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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Health spend in 2020/21 was budgeted at 178bn. 


Meanwhile tax receipts were 556bn. Noting that the pandemic would've put in a massive dent, the 2019/20 figure was 635bn (rounded up) 


So we are in the realms of 28-35% of the entire tax take being spent on health. Give the NHS more money is a time honoured solution thrown with no context - how much money does it need? Start there and we can start determine why the existing budget isn't enough and how we might be able to fund it. If it's going to be another 20bn for example than another series of annoying indirect taxes, which are the government's preference, aren't going to cut it. 

Bearing in mind that chucking money at it won't achieve anything without new facilities and more staff, which takes several years. Thus can't be fixed quickly. 

Debt interest amounting to 10% of the tax take is also thoroughly depressing. 

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6 minutes ago, Rugster said:

Falkirk are setting aside a "safe zone" in one of our stands for the CEV to go to, it states 2 metre distancing at all times. It also states face masks must be worn in this area which kind of suggests they won't need to be worn in other areas of the stand? Not sure if this has been actually confirmed or not but maybe it's a hint that masks at the football are being binned?

Does losing your head mark someone out as CEV? 

Asking for Brian. 

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Just now, Abdul_Latif said:

I’m almost afraid to look.

Future plans

We anticipate that it may be necessary to keep some precautionary measures in place until early 2022, in order to help manage the increased pressure the NHS will face over the winter period. However we will review the position every 3 weeks to ensure any measures remain necessary and proportionate

Isn’t that basically confirming masks to next year? 

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1 hour ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Looking at the MSM and social media there seems to be some kickback against both testing and the completely random moving of countries on the green, amber and red lists.

6,000 not scrambling to get back from Mexico yet they move India to the amber list. UAE moved to amber yet Turkey left on the red list.

People just cannot plan for a holiday of international travel - forced to choose from a limited green list where prices have gone through the roof for some destinations.

It's just fucking nonsense now.


Im definitely not worried about going abroad, theres no exact science to their decisions but you get a general impression that just now anyway Spain etc are a safe bet because they simply could not cope with the capacity of over a million in quarantine. But yeh the change in Mexico is mad, we had considered doing a 22 night holiday if we could 14 nights in mexico and 8 in the states but the money for it was incredible so swiftly patched it, can usually get the 3 of us 21 nights in the states for about £3,200 this time of year but would have been close to £10,000 for that with the travel companies taking advantage of the back door route into the states that many are choosing. Essentially the states travel ban can be circumvented by going through Bahamas, Turkey, Mexico, UAE etc, but British Airways etc are fully aware of this and charge through the nose. Conversely doing this ‘back door route’ also means you can circumvent the hotel quarantine on the way back if you extend the stay in the states. 
That said im not sure why James Corden etc were all able to beat the hotel quarantine and get back for euro’s games etc from the states. It fully appears that its one rule for some.. 

1 hour ago, hk blues said:

I'm not sure I'd have booked a holiday in Mexico when it was on the Amber list 

Mexico was always going to be dodgy as a sole location, vaccination rates crap, poor health infrastructure and no genomic sequencing etc, surprised it didnt go red before. 

3 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

Ah, those days of Empire when we ruled the whole of South America, Mozambique, Angola, Rwanda, Burundi, the Phillipines, Ethiopia, the DRC. Those were never the days.

Don’t you remember that verse in God Save the Queen ‘Rebellious Burundi’s to crush’?

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Face coverings

Although vaccination is our best protection against COVID-19, no vaccine is 100 percent effective and we know that even those vaccinated can get the virus. Clinical and public health advice is clear that face coverings continue to be an effective way of stopping transmission.

Unless exempt for specific circumstances, the law says you must wear a face covering in most indoor public places including public transport.

The Scottish Government recommends that face coverings should be worn when moving around when it is crowded. This is encouraged for busy outdoor events.

Children under 12 are exempt from any requirement to wear face coverings, but can, of course continue to choose to do so. It is recommended that, in the case of the small number of children already attending secondary school before their 12th birthday, they are encouraged to follow the same rules that apply to those aged 12 and over to align with their peer group.

Guidance for Education and Early Learning Centres (ELC) is available further down this page.


Not looked at it in full detail yet, but that wording is interesting. Suggests to me, at first glance, that they won't be mandatory when actually in the stand, but perhaps when coming in or out of the stadium.  

Edited by super_carson
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33 minutes ago, hk blues said:

It's a global disease.  

Where I am, the major taxpayers are able to negotiate their tax payments.  You can imagine how that works.  

Piles of banknotes under the table in a Manila envelope?

…I’ve run out of coats to collect at the exits this week.

Edited by pozbaird
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Local licensing laws will apply to all hospitality though the mandatory collection of contact details remains in place.  There is no requirement to wear a mask while seated at a table or while eating or drinking (whether seated or standing).  However, to help reduce transmission risks and protect staff and customers, we would strongly encourage the use of table service where possible, alternatively a takeaway service may also be provided.”

So officially you have to wear a mask till you’ve ordered your pint, then can take it off standing in the exact same spot to drink it and speak to your pals, but you’ve then got to put it on again to walk to the pisher?

Get in the fucking bin SG!!!

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5 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

That said im not sure why James Corden etc were all able to beat the hotel quarantine and get back for euro’s games etc from the states. It fully appears that its one rule for some.. 

I know someone who flew from the US to Portugal when it was green to do his quarantine there and catch games in Seville and Rome. Then it went amber so I don't know if he managed to catch the Wembley Semis and Final, he had tickets for all three but he could have sold them easily enough. Another guy had wangled a visa for Hungary from South Africa to get round the rules, loads just flew to Dublin and on from there but I think they tightened that up.

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1 hour ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Looking at the MSM and social media there seems to be some kickback against both testing and the completely random moving of countries on the green, amber and red lists.

6,000 not scrambling to get back from Mexico yet they move India to the amber list. UAE moved to amber yet Turkey left on the red list.

People just cannot plan for a holiday of international travel - forced to choose from a limited green list where prices have gone through the roof for some destinations.

It's just fucking nonsense now.


There's really no such thing as the "Green list".

First off, for all double jagged there is no difference whatsoever now that the LFT for departure has been changed to a PCR.

Secondly, the majority of countries on the "Green list" are either not allowing tourists to come in or putting them on a 10 day quarantine and for the couple who ARE letting people in quarantine free, they're not tourist destinations at all and have no direct flights available in any case !!!

The Governments of the UK have all been very fortunate that this has been a very good Summer but that aside people are increasingly losing patience with this nonsense and the Economic plight of those in aviation and tourism will soon become very clear also.

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I took a complete break from posting on forums from February to July, just to give you all a break from my slavering pish basically. However, I said back then ‘it will be all about facemasks’. Mind you, Stevie Wonder could see that coming, so I was hardly being the Nostradamus of a fitba’ forum. So here it comes to pass - it’s all about facemasks. What a clusterfcuk it is too. The hokey cokey theme in pubs and clubs. Put your facemask on, take your facemask off, on, off, on, off, shake it all about, if you’re nipping to the lavvy, stick it on again, cos’ that’s what it’s all about…

They are still being looked upon as being some sort of magic superhero device. Without it, you’ll surely get it and maybe die. Stick a piece of cheap polyester leopardskin printed cloth over your face, bought from a stall in your shopping centre that also sells mobile phone covers, and you’ll be completely safe.

I think it’s now clearly gone way, way, beyond being a joke. It’s not even funny any more, what these utter cnuts in Holyrood are coming out with now.

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Anti-vaxxers having a head's gone over this. 


58% of the UK population fully vaccinated. And meanwhile 70% of the population has had at least one dose. Bearing in mind the unvaccinated are predominately younger people that don't suffer from covid like the over 60s do, these stats highlight just how effective the vaccines are. 

But no, 1700 fully-vaxxed people in hospital out of 35million and the Anti-vaxxers think they don't work. Screwballs.

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6 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

There's really no such thing as the "Green list".

First off, for all double jagged there is no difference whatsoever now that the LFT for departure has been changed to a PCR.

Secondly, the majority of countries on the "Green list" are either not allowing tourists to come in or putting them on a 10 day quarantine and for the couple who ARE letting people in quarantine free, they're not tourist destinations at all and have no direct flights available in any case !!!

The Governments of the UK have all been very fortunate that this has been a very good Summer but that aside people are increasingly losing patience with this nonsense and the Economic plight of those in aviation and tourism will soon become very clear also.

The pcr thing is only a request, ive become a complete travel rules geek recently and looked into this, the legality of the test required hasnt changed, they’ve said essentially that it’d be just swell if you get a pcr test but you can still get a lateral flow with the same level of sensitivity as before. Obviously PCR tests are by far the most sensitive, but they also pick up shedded viral fragments (or so im led to believe) and some other non covid viral parts too (again may be wrong but read that last week). 
Lateral flow tests are imo the best for travel from largely vaccinated countries for vaccinated travellers. The Scottish governments insistence on using CTM for day 2 testing is nothing short of a disgrace and unfair to travellers. 

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1 hour ago, Aladdin said:

We have an NHS that was barely coping under the strain of an ageing, increasingly unhealthy population.  Throw in a widespread respiratory illness and it cant function without lockdowns and other extreme measures, if you call cancellations of "non-essential" surgeries over the past 17 months functioning.

You don't come across as the biggest fan of lockdowns. If we want to keep the country open and running, how else do we pay for the increased demand on the NHS?

A: A surtax on fatties based on every point they are above a healthy BMI figure. The cost and cause of the strain on the health system (and weak bridges) dealt with in one fell swoop.

Another sound policy for a better Scotland.


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4 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

The pcr thing is only a request, ive become a complete travel rules geek recently and looked into this, the legality of the test required hasnt changed, they’ve said essentially that it’d be just swell if you get a pcr test but you can still get a lateral flow with the same level of sensitivity as before. Obviously PCR tests are by far the most sensitive, but they also pick up shedded viral fragments (or so im led to believe) and some other non covid viral parts too (again may be wrong but read that last week). 
Lateral flow tests are imo the best for travel from largely vaccinated countries for vaccinated travellers. The Scottish governments insistence on using CTM for day 2 testing is nothing short of a disgrace and unfair to travellers. 

I've asked this many times before but what is the end game here and when is it expected ?

We're in the summer, we're mostly all double jagged, the vulnerable are most certainly double jagged, the NHS is NOT under pressure, people AREN'T dying in any sort of huge numbers and the vaccine roll out across Europe has also caught up with the UK.

Yes, people ARE still dying but that's life, people are drowning at a high rate right now but do we ban swimming ?? what about fatalities on the road, do we ban cars and buses ??

So, what is likely to change next year or the year after from right now ??

Is this us stuck with community mask wearing and covid testing for travel as a new normal ??

Honestly, I'd like some answers to these questions but our media and opposition politicians don't appear either capable or interested, why ???

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50 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

Future plans

We anticipate that it may be necessary to keep some precautionary measures in place until early 2022, in order to help manage the increased pressure the NHS will face over the winter period. However we will review the position every 3 weeks to ensure any measures remain necessary and proportionate

Isn’t that basically confirming masks to next year? 

it's going to be binned in hospitality and wedding at the first review, they realise what a c**t of this they've made

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