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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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3 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

It's quite hard to imagine the mindset of someone so selfish that they demand that every person in every country in the world should be kept under strict restrictions to keep them personally safe.

I have to say that if I was that scared about covid, I wouldn't leave home.

Not these selfish fuckers though.

They expect and demand that every single other person on the planet bends over for their personal needs. In other words, outsourcing your own personal responsibility to look after your own safety to everyone else. Anything else is apparently "ableist" - whatever the f**k that means.

They are happy to see kids go without socialisation and education. Happy to see businesses fold and people struggle to pay their mortgages. Happy to see everyone else with an illness have diagnoses and treatments delayed or postponed indefinitely. Happy to see countless future generations pay for all of this.

I do wonder where this level of childish entitlement comes from and what it is that convinces these deluded individuals that somehow they hold the moral high ground.

It isn't a healthy place, that's for sure.

I assume you can google ableist, so you could post from a better informed place?  And it is genuinely hard to imagine how selfish you'd have to be not be arsed to comply, and take a weird pride in not doing so, with such minimal restrictions on your life, as we have now in the knowledge that it will impact on others.  Not to mention how incredibly hypocritical it is to endlessly wang on about excluding people and a two tier society when your recommendation is for the vulnerable or those that live with or care for them to just stay at home. 

That's a really awful if highly revealing post. Ugh, imagine being you.

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1 minute ago, Bairnardo said:

Whats the point of this post?

It's just that some folk appear unable to understand the reasons for trying to control the spread of covid, so that there are fewer new cases, fewer illnesses and fewer folk ending up in hospitals. As I think that's pretty clear, I was wondering if the lack of understanding was specific to Covid or was a more widespread issue. 

No offence meant. Everyone is ignorant about most things.  Some folk think pigtails on a man are cool. I'll never understand that.  Trainspotting? Nope, beyond me. 

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It's just that some folk appear unable to understand the reasons for trying to control the spread of covid, so that there are fewer new cases, fewer illnesses and fewer folk ending up in hospitals. As I think that's pretty clear, I was wondering if the lack of understanding was specific to Covid or was a more widespread issue. 
No offence meant. Everyone is ignorant about most things.  Some folk think pigtails on a man are cool. I'll never understand that.  Trainspotting? Nope, beyond me. 
I think I said that introducing new measures specific to trying to "throw a steel ring" round a variant thats already transmitting in the community is pointless, given what we (should) have learned from the way delta went from unknown to dominant?

You have certainly framed it a little differently there. I am ignorant as to why you chose to do so.
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7 minutes ago, williemillersmoustache said:

I assume you can google ableist, so you could post from a better informed place?  And it is genuinely hard to imagine how selfish you'd have to be not be arsed to comply, and take a weird pride in not doing so, with such minimal restrictions on your life, as we have now in the knowledge that it will impact on others.  Not to mention how incredibly hypocritical it is to endlessly wang on about excluding people and a two tier society when your recommendation is for the vulnerable or those that live with or care for them to just stay at home. 

That's a really awful if highly revealing post. Ugh, imagine being you.

Remember he compared the restrictions to the holocaust.

A grown man who thinks putting a bit of material over his face is equivalent of 6 million people dying.

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4 hours ago, gav-ffc said:

Seems a bit strange if they are vaccinated and I’d imagine regularly tested but once she gets the call she’ll then need to go up anyway.

I did as the adverts told us and went to a pharmacy as a first contact yesterday, was told my BP was concerningly high and should be seen today. Not that I could actually get a full sentence out to the GP receptionist, if I was as rude as that to them I'd get chucked out the practice.

I went to a&e but child logistics meant I left before I was seen. Triage with nurse today and bloods and BP tomorrow. So what could've been one quick appointment with a nurse has taken a nurse triage call and then a nurse apt in person tomorrow.


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6 hours ago, williemillersmoustache said:

The NHS has been under pressure for most of the year (last 2 years). Not just this winter. I'm sorry you have a different opinion to mine but if you're looking for a Freedom Day and definitive point when we can all say this all over I reckon you will be disappointed. Hopefully we won't need any restrictions next winter but we can't say that now. 

Don't suppose you've ever been a dentist?

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4 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Ummm! this Omicron variant........

Vaccination passports and masks doing their job, how is this working out for you?

......Passports and masks?


don't have a need for a passport,  never had an issue with masks.

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1 hour ago, williemillersmoustache said:

I assume you can google ableist, so you could post from a better informed place?  And it is genuinely hard to imagine how selfish you'd have to be not be arsed to comply, and take a weird pride in not doing so, with such minimal restrictions on your life, as we have now in the knowledge that it will impact on others.  Not to mention how incredibly hypocritical it is to endlessly wang on about excluding people and a two tier society when your recommendation is for the vulnerable or those that live with or care for them to just stay at home. 

That's a really awful if highly revealing post. Ugh, imagine being you.

Surely encouraging otherwise fit and healthy people to mix and be socially active will increase community immunity and thereby hasten the end of vulnerable groups having to continue shielding? 

As we have seen lockdowns and restictions may buy time but they do not seem a fix in terms of eliminating the virus. 

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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

It's quite hard to imagine the mindset of someone so selfish that they demand that every person in every country in the world should be kept under strict restrictions to keep them personally safe.

I have to say that if I was that scared about covid, I wouldn't leave home.

Not these selfish fuckers though.

They expect and demand that every single other person on the planet bends over for their personal needs. In other words, outsourcing your own personal responsibility to look after your own safety to everyone else. Anything else is apparently "ableist" - whatever the f**k that means.

They are happy to see kids go without socialisation and education. Happy to see businesses fold and people struggle to pay their mortgages. Happy to see everyone else with an illness have diagnoses and treatments delayed or postponed indefinitely. Happy to see countless future generations pay for all of this.

I do wonder where this level of childish entitlement comes from and what it is that convinces these deluded individuals that somehow they hold the moral high ground.

It isn't a healthy place, that's for sure.

A fear of social-stigma and to be accepted by the masses.  Many people will do or think absolutely anything to fit in and will actively resist any urge to think freely.

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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

It's quite hard to imagine the mindset of someone so selfish that they demand that every person in every country in the world should be kept under strict restrictions to keep them personally safe.

I have to say that if I was that scared about covid, I wouldn't leave home.

Not these selfish fuckers though.

They expect and demand that every single other person on the planet bends over for their personal needs. In other words, outsourcing your own personal responsibility to look after your own safety to everyone else. Anything else is apparently "ableist" - whatever the f**k that means.

They are happy to see kids go without socialisation and education. Happy to see businesses fold and people struggle to pay their mortgages. Happy to see everyone else with an illness have diagnoses and treatments delayed or postponed indefinitely. Happy to see countless future generations pay for all of this.

I do wonder where this level of childish entitlement comes from and what it is that convinces these deluded individuals that somehow they hold the moral high ground.

It isn't a healthy place, that's for sure.

i pretty much had they same views when folk moaned about being unable to have a pint or go see some wee shite tinpot scottish football team....me, me, me

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2 hours ago, oaksoft said:

It's quite hard to imagine the mindset of someone so selfish that they demand that every person in every country in the world should be kept under strict restrictions to keep them personally safe.

I have to say that if I was that scared about covid, I wouldn't leave home.

Not these selfish fuckers though.

They expect and demand that every single other person on the planet bends over for their personal needs. In other words, outsourcing your own personal responsibility to look after your own safety to everyone else. Anything else is apparently "ableist" - whatever the f**k that means.

They are happy to see kids go without socialisation and education. Happy to see businesses fold and people struggle to pay their mortgages. Happy to see everyone else with an illness have diagnoses and treatments delayed or postponed indefinitely. Happy to see countless future generations pay for all of this.

I do wonder where this level of childish entitlement comes from and what it is that convinces these deluded individuals that somehow they hold the moral high ground.

It isn't a healthy place, that's for sure.

Just heard today, in relation to the terrible murder of little Arthur that social workers have been doing lots of their inspections by Zoom.

That is just one small example of the terrible knock on effects of all those nonsensical restrictions.

This is not going to end well!!

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Think it's more a lack of critical thinking skills than a lack of 'free thinkers'. The self-styled 'free thinkers' are almost without exception complete cranks. Happy enough to find holes in the stuff the government says, which is usually justifiable, but less keen to question the latest crankery of the day that's come out. That's not free thinking at all; it's actually the very thing they profess to be fighting against, just from a different angle. 

As a result we get nowhere, which ironically rather suits these people to carry on as they are. It provides ample deflection opportunities when the most recent crock of shit served up by the government is announced. Aha, some people think masks in shops or worn only in restaurants when going for a piss won't lead to cases declining, just like that lot over there that set fire to 5g masts - they also don't wear masks. You're Piers Corbyn! It's basically a 'gotcha' and the criticism is buried. 


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Just heard today, in relation to the terrible murder of little Arthur that social workers have been doing lots of their inspections by Zoom.
That is just one small example of the terrible knock on effects of all those nonsensical restrictions.
This is not going to end well!!
Source ? Strange it wasn't mentioned at the trial but was divulged to you !
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2 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

What is it that people like you actually want from everyone else?

To wrap you in cotton wool?

To remove the threat of death and illness?

To make your risk assessments for you?

To care about you personally and have all policy directed that way?

To sacrifice our own life experiences on the off-chance that either you or your loved ones might otherwise die?

To wear horse-hair shirts anf flay ourselves daily in your honour?

Exactly what is it that you want from us?

I ask because clearly the last 2 years haven't been enough for you personally.

no, i don't need wrapped in cotton wool, some do, and while i respect their needs, selfish c***s like you don't seem to give a f**k about them.

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