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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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16 minutes ago, Rugster said:

A lot of people are probably rocking up to A & E because it's nigh on impossible in some places to get to see your GP just now.

If people would use things like minor ailments at chemists or opticians rather than demand doctors appointments for very minor issues then there would be more availability. Due to having to manage complex cases which have been waiting 6-18mths for specialist help my mrs has never been busier, yet despite this all the folk who tag themselves in facebook at A&E or stand outside the practice chain smoking then stick their sunflower lanyard on because they have copd or had asthma when they were 7 use up a lot of the other time. 

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5 minutes ago, Shipa said:

Second this. There was a poster/ad campaign a few years back, attempting to discourage abuse of the NHS and A&E in particular, suggesting use of pharmacies, GP's, NHS24 etc.

It included obvious minor things such as sunburn, a small cut, but one of the characters had a headache, suggestion was go to a pharmacy,  and I wondered at the time if the person who came up with the poster was prepared to accept responsibilty for the death of that character, should that headache be a sign of something more serious.

An optician is better placed to review eye problems given their equipment is vastly superior to that of yer average GP surgery. Pharmacists will triage the headache and if there are any red flags then they will refer on, it could be a very effective system if used right. 

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51 minutes ago, superbigal said:

Lanarkshire people What they Like  😉


But we're also seeing a number of conditions that could be best seen elsewhere, so things like long-standing back pain, sore feet, minor rashes, insect bites. Things that really don't need to be in an accident and emergency department.

Dr Calvin Lightbody said "huge numbers" of people were attending A&E with non-critical conditions like insect bites.

Insect bites can be life threatening 


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4 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

If people would use things like minor ailments at chemists or opticians rather than demand doctors appointments for very minor issues then there would be more availability. Due to having to manage complex cases which have been waiting 6-18mths for specialist help my mrs has never been busier, yet despite this all the folk who tag themselves in facebook at A&E or stand outside the practice chain smoking then stick their sunflower lanyard on because they have copd or had asthma when they were 7 use up a lot of the other time. 

I agree, but these sort of people should be weeded out by the receptionists. If they lie to the receptionist about the severity of the problem to get an appointment get them on a black list for the future.

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From the Express. I can't believe that useless, spineless lackie Whitty just said this.... 

Joining Mr Johnson from Downing Street yesterday, Professor Whitty acknowledged while some restrictions will always be better than none, they have to be released at some point.

He said: "At a certain point, you move to the situation where instead of actually averting hospitalisations and deaths, you move over to just delaying them.

"So you're not actually changing the number of people who will go to hospital or die, you may change when they happen." 

So there we have it! 

A serious balancing act of course. Now I have to agree better to do it now than in winter, but would still have preferred masking to be mandatory. 

However, why the need to say that quoted in the two paragraphs?! Absolutely unnecessary, particularly when he goes on to say in the article  about the uncertainty of it all. 

Covid remains project fear and I fear this government continue with the trainwreck that its always been and a not so cloaked warning that we are getting fucked over at Xmas yet again. 

As for stats, we'll here some I made earlier, so get fucking isolating. 

As an aside but not unrelated, daughter phones me to say, GP's given new guidelines on referrals and NHS Consultants to only offer face to face appointments if absolutely necessary, also under a new set of guidelines. This is nothing but kicking the can down the road with those who have serious conditions and many will succumb as a consequence.

The NHS is already creaking at the seams. Telephone consultation s only a box ticking exercise in making up stats that the log jam is being cleared, when in reality it's not. 

Fucking criminal. 

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2 minutes ago, Rugster said:

I agree, but these sort of people should be weeded out by the receptionists. If they lie to the receptionist about the severity of the problem to get an appointment get them on a black list for the future.

Agreed  Episode 158  The giant Horsefly


Edited by superbigal
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Just now, Rugster said:

I agree, but these sort of people should be weeded out by the receptionists. If they lie to the receptionist about the severity of the problem to get an appointment get them on a black list for the future.

Thats the issue with this, people do lie but medical indemnity folks who are generally consulted often say you have to give the person another chance etc, its all very airy fairy and mostly outwith the control of the GP, i know at mrs ICR’s practice its a straight binning for abuse or 3 missed appointments but besides that its very difficult. Receptionists try to do this and offer advice but then go look at the arseholes on twitter etc complaining about GP’s receptionists and how ‘im not telling them anything’ etc etc. 

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38 minutes ago, superbigal said:

Clearly they all got bitten on the coupon by giant Horse Flies from Hamilton racing. Medical advice is clear. ☠️


5. Horsefly

You’ll know if you’ve been bitten by a horse fly as it will be painful and develop into a large, red, itchy and swollen bump within minutes. A horse fly bite cuts the skin instead of piercing it which is the reason for pain. Victims of the bite can experience a large raised rash, dizziness, wheezing, weakness and swollen body parts. You can treat horse fly bites with an icepack or damp cloth, but if the bite is on your face seek medical attention immediately.

They are defo fictional. I’ve never seen one.

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20 minutes ago, BlueBear said:


From the Express. I can't believe that useless, spineless lackie Whitty just said this.... 

Joining Mr Johnson from Downing Street yesterday, Professor Whitty acknowledged while some restrictions will always be better than none, they have to be released at some point.

He said: "At a certain point, you move to the situation where instead of actually averting hospitalisations and deaths, you move over to just delaying them.

"So you're not actually changing the number of people who will go to hospital or die, you may change when they happen." 

So there we have it! 

A serious balancing act of course. Now I have to agree better to do it now than in winter, but would still have preferred masking to be mandatory. 

However, why the need to say that quoted in the two paragraphs?! Absolutely unnecessary, particularly when he goes on to say in the article  about the uncertainty of it all. 

Covid remains project fear and I fear this government continue with the trainwreck that its always been and a not so cloaked warning that we are getting fucked over at Xmas yet again. 

As for stats, we'll here some I made earlier, so get fucking isolating. 

As an aside but not unrelated, daughter phones me to say, GP's given new guidelines on referrals and NHS Consultants to only offer face to face appointments if absolutely necessary, also under a new set of guidelines. This is nothing but kicking the can down the road with those who have serious conditions and many will succumb as a consequence.

The NHS is already creaking at the seams. Telephone consultation s only a box ticking exercise in making up stats that the log jam is being cleared, when in reality it's not. 

Fucking criminal. 

No medical or public health measures alter the long run mortality rate and can only ever affect timing. 

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1 minute ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Thats the issue with this, people do lie but medical indemnity folks who are generally consulted often say you have to give the person another chance etc, its all very airy fairy and mostly outwith the control of the GP, i know at mrs ICR’s practice its a straight binning for abuse or 3 missed appointments but besides that its very difficult. Receptionists try to do this and offer advice but then go look at the arseholes on twitter etc complaining about GP’s receptionists and how ‘im not telling them anything’ etc etc. 

It is illegal to deny any person primary care. If banned by their regular GP they get put on a three month rota with other GP practices. 

They also have the right of appeal. 

Had a chuckle when I witnessed a patient/receptionist altercation whilst sitting waiting for my turn. 

It was a Friday aft and the patient turns up with a very large bag of meds from the chemist. However one of the scripts was for the wrong meds and he needed a new script now, because he had no meds of that type and couldn't do without them until Monday. Fat b*****d boulder on the shooder receptionist said the rule for scripts was 48 hours, so he would have to wait until Monday. 

The patient was not abusive nor raised his voice, just polite, but asked that she put it to the GP. She raised her voice and giving it the attitude and tried to say this poor c**t was being aggressive. On and on it went with her raising her voice even more, as the guy continued quietly and politely with his request. The GP comes walking along the corridor asking what's all the noise and immediately the receptionist turns on the water works. This poor guy was getting stitched up by a c**t. 

I was left sitting under a mushroom for another half hour and the GP re  emerges and calls me in. He apologises for the wait and asks me about what went on. So I simply bubbled the bitch big time and that she had been at it for years and would give a written witness statement to that effect. To add my GP is best mates with my young cuz who is also a GP and we all meet up from time to time socially, so he knew I wasn't  lying. Upshot of it, she was sacked for putting the patient at risk with her refusal and her aggressive manner. 

I don't really do jobsworth c***s hiding behind glass and procedure, trying to turn you over just because they think they can. 

The lesson is, not all in the NHS are saints and some of the biggest c***s you are ever likely to meet. No different from any other part of the population. 

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1 hour ago, bendan said:

If you look at the specimen dates it seems clear we peaked in the first half of last week. Today's figure is still less than last Wednesday, and the seven-day test-positivity rate is falling.

I'm sure I read on here Sturgeon said exactly this last week - she reckoned that the peak was last Tuesday.

38 minutes ago, parsforlife said:

Quite a few businesses using them now.

Even Scottish football alone must be responsible for something like 10-20,000 LFTs a week.

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12 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Oh you bloody think so????

UK won't return to normal until next year after tough winter, Chris Whitty warns



Britain won't return to "status quo" until next spring and restrictions could be reimposed this winter, Chris Whitty has warned.

Ministers are pushing for Freedom Day on July 19 despite Covid cases continuing to surge, but England's chief medical officer has hinted some curbs may return in the coming months to protect the NHS.

He added it is "going to take quite a long time to get back to normality", with virus-related hospital admissions expected to soar after lockdown is scrapped.

Officials are also preparing for a significant increase in non-Covid respiratory illnesses, including the flu, which have been stemmed during the pandemic.

It is hoped the vaccination programme will have reached enough people by the start of 2022 for deaths to finally begin to level out.

Speaking to the Local Government Association's (LGA) annual conference yesterday, Professor Whitty said: "There will almost certainly be a Covid surge [in winter] and that will be on top of a return to a more normal respiratory surge.

"It's going to take quite a long time, I think, to get back to normality and I certainly would be surprised if we got back to what most of us would see as a kind of status quo — before the pandemic — by the next spring.

"Because I think we’ve got this current wave, hopefully there will be a period of quieter Covid after that, and then it will still be quite a difficult winter, especially for the NHS – then by next spring I’m hoping slightly more into a more predictable pattern."

This guff is cont in the Mirror -

I don't know if this has already been posted but it is staggering and a real boot in the baws.

Are we going to have another lockdown during next winter, despite vaccines and probably herd immunity???

They want to continue these COVID emergency powers and then in 2022 they will try to continue them even more?

I doubt the people of the UK will stand for it beyond the 19th Faux Freedom Day.

And then there's the scientific experts calling the 19th a dangerous experiment https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/jul/07/england-covid-reopening-plan-dangerous-experiment-ministers-told

Can someone have a sensible take on all this, because this will be the last straw for many if true.



A concern I've had for some time is that, having almost zero flu this past winter, we'll be in for a bad one this coming winter. If they still insist on testing all hospital admissions for Covid, this will see a spike in people in hospital "with Covid."

I sincerely hope this is not used as an excuse to re-impose restrictions.


On a cheerier note, joined the John Prescott club today, one small step toward normality!

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This remains mental stuff. Freedom on July 19, but with a threat of reintroducing restrictions in winter and the CMO giving it the threat, that it won't mean less illness or death, but just kicking the can down the road a bit. 

Are these c***s for real? These c***s will have done the modelling, but will never reveal the best or worst case scenarios for whatever the agenda.

They will either be, we are over the worst and the future is bright, but we can't tell any c**t, because we want to frighten the shit out of them and keep them under control, or, the forecasts are seriously bad and we simply can't tell any c**t, because we would need to again delay freedom day and f**k the economy. 

Their communications all the way through this has been shit and all it does is provoke further uncertainty, which doesn't help the economy or mental health. 

Despite their rhetoric, they trust not the public, nor themselves. 


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21 minutes ago, Shipa said:

A concern I've had for some time is that, having almost zero flu this past winter, we'll be in for a bad one this coming winter. If they still insist on testing all hospital admissions for Covid, this will see a spike in people in hospital "with Covid."

I sincerely hope this is not used as an excuse to re-impose restrictions.


On a cheerier note, joined the John Prescott club today, one small step toward normality!

What? Did you go out and punch a man with a mullet?

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9 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:


If she’s looking at the data and not realising how much we are smashing this the she needs to resign.   We need an accelerated return.  There is no signs today  we’ll have a worrying amount of deaths and the only thing to change tomorrow is more people will have been vaccinated.

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