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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:

Here's an optimistic thought. Is that maybe what they want? Create a large backlash so they can lift restrictions as originally planned, but blame the public if it goes tits up?

Is it f**k.  The line thats been peddled for the past week is that 21 June was the earliest date on which all restrictions would be lifted and that the delta variant requires reworking of the roadmap.

No mention that we now have 16 months of data on transmissibility and how it is affected by restrictions, rates of hospitalisation amongst different age groups and, for over a month, data on the efficacy of one or two doses of vaccine against the now dominant variant coupled with a timetable of expected vaccine deliveries.

I fully expect a model to have been produced weeks ago on the expected number of cases/hospitalisations amongst the unvaccinated or partially vaccinated population.  Its more than likely the government have just sat there with their fingers crossed hoping what was obviously another surge in cases would just peter out.


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1 hour ago, mizfit said:

Looks like the goalpost moving from the UK Govt has backfired with people up in arms.

Not sure what the UK govt were thinking waiting until the week of to announce an extension.


It's about time these c***s were the kicking they deserve for their rolling extentions and general shitebaggery. 

We have effective vaccines yet the government continues to ignore the impact these are having. 


Edited by Michael W
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After Thailand massive rollout of the vaccine on the 7th June, it lasted 5 days.  We are/have run out of vaccines, to the surprise of nobody.

The blame game has started, the hospitals/centres have stopped vaccinating people.  They are blaming the Minister of Health, who ironically (you can't make this shit up) is a convicted drug smuggler (served time in Australian prison), he is blaming manufacturers (who are owned by the Royal Family), which is a dodgy path to walk. Manufactures have announced they are supplying the amounts that they said they would. 

Looks like the dodgy minister (who is a right c**t), has been telling lies. However, nothing will happen and we will go back to vaccinating about 10,000 per day again.

On top of that Thailand are manufacturing the AZ vaccine for the rest of South East Asian, these nations are now saying that they are not received any vaccines as Thailand are keeping them all.

So where is the vaccines?

Land of Smiles and Scams. 😀 

Edited by SlipperyP
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2 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

My blue letter was sent to my parents house, which I moved out of about 10 years ago.

I've been to the doctors a few times since and had no idea they even had my address never mind it was there. Going back in the next week so will get it changed, but there's absolutely plenty of younger folk who have had letters sent to the wrong address.

My brother moved out of our parents house in 2004. He had only been there for a year or so after selling his old place.  Blue letter arrived there for him too. 

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What does that 30% mean?

Is it against infection? Any sort of symptoms? Serious illness? Hospitalisation? ICU? Death?

And then what’s the population that it applies to? Surely by now the vast majority of the most vulnerable have had their double dose, so what he’s saying is that it’s 30% effective in a portion of the population that is already less susceptible to any of the things listed above. 

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16 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Is he trying to distract us with this again in the middle of a monkeypox epidemic. What a b*****d and an absolute try-hard.

my partner pretty much never watches or reads  the news and doesnt keep up with the whole covid situation to much extent at all ( part from being gripped in fear for the first 6 months of 2020 convinced that it meant certain death if you caught it ) she doesn't know jason leitch is either

There was only one occasion when i had the telly on and she was walking into the living room and listen to JL for about 2 minuets. all she said was " that guy is loving all the attention he's getting right now "

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14 minutes ago, The Master said:

What does that 30% mean?

Is it against infection? Any sort of symptoms? Serious illness? Hospitalisation? ICU? Death?

And then what’s the population that it applies to? Surely by now the vast majority of the most vulnerable have had their double dose, so what he’s saying is that it’s 30% effective in a portion of the population that is already less susceptible to any of the things listed above. 

My understanding is that its protection against hospitalisation.  The vaccines are believed to significantly reduce transmission but its difficult to capture where somebody contracts COVID from.

Again, this data has been out for some time and the good news is that double dose protection is around 85-90%.  

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43 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

See all these letters getting sent to the wrong addresses is it not basically down to folk not letting their Health Centre/GP know they have moved.

See if you were under 30 you could sign up so they text you rather than send out letters that's what happened to me and it's far better than using the postal service especially for folk who move around a fair bit.

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13 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:


Keep getting tested, aye so this farce can continue. People with no symptoms and those double dosed who are getting tested are absolute morons. Are they so dumb that they don’t realise the more case numbers there is, the more the govts will use that to continue restrictions and project fear 🙄

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51 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:


At the end of his interview this morning on Radio Scotland he was asked if he expected restrictions to be lifted by August and stated he didn’t think we would be back to normal by then.

Surely that type of negativity is not being favoured by the government any more and he is presenting his own narrative?

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