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1 minute ago, Day of the Lords said:

Jesus f**k. He's got a series of open goals right in front of him and he's going to Diana Ross the fucking lot of them. 

It just proves how fucking useless he and his fellow Scottish Unionists are.  He's got an unopposed home run and he's going to be run out. 

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Anyone representing the truth in our parliament?

No? Fair enough.

As far as the whole independence thing goes, we are wathcing it go up in smoke here. The SNP will never get another vote from me and what should be a cast iron Yes vote would now be conditional on the emergence of a party that I thought could credibly oust the SNP as soon as the Yes vote came in.

I only say this because the thought of Nicola Sturgeon in unchecked control of this country is utterly, utterly terrifying.

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Just now, Clown Job said:

So let me get this right 

People sitting down indoors is limited to 200 

Football stadiums (which can hold thousands)

500 fans 

Makes absolutely no fucking sense 

Well there are regular indoor gatherings that involve 200 or so people chanting and singing a couple of times a week but we can't stop Jason and co from gathering on a Sunday can we. Their freedoms are more important than ours. 

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I'm clinging to hopium that the "for up to three weeks" caveat that was not present in the leaked speech has been added because they genuinely believe there is a chance they will lift these restrictions before the three weeks are up.

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1 minute ago, djchapsticks said:


I can't believe for over 10 years I went to great pains to defend the SNP and their actions and policies, fully backed them on the independence front and genuinely believed that they were actually a force for good.

Now their true colours have really shone through in the last 22 months. They've completely lost the fucking plot and with any luck, the goodwill of their voting base.

What a fucking diddy I feel right now. There's nothing I can honestly think of that would ever lead to me lending my vote to them again.

I could have written that myself. They can fucking whistle. 

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2 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

I'm clinging to hopium that the "for up to three weeks" caveat that was not present in the leaked speech has been added because they genuinely believe there is a chance they will lift these restrictions before the three weeks are up.

It’s a nice thought but I doubt it based on their history.

Hope this cow stands on an upturned plug tonight.

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1 minute ago, Michael W said:

He is fucking useless. 

So fucking useless they wouldn't even let him be a referee. 

Being a 'football man' you'd have though he would've asked why, yet again, it's football fans bearing the brunt.

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Glad that Sarwar has raised the point that we need to build the ability to cope with future variants without shutting everyone in their homes.  That point is totally lost on so many people who think that restrictions should be the default reaction rather than fixing a totally broken NHS.  

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