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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Is it not the job of government to protect the NHS and provide a fit for purpose service that we already pay for via the highest tax rates in the UK? Failure on their part should not result in unnecessary restictions on the population. 
If the NHS is not fit for purpose may we need another of the First Minister' famous adult conversations about how best to fund and provide health services in Scotland. 
At this stage in the pandemic shutting bars, restaurants and limiting the scope for people to meet should be a million miles away from Cabinet considerations. 
Just look at the absolute cluster f**k that the SG has made in terms of the Ambulance service it is now common to be waiting for minimum of 5/6 hours for an ambulance.

They have made an absolute fucking mess of it and are doing f**k all to sort it. When it comes to healthcare we are now pretty much a third world country.
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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

Oh for goodness sakes. Can we not be a bit more adult than this????

An ICU is an ICU.

The important thing is to have kept covid patients well away from general hospitals.

The problem you have with this is yes you can absolutely take Covid patients to the Lousia Jordan or similar if their breathing is fucked and need ventilation or whatever what is harder to do is someone is in a car crash has Covid unbeknownst to them and eventually needs complex care. 

I think it's always been important ot understand those in hospital primarily due to Covid and those in hospital with something else and Covid, of course they could then develop a more serious condition due to Covid but would you then move them? Probably not.

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Bit of a harsh reminder about Covid here after speaking with my neighbour there.  Rather than the usual "yeah, keeping busy", I got "just back from my mother's funeral, now getting ready for my 28yo nephew's funeral who'd been on a respirator for two months since catching Covid" (I paraphrase slightly).   Merry Christmas over here. :unsure:

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36 minutes ago, dundeefc1783 said:

Just look at the absolute cluster f**k that the SG has made in terms of the Ambulance service it is now common to be waiting for minimum of 5/6 hours for an ambulance.

They have made an absolute fucking mess of it and are doing f**k all to sort it. When it comes to healthcare we are now pretty much a third world country.

Nothing to do with the ambulance service.  They can’t hand patients over to hospitals and that’s crucifying them.  They’re spending too much time waiting outside hospitals to deal with calls.

Hospitals also can’t discharge patients to community care packages which adds to the bottleneck.

System is fucked from top to bottom.  Fixing community care is the first step to fixing the entire system.  Too many people in hospital that don’t need to be there but there’s nowhere else for them to go.

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12 minutes ago, Rodhull said:

Not really. Got the Moderna yesterday and besides a sore arm and maybe being a little more tired than usual nothing major so far.

Got Pfizer the other day.  Was a lot more pleasant than my two AZ’s.  They gave me a splitting headache.  Minor headache after my booster.

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