidance on background music in the hospitality sector, see link below:

Even more guidance on background music


Edited by Frankie S
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6 minutes ago, virginton said:


Turns out that we did actually know that highly effective vaccines smack the latest variant all around the place as well. Another straw snatched away from Devi and the gang on their march back to irrelevance. 

Also makes Germany's 'decision' even more of a minter.

You love to see it - but the bed wetting obsession about every single vArIaNt simply must stop. There is more chance of an entirely new virus emerging and igniting another pandemic than the vaccines being unable to absolutely body and keep pace with anything the 'rona can throw at them. It is simply unhinged risk management and decision making.

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5 hours ago, Left Back said:

I’ve just seen a scotgov advert on the tv about a site that has coping tips on restrictions opening up in case you’re nervous about it 🤷‍♂️

I'm more nervous that much of the stuff I previously enjoyed isn't going to be an option for me any time soon.

Still waiting on the decent local swimming pools opening in Falkirk.

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7 minutes ago, Frankie S said:

It’s not just football fans. They hate pubs too. Oh, and live music, the arts, the events sector.... Anyone having fun basically.

The Scottish government’s micro-management of every aspect of the hospitality trade is approaching surreal levels. I know the following reads like a parody, but it’s for real.

Here’s their ELEVEN step set up guide for playing background music in a pub.

I barely know where to start on that, but ’pre-agree a topic of conversation..’ 😂 Presumably the majority of volunteers for this level-setting exercise (assuming anyone can be bothered going through all this rigmarole) would be capable of spontaneously starting a conversation!

For the full, unexpurgated text of Scot Gov’s guidance on background music in the hospitality sector, see link below:

Even more guidance on background music


That’s the easy bit.  Any couple of random women can carry on all manner of conversation about any old shite.

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8 minutes ago, Frankie S said:

It’s not just football fans. They hate pubs too. Oh, and live music, the arts, the events sector.... Anyone having fun basically.

The Scottish government’s micro-management of every aspect of the hospitality trade is approaching surreal levels. I know the following reads like a parody, but it’s for real.

Here’s their ELEVEN step set up guide for playing background music in a pub.

I barely know where to start on that, but ’pre-agree a topic of conversation..’ 😂 Presumably the majority of volunteers for this level-setting exercise (assuming anyone can be bothered going through all this rigmarole) would be capable of spontaneously starting a conversation!

For the full, unexpurgated text of Scot Gov’s guidance on background music in the hospitality sector, see link below:

Even more guidance on background music


When I got my ticket for Dens on Thursday night, it included an A4 sheet with 20 (twenty) bullet points. It had the Dundee badge at the top and mentioned the stadium name etc., but it read like they were given template from higher up (Scottish Government/SFA/SPFL).

Two particular highlights:

  • If the ball ends up on the seating deck, please pass it to the nearest steward - these must be disinfected prior to going back to the players on the pitch
  • Take care when shouting, singing or celebrating


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5 minutes ago, The Master said:

When I got my ticket for Dens on Thursday night, it included an A4 sheet with 20 (twenty) bullet points. It had the Dundee badge at the top and mentioned the stadium name etc., but it read like they were given template from higher up (Scottish Government/SFA/SPFL).

Two particular highlights:

  • If the ball ends up on the seating deck, please pass it to the nearest steward - these must be disinfected prior to going back to the players on the pitch
  • Take care when shouting, singing or celebrating


I guess the stewards can’t catch Covid then.  Just give us all hi viz jackets and we can get on with our lives.

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26 minutes ago, The Master said:

When I got my ticket for Dens on Thursday night, it included an A4 sheet with 20 (twenty) bullet points. It had the Dundee badge at the top and mentioned the stadium name etc., but it read like they were given template from higher up (Scottish Government/SFA/SPFL).

Two particular highlights:

  • If the ball ends up on the seating deck, please pass it to the nearest steward - these must be disinfected prior to going back to the players on the pitch
  • Take care when shouting, singing or celebrating


Shit like this, and clownshoes going on about one way systems, car parks, hand washing (I must have been one of the few who did this pre Mar 2020) having to sit rather than stand etc, makes me think that football will be a soulless sanitised experience full of rules and restrictions. Think I'd give it a bye tbh 

Edited by Thereisalight..
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3 hours ago, Tynierose said:

Fantastic night out with beer and dinner with my mates.

f**k draconian restrictions and the punitive Shitebagerry agenda.



Responsibly went home at 10:30.  Don’t want to be out and about once angry covid is active and actively hunting down drinkers.  Being a football fan who likes live music i am especially vulnerable.  So Glad the government are protecting me like this.

Edited by parsforlife
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Pretty sure they didn’t go down the moronic vaccine passport or unvaccinated/vaccinated sections either 
You're just being silly, that's baseball they're attending and not the super spreader football.
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18 minutes ago, parsforlife said:


Responsibly went home at 10:30.  Don’t want to be out and about once angry covid is active and actively hunting down drinkers.  Being a football fan who likes live music i am especially vulnerable.  So Glad the government are protecting me like this.

In another three weeks you might be able to stay out until 11:30 without the 'rona scything you down. 

Although if Glasgow is not beneath their ridiculous case rate benchmark then I can see them being brought into tier 2 and the rest of the country kept there instead. Can't let Gigha become the next Ibiza and draw in Glaswegians in their droves after all. 

Edited by vikingTON
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5 hours ago, Dev said:

I don't know if this has been posted already (apologies if it has) but THIS sums it up for me with regard to how football and other organised outdoor activities have been dealt with by this woeful Government in Edinburgh:




It might have been posted in October 2020 when they released it.

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1 hour ago, Frankie S said:

It’s not just football fans. They hate pubs too. Oh, and live music, the arts, the events sector.... Anyone having fun basically.

The Scottish government’s micro-management of every aspect of the hospitality trade is approaching surreal levels. I know the following reads like a parody, but it’s for real.

Here’s their ELEVEN step set up guide for playing background music in a pub.

I barely know where to start on that, but ’pre-agree a topic of conversation..’ 😂 Presumably the majority of volunteers for this level-setting exercise (assuming anyone can be bothered going through all this rigmarole) would be capable of spontaneously starting a conversation!

For the full, unexpurgated text of Scot Gov’s guidance on background music in the hospitality sector, see link below:

Even more guidance on background music


Surely the person who has written that is thoroughly mortified by this.

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2 hours ago, Frankie S said:

It’s not just football fans. They hate pubs too. Oh, and live music, the arts, the events sector.... Anyone having fun basically.

The Scottish government’s micro-management of every aspect of the hospitality trade is approaching surreal levels. I know the following reads like a parody, but it’s for real.

Here’s their ELEVEN step set up guide for playing background music in a pub.

I barely know where to start on that, but ’pre-agree a topic of conversation..’ 😂 Presumably the majority of volunteers for this level-setting exercise (assuming anyone can be bothered going through all this rigmarole) would be capable of spontaneously starting a conversation!

For the full, unexpurgated text of Scot Gov’s guidance on background music in the hospitality sector, see link below:

Even more guidance on background music


That is fucking pathetic guidance. 

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4 hours ago, RH33 said:

Hampden empty but Asda Linwood can have 500 at capacity.


This is a daft comparison since people will die without food, it's as essential as it can get.

There should be fans back in football games but I thought we'd moved past the "so I can meet my gran when we're both working in the maternity unit but I can't have her and 29 pals round to mine for a crate of lager 🤔🤔"

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Deek this thread and some of the replies. eMlO2Ay.png&key=00c6f9f73b1b46ef37879e584bc7ea15d4a87850ce6064f3f865f3a69200abcb
Some people are going to be broken for years, possibly permanently.
Millions of people lived their lives blighted by phobias long before Covid, it's far from a new phenomenon just another to add to the list unfortunately. We had a senior manager at work in the 90s who would never touch a door handle without a glove and his hands were red raw from constant washing and anti bacterial gelling. He basically lived live in a bubble and it's pretty much identical to the people in those responses. Covid is just a new trigger for a lot of people and another branch of mental health issues that have pretty much been ignored for eternity.
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