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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Just now, Lyle Lanley said:

"Cannot guarantee more restrictions won't be introduced"

They really are a bunch of arseholes. 

You've all probably discussed this but the quote from Freeman last week about the fact that she "would have hated not being in the middle of the pandemic" really gave away the thought process behind it all.

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1 minute ago, RiG said:

We've just been told to work from home if possible. I definitely fall down on the "happy to be cautious" side but it's pretty depressing to see us apparently going backwards (again).

My work emailed last week to say we'd be carrying on with our hybrid return to office stuff, even in Scotland.  Wonder if they'll change their tune now.

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56 minutes ago, Detournement said:

There are increasing numbers of adults who don't drink because of religion, increasing numbers of young people who don't socialise at all and more and more people who are very focussed on health and fitness.


You're at it.

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1 minute ago, oaksoft said:

I must have missed your post where you detailed a precise, measurable set of circumstances which would trigger the removal of all remaining restrictions.

Yes you must have, I hope that will spur you on to redouble your efforts to comply with the regulations in the meantime. 

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2 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Has there ever been a breakdown of cases, those in hospital, those in ICU and deaths for each of the COVID-19 variants?

Not that I can remember, I know transparent data should be a good thing but can already see the local papers rolling out FIRST CASE OF POTENT NEW VIRUS ARRIVES IN YOUR STREET!!!!!!!!!!

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9 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Has there ever been a breakdown of cases, those in hospital, those in ICU and deaths for each of the COVID-19 variants?

Here and there, yes. 



Individual-level data on 43 338 COVID-19-positive patients (8682 with the delta variant, 34 656 with the alpha variant; median age 31 years [IQR 17–43]) were included in our analysis. 196 (2·3%) patients with the delta variant versus 764 (2·2%) patients with the alpha variant were admitted to hospital within 14 days after the specimen was taken (adjusted hazard ratio

2·26 [95% CI 1·32–3·89]). 498 (5·7%) patients with the delta variant versus 1448 (4·2%) patients with the alpha variant were admitted to hospital or attended emergency care within 14 days (adjusted HR 1·45 [1·08–1·95])



Our cohort included 212 326 people. Compared with non-VOC SARS-CoV-2 strains, the adjusted elevation in risk associated with N501Y-positive variants was 52% (95% confidence interval [CI] 42%–63%) for hospitalization, 89% (95% CI 67%–117%) for ICU admission and 51% (95% CI 30%–78%) for death. Increased risk with the Delta variant was more pronounced at 108% (95% CI 78%–140%) for hospitalization, 235% (95% CI 160%–331%) for ICU admission and 133% (95% CI 54%–231%) for death.


Edited by scottsdad
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22 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Extra measures to stop this variant is absolute nonsense, and quite how that isnt known and accepted after Delta is utterly beyond me.

Well, they say that confession is good for the soul... would this be a good time for you to list the other things that are utterly beyond you? It might save time later. 

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5 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

It's quite hard to imagine the mindset of someone so selfish that they demand that every person in every country in the world should be kept under strict restrictions to keep them personally safe.

I have to say that if I was that scared about covid, I wouldn't leave home.

Not these selfish fuckers though.

They expect and demand that every single other person on the planet bends over for their personal needs. In other words, outsourcing your own personal responsibility to look after your own safety to everyone else. Anything else is apparently "ableist" - whatever the f**k that means.

They are happy to see kids go without socialisation and education. Happy to see businesses fold and people struggle to pay their mortgages. Happy to see everyone else with an illness have diagnoses and treatments delayed or postponed indefinitely. Happy to see countless future generations pay for all of this.

I do wonder where this level of childish entitlement comes from and what it is that convinces these deluded individuals that somehow they hold the moral high ground.

It isn't a healthy place, that's for sure.

Hear hear 

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31 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Extra measures to stop this variant is absolute nonsense, and quite how that isnt known and accepted after Delta is utterly beyond me.

Simply a placeholder to allow her to do whatever England does, should they do anything, without losing face.

An astonishing lack of leadership, that is somehow worshipped.

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Is it not about time to get rid of all restrictions and let nature take its course rather than maintaining the facade that political leaders are like modern day King Canutes? 

Maybe its been luck or a reasonable immune system but to the best of my knowledge I've managed to avoid the plague despite working throughout, being abroad twice this year , going to a number of large scale sporting events, attended concerts, been to cafes bars and resturants, etc, etc. 

I deal with risk assessment on a daily basis at work and am reasonably comfortable with accepting that everything we do involves some element of risk and acknowledging that sometimes you just have to pick the least bad option so struggle to see how even considering a return to increased restrictions can ever be seen as a positive. 

Surely increased restrictions will delay effective community based immunity whilst further damaging business and increasing cases of people struggling with mental health issues as a result of the past 20 months.?

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6 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

It's quite hard to imagine the mindset of someone so selfish that they demand that everyone in eevery country in the world should be kept under strict restrictions to keep them personally safe.

I'd put good money on most of them being fatties. For the first time in their lives, they get to moralize and point the finger at others.


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