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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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5 minutes ago, Left Back said:

Shows how ridiculous the whole face covering nonsense is.

Anyone can apply for these. As you say it shows the masks need to go. 

Edited by Lyle Lanley
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11 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

They are indeed. 

I had my doubts based on the URL’s and page titles but indeed it’s linked on the scotgov website.


ETA wonder how many people wasted a couple of quid buying a dodgy lanyard when they could have got an official SG get out of jail free card.

Edited by Left Back
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When you consider the restrictions which will still remain come Monday

- Masks

- Track and Trace

- Capacity Limits of 2,000 / 5,000

- 1m distancing in schools

You could make a legitimate argument for calling them "Level 0" - the capacity limits can be relaxed on an event by event basis, and the 1m distancing in schools will be reviewed after 6 weeks.

Describing it as "moving out of a levels system" however, is misleading at best / an outright lie at worst.

Make no mistake. Call it whatever you want, but this is a level of restrictions in all but name.

Unless i've missed it, unlike previous steps, the SG have given no indication of when any of these restrictions (other than the 1m distancing in schools) will be reviewed. So f**k knows how long we will be stuck in this position.

What should have been a date to look forward to after a pish 17 months, instead has been transformed into something incredibly underwhelming, and leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

That the guidelines are not available (again) is completely amateur IMO.


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Realistically the Scottish Government won't let it go until the WHO declare the pandemic over globally and they're forced to let the emergency powers expire. It's soul destroying but I won't be surprised at all if we still have up to another year of interference in our lives, albeit blanket lockdowns etc will be a thing of the past.

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I have no idea why I need to stay 1 m from colleagues at work (school), rendering our staff base as pointless and making staff meetings a palaver, when we can all go out to the pub after and sit beside each other.

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1 minute ago, Todd_is_God said:

When you consider the restrictions which will still remain come Monday

- Masks

- Track and Trace

- Capacity Limits of 2,000 / 5,000

- 1m distancing in schools

You could make a legitimate argument for calling them "Level 0" - the capacity limits can be relaxed on an event by event basis, and the 1m distancing in schools will be reviewed after 6 weeks.

Describing it as "moving out of a levels system" however, is misleading at best / an outright lie at worst.

Make no mistake. Call it whatever you want, but this is a level of restrictions in all but name.

Unless i've missed it, unlike previous steps, the SG have given no indication of when any of these restrictions (other than the 1m distancing in schools) will be reviewed. So f**k knows how long we will be stuck in this position.

What should have been a date to look forward to after a pish 17 months, instead has been transformed into something incredibly underwhelming, and leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

That the guidelines are not available (again) is completely amateur IMO.


It’s a badly managed shit- show, lead by a woman without reproach or questioning from within or outside from a weak media.

I’m not a nationalist but 80% of family and friends are; there’s a lot of “scunnered’ folks tonight questioning why we bothered with vaccines which were to lead us out of this. 
There’s simply no  public health emergency now with COVID-19 but there certainly is with numerous other issues compounded by 18 months of this nanny- nonsense, set up to promote SNP and our glorious leader.

And to think we used to laugh at banana republic governments, tinpot dictators and lunatics currently in Belarus, when we have our very own light- touch single party lunatic state.

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Just now, David W said:

I have no idea why I need to stay 1 m from colleagues at work (school), rendering our staff base as pointless and making staff meetings a palaver, when we can all go out to the pub after and sit beside each other.

The virus no longer respects the sanctity of the school gates.  It’s learned that Swinney was full of shit.   Education is now in the last breeding ground.

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Tomorrow morning, we really should (in a better managed world) be having a 9am press conference by government addressing the plans on-

education and restoration of a full year schedule in class with formal examination timetable, to ensure the next generation don’t have some asterisk against their coursework.

Aviation and tourism; with plans on linking up on a Uk policy to safely allow travel for business, family reconciliation and holidays. No nannying or questioning why hard working folk want a week away.

Health and a plan to address drug deaths as well as a plan to recruit staff and have a laid-out timetable on reducing waiting lists for operations and consultations delayed and on abeyance.

Health and a plan on Covid-19 for the winter ahead, without fear but to bring  in the youngsters, who can ensure a safe and smoother winter so we can save NHS resources for other critical seasonal flu viruses (and not fetish over one issue).

Economy, work and “after COVID” plan to remove furlough, have business initiatives to support slow return to work businesses etc.

Instead we get some drivel and posturing about masks, asking council beaks for a crowd at outdoor events and a deflection and dereliction of duty…she really is a spineless windbag when you look at it closely.  

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The piss annoying thing is a few changes and I’d have been happy.

Stadiums - full capacity allowed, up to local authority if any Additional requirements.

Masks - personal choice but strongly encouraged in crowded places

Schools - back to normal

Track and Trace - continues. With the lack of social distancing etc and the push of negative PCR I’d double jagged continue until all over 18’s have been offered their second dose.

Binning of all restrictions- October 2021 after boosters offered (if being considered) to all over 50’s and clinically vulnerable.

Instead, Like others have said we’ve got this strange hybrid where we’ve lifted but not really in a failed attempt to appease both sides.

I really hope that OTB are quick enough to get Leitch booked in for Saturday with a few irate football fans questioning him.

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It's too late for masks suddenly no longer being used. People have it in their heads that masks are necessary to go to the supermarket etc and not sure anything she might say about letting us not use masks again will make a difference. 

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First we were told things would be near normal when the elderly and vulnerable were vaccinated, then it was when nearly every adult was double dosed, now we seem to be waiting until the boosters are here. What next? Wait until every person who normally gets a flu vaccine to be be done as well? Fck right off 

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Just now, sparky88 said:

It's too late for masks suddenly no longer being used. People have it in their heads that masks are necessary to go to the supermarket etc and not sure anything she might say about letting us not use masks again will make a difference. 

Yeah, but anyone who thinks it’s absolutely necessary to wear a mask to the supermarket can do so every day until the day they die, if they wish. They can wear them anywhere they fcuking want. Forever. Should they want to. Those of us who don’t though…. 

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1 minute ago, pozbaird said:

Yeah, but anyone who thinks it’s absolutely necessary to wear a mask to the supermarket can do so every day until the day they die, if they wish. They can wear them anywhere they fcuking want. Forever. Should they want to. Those of us who don’t though…. 

Apply for one of those cards then.  Taxpayers money well spent…

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