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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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19 minutes ago, Michael W said:

A fine example of goalpost shifting here, courtesy of our favourite wearer of ill-fitting suits. 

Get vaccinated and you can travel again. Except, you will get covid and also introduce non-existing variants from countries that don't have them. The lack of faith they have in the vaccine is disturbing. Thankfully he's acknowledged that he's pissing in the wind, here. 

I get the argument it's unfair that some have no choice to quarantine when they return whilst others don't as not everyone has been double vaxxed, but really we're at the stage now where I'm wondering what the point is. I am pro-vaccine and get my second dose next week, but we really ought to be seeing relaxations from things like quarantine for those that have had both doses. In time, testing should be removed also. 

What I would say is that if you're not double vaxxed and you book a holiday to an Amber listed country, you know what you're signing up for (unless Grant Shapps stops the music on red). So whilst it may seem unfair, home quarantine or no home quarantine is a known outcome. 



Drakeford needs chucked in a care home.


16 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Leitch was on BBC this morning effectively admitting that the travel ban is in place still to force younger people to get vaccinated.

Yup. Been obvious for a while now. Good to see pushback from airlines etc regarding people being free to go to nightclubs and packed stadiums again now/soon, but still having total nonsense rules for international travel. Grant Shapps is an absolute weasel who needs his head flushed down the pan.

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Started looking over the details of getting away on holiday properly this morning and found out Scotland don’t even have a digital means of proving your vaccine status like the app available in England.

Daft wee Scotland still making us apply for a paper copy weeks before travel. Laughing stock stuff compared to other countries that have their shit together.

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2 minutes ago, Abdul_Latif said:

Started looking over the details of getting away on holiday properly this morning and found out Scotland don’t even have a digital means of proving your vaccine status like the app available in England.

Daft wee Scotland still making us apply for a paper copy weeks before travel. Laughing stock stuff compared to other countries that have their shit together.

Yes, you’re correct.

However, we did receive ours within a few days of application which was not bad.

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Not that i'm advocating it, but i suspect banning anyone from Licensed premises unless proof of one vaccine would have the young team bursting through the Vaccine walk in doors.

I imagine the fear of missing a night out  would outweigh the fear of death from vaccine.  Correct me if I am being to flippant to our young community.

Much like what Leitch was portraying with his Ibiza scenario earlier this morning.


Edited by superbigal
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11 hours ago, welshbairn said:

It was never an either or thing though. Patients who entered hospital to get treated for other things were infected with covid and died. So they had to decide whether it was safer to delay treatment that would lower their immunity, during a time of rampant spread, or go ahead and take the chance. Isolating cancer patients say from the rest of the population isn't that easy, you'd have to have doctors, nurses, support staff etc living in a bubble for a start. Then another bubble for Covid patients. They didn't choose to make Covid a priority, it was a fact of life.

So to paraphrase, [cancer patients died because covid was the priority].  By your own response, people can see that the comparison between deaths is not "random". 

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10 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Yes I'm afraid it will.

I am resigning myself to the fact that even in England it'll take another year for mask-obsessing to start really dying away.

I honestly thought people were better than this but the current situation has really opened my eyes.

One of the big problems here is that taking personal responsibility for making your own decisions (keeping fit/healthy, wearing a mask or not) is frowned upon by being right wing/uncaring, whereas blaming Governments for every single COVID death (i.e a total cop out) seems to be the way swathes of the population want to go.

It should have started and ended with protecting the vulnerable through vaccines, but it's been allowed to go far further than it should have done, the sociological consequences of which last for a long time.

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Well according to Clownshoes earlier this year we were now dealing with "a different virus" so August 2020 would be accurate for the previous pandemic.

Jeez I’ve seen some awful comebacks on this thread and indeed I’ve likely been responsible for some but this one is absolutely desperate stuff.
You’re better than that shite.
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5 minutes ago, superbigal said:

Malta Cases up 1084% in last week.    Everyone loves a Brit tourist.

How will they cope with ~80% of their total population fully vaccinated!

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37 minutes ago, Abdul_Latif said:


Daft wee Scotland still making us apply for a paper copy weeks before travel. Laughing stock stuff compared to other countries that have their shit together.

Sturgeon has been very coy about vaccine passports and digital certificates which is surprising considering she would normally follow the EU example. 

I would guess the issue here is how to administer it within the devolution framework.

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That’s reassuring to know. Thanks.

I’ve a screenshot of mine on my phone in case i ever need to provide it. I don’t think anyone will need it unless it’s for private medical treatment or something similar.
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1 hour ago, Abdul_Latif said:

Started looking over the details of getting away on holiday properly this morning and found out Scotland don’t even have a digital means of proving your vaccine status like the app available in England.

Daft wee Scotland still making us apply for a paper copy weeks before travel. Laughing stock stuff compared to other countries that have their shit together.

I don't understand why the app hasn't been improved to make it more of an "all in one" app so you can scan QR codes when checking in to a pub, shop or garden centre and also why you can't log in the results of any tests that are done.

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10 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

It's getting to the point where we can't discuss anything at all now without extremists on both sides trying to turn it into a left wing vs right wing debate with lemmings on both sides jumping to defend their side.

The problem is that both sides utlimately are about population control. On the far right it's about controlling the workplace and on the far left it's about controlling the individual and both sides are pretending to give a shit about the man in the street to get support - "we'll protect society from bad rich people" through to "we'll empower you to become rich if you want". And people buy into all of this like sheep without realising where both sides ultimately want to lead them.

People really are idiots. :lol:

Anyway, I agree with you on covid. We should have protected the NHS and our vulnerable and once that was done we should have let it rip unless and until the NHS started to creak. Personally I'd have started this when cases dropped away last summer but certainly it should have been done when the vaccines started kicking in for the vulnerable.

Countless years will be lost to this madness when this is all done. Are the NHS ever going to be able to empty the backlog from this utter stupidity?

I don't follow the debate in here as most of you are utter psychopaths but you've just spent the past page shouting that someone is "a Tory" because you didn't agree with there views.... 


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