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2 minutes ago, superbigal said:

Yes, i can see their point and see the anger against the "unvaccinated" growing by the day and of course being fuelled by the tabloid press etc.

People in general like to think that they're fair and accepting of others, however when something adversely affects them personally then they very quickly tend to change their tune.

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12 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

If we want to encourage young people to get vaccines we should pay them to get them.  £100 cash.

They're trying that in Alberta, well with C$. In a bit of a panic because they opened up before enough people were vaccinated and the hospitals are full.

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49 minutes ago, RiG said:

Proposals for the vaccine certification programme have been published:


ETA: Scheme to go live from 1 October with the app ready by 30 September. Venues will be legally obligated to restrict entry only to those double vaxed. Exemptions apply to under 18s, vaccine trial participants, medically exempt people and employees at the venues.

EATA: This will affect football grounds as even though the thresholds only apply to, among other things, "live events: outdoors unseated 4,000+ in the audience" the SG have defined unseated to mean "events where some audience members are seated and some standing".

Publishing this hours before the vote is completely tinpot. The Scottish Parliament is a joke. 

If anyone thinks that Sturgeon is anyway different to Blair, Starmer, May, Macron, Merkel, Vardakar, Obama etc they need to wake up. 

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4 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

Yes, i can see their point and see the anger against the "unvaccinated" growing by the day and of course being fuelled by the tabloid press etc.

People in general like to think that they're fair and accepting of others, however when something adversely affects them personally then they very quickly tend to change their tune.

Anger against the unvaccinated is being drummed up by the media just as it is against migrants, people on benefits and other marginalised groups. 

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9 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

They're trying that in Alberta, well with C$. In a bit of a panic because they opened up before enough people were vaccinated and the hospitals are full.

New York did it as well $100 cash

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4 minutes ago, Rugster said:

New York did it as well $100 cash

Dangerous road.

If you set a precedent for this then you'll get all the chancers (irrespective of age) holding out the next time so that they can share in the booty as it were.

Never underestimate the greed of some people.

Edited by WATTOO
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12 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Publishing this hours before the vote is completely tinpot. The Scottish Parliament is a joke. 

If anyone thinks that Sturgeon is anyway different to Blair, Starmer, May, Macron, Merkel, Vardakar, Obama etc they need to wake up. 

They're all the same whether deemed to be socialist, communist, capitalist or downright fascist.

I spent some time in the USSR and other former soviet bloc countries back in the 80's and your politburo and their mates were the only ones permitted to use the dollar shops which were out of bounds for the general population. So if you were looking for a "luxury" item such as a stick of Toblerone, a pair of Wrangler jeans or a bottle of Johnny Walker then you had to be at the top of the tree or a trusted party member.

The bottom line is that power corrupts whether it be at the local Golf club committee level or running a country and anyone who thinks differently is rather naive I'm afraid.

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14 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Currently an article on BBC about how concerned Boris Johnson is re the number of unvaccinated folk in hospitals. Another nail in the coffin of compliance with any future measures. Theres simply no way folk are going to comply with measures put in place to prevent unvaccinated people getting hospitalised. Gives me confidence that the age of restrictive measures is over tbh. 

Covid: Boris Johnson concerned over unvaccinated hospital patients - BBC News

This is another one where there is loads of smoke and mirrors going on.

They aren't giving out figures for vax vs unvaxxed in ICU. They are continually repeating that more young people are presenting to hospital with Covid but a fair amount of those cases will be mild.

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2 hours ago, Steven W said:

If the vote goes on 'vaccine passports' today goes with 100% SNP voting in favour it really doesn't reflect well on the party at all. I'm in favour myself, but appreciate that there's plenty of dissenting voices around. Surely a handful of SNP MSPs would be inclined to be against them? 

What exactly is it about them you’re in favour of? If you’re double vaccinated why concern yourself with who isn’t? Covid passports do not mean a person is immune to covid. 

Views like yours is the reason we’re 19 months into this and still blindly following everything the govt and media tells us

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What exactly is it about them you’re in favour of? If you’re double vaccinated why concern yourself with who isn’t? Covid passports do not mean a person is immune to covid. 
Views like yours is the reason we’re 19 months into this and still blindly following everything the govt and media tells us
The vast majority are neither for or against. It will boil down to how simple the system is and how well the technology works. If it's simple and merely flashing a screen on a phone or a piece of printed paper, the vast majority of people will see just do it. If it turns into a debacle there will be a backlash.

Ultimately it's going to be do it if you want to attend an event where it's requested or you don't go. It will be a binary choice whether we like it or not. I dont see too many 18/19/20 year olds stopping going to pubs and clubs because they may be asked to provide proof of age, it will simply be accepted.
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1 hour ago, Caledonian1 said:

I am going to a conference in London at the end of the month and only found out a few minutes ago that I need to proove double jagged (or negative test)  2 mins later I downloaded a certificate from NHS Scotland with QR codes that expire on this day in 2022 - very very easy.

I’m not sure what in this post is offensive enough to warrant a red dot tbh. 

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Listening to Sturgeon and Bojo previously, the appear to be at one in the same echo chamber with respect to the virus. Strange bedfellows.
Sarwar giving it to her tight. NHS is fucked. Public services in melt down and so on. Pretty much saying the virus just running out of control
More restrictions will be coming down the pipe for sure. Think we'll be needing Covid passports for entry for just about everywhere. Hearing same from my aunt in Canada yesterday. The French are already doing it, so I think its inevitable.
Sarwar makes a valid point in telling her to try and fix what is broken rather than coming up with some new restrictive system as in the Covid passports. However looking at both sides of the argument, science is saying that vaxxing does reduce spread and catching the virus, albeit it appears that the results say otherwise.
Again, all we are left with is uncertainty in terms of health, the economy and in our ability to control the virus which is now so politically weaponised, we can forget personal freedoms and improved services for some time to come. The roller coaster continues.
Sarwar "gave it to her tight". His alternative is providing proof of a negative test. He doesn't grasp that those protesting against vaccine passports are no more interested in flashing proof of a negative test as proof of vaccination. The protest is against being asked to prove ANYTHING to gain access to a venue not the content of the piece of paper / QR code. As always SLAB have completely misjudged the mood in the room and are basically proposing the same system just containing different data !
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Sarwar has a point though, theoretically someone could have covid but because they’re double jagged they’re allowed in, yet an unvaccinated person could be covid free and not be allowed in. There is no logic in that when the premise is “kEePiNg Us SaFe!!!” 
So you are all for a scheme where you have to scan proof of a negative test to access venues ?
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5 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Sarwar has a point though, theoretically someone could have covid but because they’re double jagged they’re allowed in, yet an unvaccinated person could be covid free and not be allowed in. There is no logic in that when the premise is “kEePiNg Us SaFe!!!” 

Given BoJo's comments last night it's clear that these passports are little more than a ploy to encourage people to get vaccinated rather than about stopping transmission. I get the impression they are no longer that worried about vaccinated people catching it.

Of course they can't say that, which leads to them tying themselves in knots about why they are introducing them.

Allowing negative LFTs (which as previously discussed can be easily achieved by not actually taking the test) would not have this effect, hence why they aren't included as acceptable at launch. It's also why they are targetted at nightclubs, events and football stadiums.

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22 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

What exactly is it about them you’re in favour of? If you’re double vaccinated why concern yourself with who isn’t? Covid passports do not mean a person is immune to covid. 

Views like yours is the reason we’re 19 months into this and still blindly following everything the govt and media tells us

I'll rephrase - I'm 'not against' it. 

I know you're against it - you've certainly mentioned it often enough.

I'd have thought the only people with anything to lose would be the unvaccinated (I expect you'll tell me different). The vast majority of those who are not vaccinated are so because of some utter shite they read on Facebook.

The reason I'm not against it would be we currently have infection rates at their highest in Scotland since March '20, and yet here I am having been at several football games in the past month, a gig, seen my parents, my son at school and his football etc etc - When you consider none of this was possible only a few months ago, and is now possible owing principally to the vaccines, if a 'Vaccine Passport' encourages the numbnuts who have turned them down to get one, then thats fine by me. Another way to put it would be I fucking hated lockdown, and am very grateful to those who made the vaccines and the high uptake they've had.

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11 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
16 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:
Sarwar has a point though, theoretically someone could have covid but because they’re double jagged they’re allowed in, yet an unvaccinated person could be covid free and not be allowed in. There is no logic in that when the premise is “kEePiNg Us SaFe!!!” 

So you are all for a scheme where you have to scan proof of a negative test to access venues ?

No, but I would prefer that to the futile vaccine certificates 

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