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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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8 minutes ago, HibsFan said:

Again, not to put too fine a point on this, but just because it's a real-world example that backs up my slightly idealist 'just ignore the restrictions' mantra:

Iceland supermarket boss saying two things here (and I'm paraphrasing):

1) "Yes, the regulations are that everyone who isn't exempt has to wear masks in Iceland stores."

2) "No, my staff are not going to be the ones who enforce it. They are shopkeepers, not police officers."

That's been one of my biggest frustrations with how Britain* has tried to handle this pandemic, especially last year but continuing into 2021 too.

The utterly futile public spectacle, the theatre, the illusion of 'safety management' that has played out with trying to contain an airborne, respiratory virus.

Putting the onus on hospitality workers - often on minimum wage - to enforce rules they hardly believe in themselves about vertical drinking, or substantial meals, or putting a mask on to walk ten steps to the toilets. Putting the onus on a bus driver to stop some mad anti-masker c**t from boarding a bus because he "refuses to comply like the rest of you sheeple". When the f**k did this become every person's job?

So again, just like the boss of Iceland says: you, me and everyone else know what the rules are telling us we must do. We also know that, throughout this pandemic, the people in charge have been repeatedly seen to break the rules of the day. Cummings, Calderwood, countless others.

They are nonsensical. They are not worth listening to. They are best ignored.

Don't make yourself into some sort of contrarian, 'I will not comply and the kids don't see me any more' dickhead. Just ignore it all as best as you can.

Essentially, every time I hear the Transport for London announcement telling me "you must wear a face covering whilst using TfL services. It's there to protect us all", I give them one of these and move on with my life.


Until someone with the power to fine/caution/arrest me comes along (at which point I will throw a mask on for an easy life), that will be how I go about my life.

I can't recommend it enough, disengaging with COVID and everything attached to it - including this thread since about April 2021 - has been liberating. 

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*Not just in Scotland, not just in England, probably best to keep the 'oh the SNP/Tories have handled it so much better!' chat to a minimum when both have been a fucking disaster in very different, but also at times very similar, ways.


Nonsense, go and light up a fag in the middle of iceland and the staff will be over right away to chuck you out the store, if a pub allows people to smoke they will be fined themselves as well as the individual smoking.A bus driver won't let you on board if you have a lit fag in your hand. they haven't enforced it because they have been guided not too. in other countries that have went down the mask route , rightly or wrongly, there are no exceptions, we have a list as long as long as your arm and allow people to self certify, 

All the way through this pandemic in the UK there has been little to no enforcement of any of the rules regarding individual behaviours.  they are simply being seen to be doing something

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1 hour ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

You seem to miss the part where i say i support it, i dont think there is grounds for this massive debate and infighting? The legislation should be strengthened and passed. Also at no point am I championing the ideology of conservatism in the slightest so the last section of your post however it appears aimed at me isnt relevant to me. Its actually embarrassing to see the snp rip itself apart about something that any rational person can see shouldnt be an issue. You’re framing your response to almost paint me out like im saying the tories are the good guys when thats not even remotely the point im making and indeed harks back to this thread almost a year ago where criticism of the SNP is being dismissed as support of the tories.


My quote of you was specifically on the trans part and "the left" losing sight of people struggling to heat your homes. The stuff about the Tories was based on a summary of some of the other quotes prior to yours where people were questioning the need for independence or saying that Westminster were preferable right now, so I'm sorry if it came across as though that was being attributed to you.

I'm not sure there really is loads of in-fighting with the SNP on the trans debate - many of the worst ones were low level drivel like that Chris McEleny guy from Greenock who all defected to Alba, and of what's left it's only really Joanna Cherry and a few nobodies who are increasingly painting themselves onto their own little island.

Edited by craigkillie
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6 minutes ago, superbigal said:

Cases in Scotland down again another 2.11% today.   Still rising in England.

I'm convinced you are at it now.

Cases in England have fallen each of the last 3 days since Saturday.

Cases in Scotland today actually rose 1.67%

Please stop posting utter shite.

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29 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

You seem to miss the part where i say i support it, i dont think there is grounds for this massive debate and infighting?

There isn't grounds for debate and infighting in the sense that nobody in the SNP should be against strengthening transgender rights.

However, if there are members of the SNP who are against strengthening those rights, and there certainly are, then there absolutely is grounds for debate and infighting to make sure that the correct side wins out and those rights are strengthened. The alternative to that would be to just not bother with transgender rights in order to make sure there is no infighting, which would absolutely be the wrong response.

So with that in mind, the fault for any SNP infighting on the issue certainly doesn't lie with 'academics' who are interested in 'idealistic debates' since transgender rights are not an academic debate or a daft minutiae but a reality for a marginalised group in society (which is exactly what the left wing should be fighting for).

The fault lies squarely with the members of the SNP who want to stand in the way of transgender rights.

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1 minute ago, Todd_is_God said:

I'm convinced you are at it now.

Cases in England have fallen each of the last 3 days since Saturday.

Cases in Scotland today actually rose 1.67%

Please stop posting utter shite.

You're clearly getting your figures from different sources. Think you need a nice cup of tea.

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Nicola Sturgeon has urged Scots to regularly test in a bid to prevent further spread of coronavirus across the country.

The First Minister announced during a statement to the Scottish Parliament that all nine cases of the Omicron variant in Scotland, which originated in southern Africa, can be linked to a private event on November 20. 

At present there are five cases in Lanarkshire and four in the Greater Glasgow and Clydehealth board area. 

Testing is being ramped up to halt further spread of the variant which is believed to be more transmissible, according to early reports from scientists.

The SNP leader revealed that testing locations will be made available in supermarkets, garden centres and Christmas market around

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5 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

Nicola Sturgeon has urged Scots to regularly test in a bid to prevent further spread of coronavirus across the country.

The First Minister announced during a statement to the Scottish Parliament that all nine cases of the Omicron variant in Scotland, which originated in southern Africa, can be linked to a private event on November 20. 

At present there are five cases in Lanarkshire and four in the Greater Glasgow and Clydehealth board area. 

Testing is being ramped up to halt further spread of the variant which is believed to be more transmissible, according to early reports from scientists.

The SNP leader revealed that testing locations will be made available in supermarkets, garden centres and Christmas market around

Sleep Yawn GIF

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23 minutes ago, HibsFan said:

I can't recommend it enough, disengaging with COVID and everything attached to it - including this thread since about April 2021 - has been liberating. 


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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

Out of interest, what would you do if a bus driver politely asked you to put a mask on? I'm not questioning your way of dealing with it all btw, it seems most reasonable.

In London, where technically since Sadiq Khan's announcement it has been just as mandatory to wear a face mask on a bus as it has been in Scotland, I have walked onto at least a hundred buses without wearing a mask, and not been asked by one driver.

If one did, I would put the one on that I carry with me.

I have put it on once or twice on buses when they have got very full, and also did once when I was mildly choking on a sweet and probably made the whole upper deck think I was riddled with COVID.

Anyway, back to the hypothetical of a bus driver politely asking, I'd say 'sure, no bother', put it on, and then sit down on the bus. Depending on its capacity (especially on the upper deck when it's me and two other people sat up there), I would take it off again. If it is a 50%+ or more full bus, I'd probably keep it on.

However, more than anything, I just want to reach a point where, if I leave the house and forget my mask in a rush, it isn't something I then have to double back for because no driver would let me on. That's a very different kind of exemption to a medical one, but I feel that it's nearly as important, at least in terms of getting us back to a normal society.

1 hour ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:


Thanks for summing up your post nice and early, saved me a lot of bother.

Edited by HibsFan
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6 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

Nicola Sturgeon has urged Scots to regularly test in a bid to prevent further spread of coronavirus across the country.

The First Minister announced during a statement to the Scottish Parliament that all nine cases of the Omicron variant in Scotland, which originated in southern Africa, can be linked to a private event on November 20

At present there are five cases in Lanarkshire and four in the Greater Glasgow and Clydehealth board area. 

Testing is being ramped up to halt further spread of the variant which is believed to be more transmissible, according to early reports from scientists.

The SNP leader revealed that testing locations will be made available in supermarkets, garden centres and Christmas market around

So it was in the country before then, and before SA even announced it.  Unsurprising.

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Case numbers I print as ever are with a 3 day lag and is a 7 day rolling average to ensure accuracy.   Todd can continue to shriek and red dot away.  

On a personal level he strikes me as a complete p***k.

That however is not an official stat.

Edited by superbigal
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14 minutes ago, MrWorldwideJr said:

There isn't grounds for debate and infighting in the sense that nobody in the SNP should be against strengthening transgender rights.

im glad we agree on that. 

14 minutes ago, MrWorldwideJr said:

However, if there are members of the SNP who are against strengthening those rights, and there certainly are, then there absolutely is grounds for debate and infighting to make sure that the correct side wins out and those rights are strengthened. The alternative to that would be to just not bother with transgender rights in order to make sure there is no infighting, which would absolutely be the wrong response.

punt them, get them to f**k. 

14 minutes ago, MrWorldwideJr said:

So with that in mind, the fault for any SNP infighting on the issue certainly doesn't lie with 'academics' who are interested in 'idealistic debates' since transgender rights are not an academic debate or a daft minutiae but a reality for a marginalised group in society (which is exactly what the left wing should be fighting for).

The fault lies squarely with the members of the SNP who want to stand in the way of transgender rights.

Again though its not just the snp, they were the second party i mentioned, the stuff with Corbyn and Labour is a bigger issue in terms of the left ripping itself apart. You’ve got trade union leaders who’ve never even worked in a trade now, albeit the Tories tied a hand behind their back. Anyway we’re getting away from the covid debate on what was just a segue-way away which has snowballed.  

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5 minutes ago, superbigal said:

Case numbers I print as ever are with a 3 day lag to ensure accuracy.   Todd can continue to shriek and red dot away.  

On a personal level he strikes me as a complete p***k.

That however is not an official stat.*

*now peer reviewed 

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2 minutes ago, Have some faith in Magic said:

It was stated it was from a 'private event' 


Sounds like code for a swingers party to me. 

Once again it's the Left to blame.



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Nipped into a Dobbies garden centre today for a quick bite to eat. Big queue outside the restaurant with a woman from Dobbies letting people into what looked like a half-empty restaurant one at a time. No visible queue at the sandwiches or hot food station. So, I wait patiently in line wondering if the moronic variant scaremongering has prompted Dobbies management to ‘do a Sturgeon’ and shite themselves, re-introducing social distancing and general panic.

Nope. Their big coffee machine had broken down and the staff were doing their best to give punters instant coffee from big kettles, so they were trying to stop a big queue from forming at the broken and busted coffee station.

Whew. Life is good. 😜

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