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15 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Dumped the Danes already then. How fickle.

Let's just say that at least the Danes had more baws than us in wanting people to be able to go about life normally. Maybe one day the Holyrood diddy cartel will grow up too.


4 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

For me, Scotlands divergence from England is quite simply a case of Sturgeon et al refusing to allow it to become effectively the govt stance that they no longer give a f**k about case numbers. Firstly because they cant square it with their "care more" mantra, and secondly because, and this is my opinion, they think the scum cant be trusted and need to be nannied.

And also the image that it projects of Scotland being different to England/the UK.

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1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:


"he told BBC Radio Scotland’s Good Morning Scotland programme it was also possible that people could be required to show both a vaccination certificate and a negative Covid test for some “high-risk locations”."

Get these wankers in the bin.

Can't wait to see big queues at Hampden for the play-off semi-final where everyone must show both a negative covid test and vaccine passport before entry. 


Edited by Lyle Lanley
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9 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

Can't wait to see big queues at Hampden for the play-off semi-final where everyone must show both a negative covid test and vaccine passport before entry. 


The only way the test result can ever be legit is if they are like the travel ones. Eg - the need to be approved and properly lodged against your details.

No way the government will make those free to punters.

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13 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Once these people overstep the mark and bring their religious beliefs into the public domain and start imposing them on the lives of everyone else then they are fair game.


And I don't care which particular variety of fruitcake sky fairy they believe in or how they choose to worship it. They should keep it to themselves.

Where have "these people" done this?  Specifically, where have they declared and then imposed their view that any form of pleasure is a sin?

And, why should you be permitted to broadcast your worldview but dictate that others should keep it to themselves and not bring it into the public domain?

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Saw this as I follow Cricket Scotland on Twitter. Our U19s are taking the place of New Zealand U19s (who had qualified, we just missed out). No expert but it seems that minors would have to quarantine once back in NZ (due to vaccination?). 

To me that is utterly ridiculous. Rest of the world getting on with things whilst these young lads, who worked hard to get to the tourney, miss out on vital experience and potentially fall behind other nations? Poor. 

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3 minutes ago, bairn88 said:


Saw this as I follow Cricket Scotland on Twitter. Our U19s are taking the place of New Zealand U19s (who had qualified, we just missed out). No expert but it seems that minors would have to quarantine once back in NZ (due to vaccination?). 

To me that is utterly ridiculous. Rest of the world getting on with things whilst these young lads, who worked hard to get to the tourney, miss out on vital experience and potentially fall behind other nations? Poor. 

It's not just minors, everyone has to do hotel quarantine when they arrive in New Zealand, although they've dropped it from two weeks to one week. My sister's going to have do it when she returns next week, and she's in her 60s and fully jabbed.

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5 hours ago, TheScarf said:

I'm extremely pro-vaccine and extremely anti-mask.  Am I a moon howler?

Think yourself lucky that you're not "life's vacuum., poison, absolute poison". :1eye And simp, cuck, lovejoy and bedwetter of course. :lol:

Edited by welshbairn
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17 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

On both of your points I have the same answer and it's this.... 🤣

I do love your suggestion that I am not allowed to complain about religious fruitcakes in positions of power imposing their fruitcakery on everyone else. That is genuinely funny TBF.

So you have no supporting evidence for the claim that "religious fruitcakes" declare that "any form of pleasure is a sin" and then impose that view on everyone else.

And I didn't suggest that you weren't allowed to complain.  You are free to complain about whatever you like and appear to be quite adept at exercising that freedom.  I asked why you think "religious" people should keep their views to themselves when you are allowed to broadcast yours.  

The idea that the Scottish Government (who pride themselves on their secular, progressive credentials) is in cahoots with the Wee Frees and imposing "religious fruitcakery" on anyone is a pretty wild take.

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13 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

On both of your points I have the same answer and it's this.... 🤣

I do love your suggestion that I am not allowed to complain about religious fruitcakes in positions of power imposing their fruitcakery on everyone else. That is genuinely funny TBF.

It's a bit of an aside but there is, of course, another element to the fruitcake/power and influence issue. 

Those who are so determined to ensure that the (presumably) vitally important involvement of religion in our affairs of state, from the monarchy all the way down to Scottish local authority education committees, will of course in the interests of fairness be calling for similar levels of involvement by all the other religions as well. No doubt the nation will greatly benefit from the involvement of Imams, Rabbis, Mormons, Scientogists, Rastafarians, Pastafarians, Jehovah's Witnesses, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, etc ad nauseam in our Legislature and e.g. Teacher Appointment Committees.  

I'm not for one moment suggesting that people who happen to personally hold these rather odd opinions should not be allowed to hold office; rather I firmly believe that nobody should be in any of these public positions for no other reason than they are senior office bearers in these religious organisations.  The Head of State must also be the leader of the Church of England?  Eh?  Disgraceful.  Reps of the Church of Scotland and the Roman Catholic Church being statutory members of Local Authorities when Education policy and appointments are considered? What? Disgraceful.  Bishops in the legislature for no other reason than they are Bishops? Eff off! Disgraceful.   

Frankly, I'd see more merit in having the leaders of the Scotch Whisky Association or the National Farmers Union in our legislature - at least they represent products that exist. 

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