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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 minute ago, Marshmallo said:

This is a daft comparison since people will die without food, it's as essential as it can get.

There should be fans back in football games but I thought we'd moved past the "so I can meet my gran when we're both working in the maternity unit but I can't have her and 29 pals round to mine for a crate of lager 🤔🤔"

Was just passing comment as I happened to notice the sign when I was going in (yes at stupid o'clock this morning) 

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8 minutes ago, RH33 said:

Was just passing comment as I happened to notice the sign when I was going in (yes at stupid o'clock this morning) 

Aye but it’s unhelpful to frame the debate as Asda being judged to be safe and football isn’t. 

It’s just that supermarkets are a risk that need to be taken, while football isn’t. If anything SG could argue that the fact we have no choice but for people to be able to mix in supermarkets means it’s more important to be cautious elsewhere. 

That being said, an empty hampden yesterday was still pathetic. 

Edited by Dons_1988
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22 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
2 hours ago, Elixir said:
Deek this thread and some of the replies. eMlO2Ay.png&key=00c6f9f73b1b46ef37879e584bc7ea15d4a87850ce6064f3f865f3a69200abcb
Some people are going to be broken for years, possibly permanently.

Millions of people lived their lives blighted by phobias long before Covid, it's far from a new phenomenon just another to add to the list unfortunately. We had a senior manager at work in the 90s who would never touch a door handle without a glove and his hands were red raw from constant washing and anti bacterial gelling. He basically lived live in a bubble and it's pretty much identical to the people in those responses. Covid is just a new trigger for a lot of people and another branch of mental health issues that have pretty much been ignored for eternity.

The point the OP was making though is that it wouldn’t be anywhere near this bad if the governments and particularly mainstream media outlets didn’t absolutely hammer people with fear about how it’s the end times. Understandable for a few weeks in April 2020 when little was known, but government advisors, politicians and media outlets are still terrifying people without any justification and it needs highlighted and acted on.

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The point the OP was making though is that it wouldn’t be anywhere near this bad if the governments and particularly mainstream media outlets didn’t absolutely hammer people with fear about how it’s the end times. Understandable for a few weeks in April 2020 when little was known, but government advisors, politicians and media outlets are still terrifying people without any justification and it needs highlighted and acted on.
Absolutely true that hasn't helped at all but it's still relevant that millions were already blighted by phobias and OCD before this pandemic. Some will be new sufferers for sure and that without doubt has been fuelled by the govt messaging but a fair amount would have been blighted by these issues anyway, this will simply have been a new trigger. Would be good to see studies into this as it was a fairly undocumented issue previously. Most folk will know someone who suffered in some way but your right to highlight that it's been exacerbated.
I suspect it will be a very difficult issue to combat never mind reverse but Govts have a duty to try to tackle it given they are a big part of the cause. The two folk I know personally who were badly affected by phobias / OCD pretty much had their lifes ruined by it long before this situation.
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15 hours ago, The Naitch said:

BuT wE JuSt DoN't KnOw.

It does make a mockery of things when other home nations are allowing crowds when the case rates per 100k are broadly similar.

Obviously the other administrations/governments don't really care enough...

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1 hour ago, Dons_1988 said:

Aye but it’s unhelpful to frame the debate as Asda being judged to be safe and football isn’t. 

It’s just that supermarkets are a risk that need to be taken, while football isn’t. If anything SG could argue that the fact we have no choice but for people to be able to mix in supermarkets means it’s more important to be cautious elsewhere. 

That being said, an empty hampden yesterday was still pathetic. 

There were restrictions placed on supermarkets during the first lockdown that bizarrely weren't applied in December and January when the pandemic peaked here and supermarkets were mobbed.

When you look at the free reign that supermarkets had in the run up to Christmas and compare it to the conditions now being placed on football it's absurd. The Scottish government love to punch down but are terrified of trampling on the toes of any major corporations.

The total number of people allowed in places also just seems to involve taking the total square metres of the business and halving it. 

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Obviously the other administrations/governments don't really care enough...

Not this again
It’s nothing to do with caring, the daily express are now running daily sturgeon/SNPBAD stories others jump on the bandwagon scraping the bottom of the barrel for contet
They want to protect their covid figures so that they can’t be used against them by hostile media . If the mainstream media was hammering them for being to slow and draconian ( likw we have on here) then they would be behaving more like johnson and co have in England or some states in the usa.
Nothing to do with caring, they haven’t handled the pandemic well (very few have) their number one strength has been appearing to do a better more competent job than England, which saw their approval ratings sky rocket in the early part of the pandemic . They’re terrified to lose that. End of
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2 minutes ago, Left Back said:

The alternative view is that they care more and realise what restrictions are doing to people,

No, they're unfeeling capitalist b*****ds, putting profits and backhanders before their elecorate's safety, imho

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1 minute ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

Not this again
It’s nothing to do with caring, the daily express are now running daily sturgeon/SNPBAD stories others jump on the bandwagon scraping the bottom of the barrel for contet
They want to protect their covid figures so that they can’t be used against them by hostile media . If the mainstream media was hammering them for being to slow and draconian ( likw we have on here) then they would be behaving more like johnson and co have in England or some states in the usa.
Nothing to do with caring, they haven’t handled the pandemic well (very few have) their number one strength has been appearing to do a better more competent job than England, which saw their approval ratings sky rocket in the early part of the pandemic . They’re terrified to lose that. End of

See the source image

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38 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

No, they're unfeeling capitalist b*****ds, putting profits and backhanders before their elecorate's safety, imho

I thought you were being sarcastic with the first comment, but if not and the above is serious then fucking hell.

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Was at my Niece’s birthday party yesterday, about 25 adults, ages ranging from 20s to 70s, and from speaking to most of them throughout the day I just do not understand where the media/public opinion poll creators are finding these people that are still terrified and want restrictions to stay. Almost universally everyone was of the mindset that we should be back to complete normality now, evidenced I suppose by attending a big gathering of 30 people without a care.

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Was at my Niece’s birthday party yesterday, about 25 adults, ages ranging from 20s to 70s, and from speaking to most of them throughout the day I just do not understand where the media/public opinion poll creators are finding these people that are still terrified and want restrictions to stay. Almost universally everyone was of the mindset that we should be back to complete normality now, evidenced I suppose by attending a big gathering of 30 people without a care.
Similarly I was best man at my pals wedding yesterday. 30 folk without a f**k given to these restrictions, only difference was the venue kicked us out at 10.30. All back the apartments and suites to carry on, felt brilliant to be with people again.
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12 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Was at my Niece’s birthday party yesterday, about 25 adults, ages ranging from 20s to 70s, and from speaking to most of them throughout the day I just do not understand where the media/public opinion poll creators are finding these people that are still terrified and want restrictions to stay. Almost universally everyone was of the mindset that we should be back to complete normality now, evidenced I suppose by attending a big gathering of 30 people without a care.

A few pubs in my local town last night were ignoring all restrictions. 

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24 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Was at my Niece’s birthday party yesterday, about 25 adults, ages ranging from 20s to 70s, and from speaking to most of them throughout the day I just do not understand where the media/public opinion poll creators are finding these people that are still terrified and want restrictions to stay. Almost universally everyone was of the mindset that we should be back to complete normality now, evidenced I suppose by attending a big gathering of 30 people without a care.

There was a guy who didn’t come out with our group last night as he didn’t feel comfortable.  He was seen as a high risk and spent the 1st lockdown shielding where he always made sure he was in a room alone,  the rest of his family worked around that.  He’s had his 2 vaccines now so should be fine and that’s the messaging he needs to be recieving to allow him to enjoy his life.  

But I guess when your in that position and your left with the highest rank health officials and every scaremongering w****r who claims to be a journalist telling people to fear variants instead of how fucking fantastic the vaccines are at smashing covid then you can see how in his position he’s taking that choice.


I think it’s also worth baring in mind those that are locking themselves inside have far more time to answer these studies than those of us that are out and getting on with it.


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5 hours ago, Elixir said:

Deek this thread and some of the replies. eMlO2Ay.png

Some people are going to be broken for years, possibly permanently.



We went to a restaurant that we heard had good social distancing when I got a promotion. We get inside and I'm horrified because I'm looking around and these people don't have on masks and I'm thinking, "What's wrong with these people?" The servers had masks on, so we didn't take ours off. We will keep going out to eat but eat outdoors or order takeout only.

they're going to be waiting a while if they want people to take in food via osmosis

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4 minutes ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

I was shielding and high risk but this last week I've been all over Scotland with my kids visiting family and friends we haven't seen for months. It's my wee girls birthday next weekend and I'm having family round and her wee pals to celebrate. If any of my neighbours philpy me, they can f**k off.

Delighted for you obviously, but given I was meant to get my jag today and I'm having to self isolate, as well as being in Scotland's COVID capital, I'm fucking seething tbqhwy

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