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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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At the start of the pandemic adverts for masks were banned on the grounds they didn't work.  Governments didn't put in place early lockdowns because they didn't think the population would be willing to adhere to them.  Now, governments aren't willing to get rid of social distancing and mask mandates because they think the population are too scared to go back.  

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14 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:

Since when did everyone become responsible for everyone else? It's not my duty to keep Helen Lovejoy safe on the train or in the supermarket by wearing a bit of cloth over my face. When restrictions are lifted then those who want to get on with life will and those who don't "feel safe" won't.

Burnham is a clown.

guarentee the lovejoys will retort that statement with one saying that - because people are free to go to stadiums and nightclubs, it makes essential places like supermarkets and workplaces much less safe for them to inhabit because they will be full of people who have been bevying fitbawing and having maskless fun  & they have no choice but to use them, 

Edited by effeffsee_the2nd
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If people are genuinely worried about the absence of a piece of cloth on other people's faces, they are more than welcome to go and buy one of those FFP3 masks, which will protect them based on this https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-57636360

It is not the responsibility of others to keep wearing cloth/surgical face masks to protect others from a virus they've been vaccinated against. 

Edited by Michael W
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41 minutes ago, super_carson said:

Burnham is clearly using this to further his own political ambitions.  In the grand scheme of things, a mayor doesn't have wield a huge amount of power but by making statements like this, exploiting Sturgeon's cock-up with the Manchester travel ban publically and continually picking fights with both the SG and Westminster he increases his political capital.  

He's a bit of a cock, really.  

Yeah, but look how much he cares about the North!!!! 

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2 hours ago, SoapMactavish said:

- its just “fatties” or folk with a multitude of underlying conditions that get real sick with it. It isn’t. Sure these folk will get ill but the overwhelming majority of people I’ve seen in ITU have had very mild things like well controlled diabetes or mild asthma. 

Quite a different experience from the doctors I know then, guess it’s maybe your luck with location, population demographic in the area etc. They said the vast majority who were hospitalised & in ITU during the peaks were very elderly, or younger but obese/significant underlying conditions. Certainly very few fit and healthy young people, or people with mild underlying conditions.

2 hours ago, SDG2 said:

Can you turn up to a vaccination centre to get a 1st jab early if youve already been given an appointment? Due a 1st one on the 14th July but will head up to the conference centre on Monday if you can turn up to a drop in one anyway

Just back from the EICC getting that sweet, sweet Moderna pumped into me and it was fairly quiet so I’d just head down. I was in and out in about 20 mins.

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1 hour ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:





Greater Manchester mayor says face masks should stay after 19 July 

Boris Johnson has said the UK is aiming to get back to normal as far as possible this month, and sources earlier told the Daily Mail that the requirement for face masks could be dropped in shops. 

But Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham has said he wants the measure to stay in place even if lockdown is completely lifted. 

Speaking on the BBC's Newsnight, he said:  "I am worried about reports that distancing is going to be dropped, and masks are going to be dropped. You've got to keep one or the other, you can't get rid of distancing and the requirement to wear masks.

"You've got to think of people who feel worried about being out there. I think about the tram in Manchester, I know if that [social distancing] goes some people will feel very vulnerable to use the tram, I think it's better to keep the masks requirement." 

The mayor has often been in disagreement with the government during the pandemic, causing a stir when he hit out at local lockdowns in Greater Manchester


See the source image

About 98% of the masks people wear are only slightly less useless than wearing no mask. It's clear mask wearing is being seen as "doing something" rather than it actually being of any beneficial use 

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On 01/07/2021 at 16:00, TheScarf said:

Yes but we have cures!!!!!!!!111111.  

Apart from stuff like the flu, which kills people every day, cancer, which kills people every day, heart attacks, which kill people every day.

All roads should be closed . With potential motor accidents we just don’t know 

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Promising for us double Jagged after previous Merkel hard line approach to case numbers. Which should then role down to the EU who added 11 further territories today.

Double-jabbed people should be able to travel from the UK to Germany without quarantining "in the foreseeable future", Angela Merkel has said.





According to the latest update, Member States should now also gradually lift the travel restrictions at the external borders for residents of the following non-EU countries:

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Brunei Darussalam
Republic of Moldova
Saudi Arabia

The Council recommendation is not legally binding, meaning that Member States remain responsible for deciding to implement it.

Edited by superbigal
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3 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

About 98% of the masks people wear are only slightly less useless than wearing no mask. It's clear mask wearing is being seen as "doing something" rather than it actually being of any beneficial use 

I think the mask is psychological - not in making you feel safer, but as a reminder to distance.  I know that when I put on a mask, I’m suddenly more aware of what’s going on around me, or at least more conscious of it.  

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3 minutes ago, Forever_blueco said:

All roads should be closed . With potential motor accidents we just don’t know 

Just ban driving for under 25s and over 80s and you'd be near zero.

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I'd love to see him trying to get local mask requirements passed in Manchester once national mandates end !
He could come up with a catchy slogan like "Mind your Mask in Manchester". It could be displayed on the gantries over the M6.
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1 hour ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Quite a different experience from the doctors I know then, guess it’s maybe your luck with location, population demographic in the area etc. They said the vast majority who were hospitalised & in ITU during the peaks were very elderly, or younger but obese/significant underlying conditions. Certainly very few fit and healthy young people, or people with mild underlying conditions.

The first wave was primarily male and in the elderly range. Second wave was predominantly 60 or younger. There were certainly people who are quite obese, but there were also a hell of a lot who were I would say were an average build or maybe slightly overweight. 

The thing with underlying health conditions is sure, you may have asthma or diabetes (just using these as an example) but if both are well controlled you basically live a normal life and lifespan. If you had something like brittle asthma you are in much more trouble. 

Interestingly I’ve personally not seen many folk in with Covid and COPD, which given how often these folk get chest infections is a bit weird.

You also got folk in, particularly in the early days who were so critically ill but outwardly looked fairly well. I remember chatting to a wee old granny about her husband quite the thing and at the same time noticing that despite being rammed full of oxygen, she was only maintaining blood oxygen of 78%.

If it wasn’t such an absolute c**t of a wee virus it would be fascinating. 



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1 hour ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Quite a different experience from the doctors I know then, guess it’s maybe your luck with location, population demographic in the area etc. They said the vast majority who were hospitalised & in ITU during the peaks were very elderly, or younger but obese/significant underlying conditions. Certainly very few fit and healthy young people, or people with mild underlying conditions.

The biggest cohort in our unit were middle-aged males, a bit overweight (but not usually obese) and hypertension. A significant proportion of the Scottish male population fit that demographic! I wouldn't say being a bit tubby and having high blood pressure in your fifties is a "significant underlying condition".

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Actually thought Burnham had come out with some decent stuff over the course of the pandemic, but err, that will now be revisited.

What a bellend.

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