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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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2 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Of course there's a valid comparison - what do you think is going to happen unless there is near universal uptake of vaccination in places like Singapore? There will be a much larger pool of people in these places with no crossover prior immunity from natural infection who are susceptible. Transmission is cut by these vaccines, but it is not sterilising. When these places open up, cases will subsequently rise and the virus will find them. Furthermore, as good as the vaccines are, they are not 100% effective against death - meaning there will be more vulnerable people who haven't already succumbed in a population with largely only vaccine induced immunity, compared to those who have sadly already died here.

A reminder that in places like the UK where ~90% of the population now has antibodies to Covid (ONS), sky high 'case numbers' do not mean sky high severe illness and death any more - instead people will largely have little to no symptoms or be sick in front of the TV for a few days.

Whether you agree with BJ or not, it's basically "herd immunity" he's going for by opening everything up and "taking the hit",as it were, in the Summer when the hospitals are quiet as opposed to putting off the inevitable and taking the hit from the next wave over the winter.

Some will be furious and say that we need 100% (or as near as possible) vaccination first or that it's still "too soon", but he does have a point when he says life must go on as otherwise this will be us for the rest of eternity or until the virus burns itself out / vanishes.

The bottom line is that we need the economy to be working and people need to "live" and have something to look forward to, otherwise it's just like a life sentence where we're all just existing as opposed to actually living, and that's no good for anyone !!!!

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Fucks sake - thoroughly looking forward to care experienced teenagers who have been managing their own houses on £80 per week having to attempt to live off £57.90 per week. 
Loads of knock ons. Council Tax increase mid year for anyone having the payment withdrawn being another obvious one. Over 100 Tories want it retained including several former works and pension ministers. Absolutely vile.
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10 minutes ago, Aladdin said:

Surely some form of testing if you have not been vaccinated could cut the 10 day period.  

You get pinged, if you have been double jabbed you ignore it, if not you are eligible for a  PCR 24 hours after being pinged which, if negative, means you don't have to isolate.

Not ideal and would likely miss some cases but would cut it from 10 days to about 72 hours.

I am not sure if that's how its meant to be working here but that was my experience the week before last.

I was told by a friend that he'd failed a home test on the Thursday night and was going for the PCR the next morning. I thus did not go to the gym and let work know id remote access the next day as well as making plans for others to cover my camera duty at the church that Sunday.

However on the Saturday when contacted by test and protect he gave a list of contacts who had all been at the Croatia game with him, on the train and pub as well as the house party we all went to on our return to Perth. The contact tracer then said to him get them all to test and if clear they are free to go and they counted his first day as the Thursday, which is not what it says on the government website. I booked a test on the Saturday night and got the results at 7am on the Monday so was back in work that day.

its put me off larger groups for now , i'm not bothered at all about Covid , more 10 days isolation in a flat with no garden space.


Edited by realmadrid
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Surely some form of testing if you have not been vaccinated could cut the 10 day period.  
You get pinged, if you have been double jabbed you ignore it, if not you are eligible for a  PCR 24 hours after being pinged which, if negative, means you don't have to isolate.
Not ideal and would likely miss some cases but would cut it from 10 days to about 72 hours.
It was mooted that it could be reduced to a 5-day period with multiple testing.
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So with this testing to not have to isolate is there not a flaw in it that the virus has an incubation period.  Won't a whole bunch of people be getting tested (and presumably show as negative) before the incubation period is up but subsequently go on to get the virus?

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45 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Employers just can't ignore the rules how much they may disagree with them. Firms can be fined if they knowingly allow an employee to attend who has been identified as a close contact.

It's funny you say that, I know of at least one instance at a private school where someone tested positive and was told to come in anyway as they had no symptoms. The colleague they shared the classroom with was only told be the person who was positive some time after. 

But in general we will need to look at alternatives to self isolation. 

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43 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

It’s quite reasonable really.  There’s no way the government can continue to hand out lucrative contracts to donors and keep funding these spongers.  Something has to give.

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7 minutes ago, NorthernLights said:

One of the most harrowing Covid related articles I've read in a long time.


After bringing it to their attention they apologised and returned my £2.10, but no goodwill gesture.


The f**k is he after? The wee minimum wage lassie who works behind the counter to empty the register and hand him over the days takings? It's such a bizarre, skewed take on things to factor in covid recovery too, as if that has anything whatsoever to do with a supermarket selling milkshakes that are so old they are curds and whey.

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4 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

That was a highly unusual year for flu deaths.

We normally run well into 5 figures.

Who is suggesting that covid is the flu?

I don't see anyone making that claim.

Yep, I'm almost certain Whitty said it's usually 5 figures easily every year.

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7 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

That was a highly unusual year for flu deaths.

We normally run well into 5 figures.

Who is suggesting that covid is the flu?

I don't see anyone making that claim.

The figures are here: 


"Flu and pneumonia" is just under 30k across all of England and Wales, although flu in itself is indeed around the 1200 mark.

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1 hour ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:


The Simpsons (early series at least) is the greatest social commentary ever put on TV so just embrace it, you’ve tried nothing and you’re all out of ideas. 

Absolutely. Others for our time include:

You tried your best and failed. The lesson is, never try.


If something's hard to do, it's not worth doing. 

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56 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

Whether you agree with BJ or not, it's basically "herd immunity" he's going for by opening everything up and "taking the hit",as it were, in the Summer when the hospitals are quiet as opposed to putting off the inevitable and taking the hit from the next wave over the winter.

Some will be furious and say that we need 100% (or as near as possible) vaccination first or that it's still "too soon", but he does have a point when he says life must go on as otherwise this will be us for the rest of eternity or until the virus burns itself out / vanishes.

The bottom line is that we need the economy to be working and people need to "live" and have something to look forward to, otherwise it's just like a life sentence where we're all just existing as opposed to actually living, and that's no good for anyone !!!!

Yup. The fact the UK is facing an exit wave, despite how much immunity there is in the population, shows that all these places in East Asia and Oceania are inevitably going to take a big hit eventually.

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