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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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10 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

It’s been covered by a few already, but essentially whilst my ultimate dream/aim is to be independent but have someone else other than the SNP run the country, I am genuinely terrified at the prospect of them having control for a period after independence happens. People are quick to say they’d cease to exist, but I’m not at all convinced by that argument, and the idea of them having full control bizarrely has become a worse thought than Tories controlling us. I have always despised the Tories and opposed near enough everything they stand for, but the most pressing issue at present is pandemic response, and somehow the SNP have managed to present a worse case of how they’d handle it.

i get what you and many others have been saying , i myself think the SNP over reaction has been all about making scotland feel like a different country.

but have you gave thought to the idea that right wing populists, far from loving freedom, have just looked to capitalise on the demographic that thinks "this is all a load of shite and I'd rather not be forced to go along with it"

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26 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

This terrifies me. 

As I said, outside of the pandemic response the opposite is true. Prior to Covid I was a bit of an SNP and Sturgeon fanboy and would’ve loved them to be in full control. Unfortunately the pandemic response is the most important thing for me currently so until that passes I won’t be going near an SNP vote, and moving forward it has really worried me that their Covid response has hinted at their method of running a country as being a fairly controlling one.

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1 minute ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

As I said, outside of the pandemic response the opposite is true. Prior to Covid I was a bit of an SNP and Sturgeon fanboy and would’ve loved them to be in full control. Unfortunately the pandemic response is the most important thing for me currently so until that passes I won’t be going near an SNP vote, and moving forward it has really worried me that their Covid response has hinted at their method of running a country as being a fairly controlling one.

I just feel that's all very short-term-ist. I don't disagree on the points raised about the SNP, they are nannying b*****ds, but I won't ever forget the disdain that Tories hold for this country. 

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8 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

As I said, outside of the pandemic response the opposite is true. Prior to Covid I was a bit of an SNP and Sturgeon fanboy and would’ve loved them to be in full control. Unfortunately the pandemic response is the most important thing for me currently so until that passes I won’t be going near an SNP vote, and moving forward it has really worried me that their Covid response has hinted at their method of running a country as being a fairly controlling one.

Good to see you're still shifting a whole lot a nothing on this forum.

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1 minute ago, The Moonster said:

I just feel that's all very short-term-ist. I don't disagree on the points raised about the SNP, they are nannying b*****ds, but I won't ever forget the disdain that Tories hold for this country. 

Oh it absolutely is short-termist, but in the short term my life is being impacted on in a much, much bigger way by the SNP than by the Tories. I don’t want Tories in control, but I absolutely don’t want the SNP either. I’m fucked either way and it’s a depressing place to be.

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I imagine the tendency of the 'liberals' to advocate very hard and authoritarian restrictions that are more in tune with the flog em' brigade has been a difficult one for people to reconcile. It has been particularly galling to see measures such as border closures and the closure of hospitality venues at the drop of a hat being discussed as if they are mere tweaks that the government can make to a Statutory Instrument. 

It was one thing putting these measures in place in an emergency when we genuinely had no treatments and no vaccines, but the slow release and continuing of restrictions without merit was galling. To take an example away from Scotland, the Welsh were banned from indoor visits from outside of their 'bubble' until July after the January lockdown. This sort of thing is outrageous and not befitting of a decent society. 

The country is nowhere near as liberal as a lot of people thought it was unfortunately. 

Edited by Michael W
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57 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Also, as the left have been a fucking disgrace throughout, it has made me utterly disillusioned and politically homeless, essentially.


54 minutes ago, bairn88 said:

This is where I am mate. Those who my entire life I've broadly agreed with, who have, since about May, been calling for lockdowns, vax passports, facemasks in every location they can think of...all because, really, they are just thick and genuinely don't really know the effectiveness of these actions. 

the left have been a fucking disgrace for decades its just your now noticing

once for streetwise working men the followers are now servile drones cheering big state. 20 months and still cannae see an inch past their nose

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5 minutes ago, Michael W said:

The country is nowhere near as liberal as a lot of people thought it was unfortunately. 

Agreed. I think a lot of people at the moment are getting tolerant and liberal mixed up. 

I would certainly say Scotland is on the whole a tolerant country, but it has deep rooted conservative (not the party) beliefs and behaviours.

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39 minutes ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:

i get what you and many others have been saying , i myself think the SNP over reaction has been all about making scotland feel like a different country.

but have you gave thought to the idea that right wing populists, far from loving freedom, have just looked to capitalise on the demographic that thinks "this is all a load of shite and I'd rather not be forced to go along with it"

cynical, its a myth thinking freedom, liberty are sole property of the left 

the left dropped the torch miles back, youre just noticing the right carrying the extra burden

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Hasn't the Westminster response to the pandemic been just as much of a clown car driving through a minefield as the Holyrood one ?

Are posters who consider themselves 'left leaning' really now voting for a bunch of reprehensible right wing populists because they are winding back restrictions slightly quicker down south than up here ?

A caveat for the above here as I'm probably not up to speed with the latest news as I've stopped paying attention to anything Covid related on the news or social media and I'm basically getting on with it like the @HibsFan post above.

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Other than some happiness that measures have generally not been as harsh in England or that restructions were lifted faster, you're not going to find much praise of Johnson's handling of covid on here. 

It has indeed been a shambles also 

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3 hours ago, Tynie Wickfield said:

I'd settle for closing Ibrox/Celtic Park until every last amazonian tribesperson is jabbed.

That would make entire pandemic  worth it.



reported for anti-north sentinalese racism. 

1 hour ago, Abdul_Latif said:

Completely agree.

I keep hearing the argument that we can vote them out when we are independent, but I’m afraid of what they could do in the period till they are replaced, if at all.

they have become the darlings of the permanently offended, more determined to out ‘care’ westminster whilst at the same time shafting the public sector workers so they can promise everyone everything free and buy votes. Policies that dont make sense, senior politicians who are completely out of their depth. Careerism has taken over.

1 hour ago, Elixir said:

The Tories are snakes, and yet since 19 July - and even now they still have less restrictions - I would rather be living down south than up here. How do you square that circle, as left-leaning parties practically view it as a crime that England enjoyed such freedom. Give me full pre-pandemic normality back, otherwise nothing else will truly matter until that point.

The left now is entirely different, led by people who’ve never actually had to struggle through life and who think that people struggling to pay the heating bill care more about idealistic debates than actual practical solutions to problems they face, look at the way labour ripped itself apart and the infighting in the snp over trans rights policies (fwiw im very much pro trans rights). This is what happens when the academic ideologists take over, everyone spends ages arguing about daft minutiae and nothing gets done.  

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Yeah, I think 'the left' is doing a lot of work here on this thread, considering a small chunk of the SNP and the PLP, Trade Unions and about 5% of the mainstream press are the only parts of the organised Left with any sort of agency in this country.

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50 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

I just feel that's all very short-term-ist. I don't disagree on the points raised about the SNP, they are nannying b*****ds, but I won't ever forget the disdain that Tories hold for this country. 


Folk talking about pre pandemic normality, what culling the poor and disabled through benefit cuts?

We haven't voted that lot in for decades yet we have to deal with their pish.

It's all about the bigger picture.

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I was at The Garage on Saturday night. It was my first gig in Scotland since March 2020 and it felt so normal it was joyous. Here is a photo the band posted on their Facebook page.


I arrived and had to show my vaccine passport, I did stick a mask on while entering but once in the venue it was clear that like my visit to Leeds at the start of the month barely anyone was bothering, even the staff were mostly mask free so back in my pocket it went so I could enjoy the live music with some vertical drinking.

I'd have hated to have attended a gig enforcing social/physical distancing as they looked absolutely awful. Sure the music is a key thing but so is the crowd reaction and the atmosphere it generates. And comparing the above to the below I know which gigs I want to be attending.

See photos of the UK's first socially distanced concert

Frank Turner's socially distanced trial gig 'not a success' - BBC News

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