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44 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Plenty room to slowly increase capacities at indoor and outdoor events.

25% > 50% >75% > 100% in three week intervals, for example.

I can't see the game at Celtic Park being allowed 60,000, nor can I see them allowing bars filled to the brim with vertical drinkers watching it.

Same with Murrayfield for the England game.

Regardless of the hospital numbers, they will baulk at lifting restrictions when case numbers are high.

The Celtic v Rangers football, and Scotland v England rugby are scheduled for the same week, so they’ll need to treat both events in the same manner.  I hope they will be Full Capacity by then

It be interesting if the Ukraine Play Off was in the next two weeks and the SFA suggested moving it to Newcastle to get a Stadium Full of Scottish fans, the Scottish Government would be going mental.

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On the football /mental health issue. Those pooh-pooing it are all wrong. It isn't about standing or sitting watching a game. For many it is about the social bond with other fans, a chance to socialise over a shared interest. For many fans this could be their only outlet. No football can mean no social interaction at all for some. 

But hey, football is clearly at the bottom of the social scale and must be stopped. 

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1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:

Only that they would interrogate the data to decide what was response was proportionate after the 17th.

I noticed she changed her language from last week, which said “a period of up to three weeks” to “at least three weeks” today. She’s a fucking charlatan. She can get fucked. 

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54 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Plenty room to slowly increase capacities at indoor and outdoor events.

25% > 50% >75% > 100% in three week intervals, for example.

I can't see the game at Celtic Park being allowed 60,000, nor can I see them allowing bars filled to the brim with vertical drinkers watching it.

Same with Murrayfield for the England game.

Regardless of the hospital numbers, they will baulk at lifting restrictions when case numbers are high.

She can f**k off with that pish.  Football can stay shut down as long as we get another chance to humiliate those c***s in front of a capacity crowd…

….and I have tickets 🤬

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This isn’t new either the phoney outrage towards football 

I’m old enough to remember the tears and snorters at the fanzone in Glasgow Green going ahead for Euro 2020

Massive open space, physical distancing with table service with a 3,000 person limit in a space designed to hold 80,000 and negative LFT

That wasn’t good enough either for them


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8 minutes ago, NUMBER 7 said:

The Celtic v Rangers football, and Scotland v England rugby are scheduled for the same week, so they’ll need to treat both events in the same manner.  I hope they will be Full Capacity by then

It be interesting if the Ukraine Play Off was in the next two weeks and the SFA suggested moving it to Newcastle to get a Stadium Full of Scottish fans, the Scottish Government would be going mental.

No doubt she'll be all over that Ukraine game as well. Pretending she gives a shit.

Hope she goes and gets pelters the full game.

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40 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

My wee dad is disabled, the only time he gets out the house without my mum really is when I take him to football. Of course I try get him other places, but because he’s in a mobility scooter he (in my opinion needlessly) gets embarrassed and thinks people stare etc. So I get him to as many Bankies games as possible. The benefit for him is amazing, no one judging him or giving him grief for having a mobility scooter (people in shops etc have made comments in the past and eroded his confidence and in turn his independence). Obviously we had a season where he couldnt get to a game along with everything else and the toll on him was enormous. 
To get back to getting out, his wee escape from the world meant a lot to him and to have it snatched away potentially beyond the 17th Jan is disgraceful as there is absolutely no evidence to support it. 
Im sure there will be people all over Scotland in a similar position to my dad, where getting out to the game is their wee escape. All these sneering arseholes who say ‘oh go a walk up a hill instead’ or ‘watch it on tv’ and think just because life is easy for them that their solutions should be everyone else’s solutions can genuinely go and take a f**k to themselves. 
These people propelling themselves to a self professed superiority, oh how better they are. Whats the point in living if you can’t have a life? Erode everything and just sit in the house getting your kicks being all superior to people with concerns? f**k the lot of them. If this is the ‘righteous fair welcoming wee country’ that the SNP want to create they can go shove it right up their farter because they’ve fucked it. If you cant even get basic compassion right then you dont have a righteous fair welcoming society. 

Had to delete the twitter app off my phone after reading those horrific comments. Some of the SNP supporters couldn’t give a f**k about people’s mental health. Fucking arseholes the lot of them. 

Edited by Lyle Lanley
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9 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

Had to delete the twitter app off my phone after reading those horrific comments. Some of the SNP supporters couldn’t give a f**k about people’s mental health. Fucking arseholes the lot of them. 

Yet many of them are being retweeted without hint of irony by either SNP politicians or notable supporters/activists. The superiority complex is staggering. This is their blitz. 

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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

I said it before. Covid has really brought out the utter c**t in a lot of people.

I can't remember a period of time in the past where there was this much sneering from one set of people towards another.


It's pretty much the lifeblood of this thread.

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Re the football/mental health thing, why do these folk saying "why can't you just go without it?" think folk go? It's because it's fun and cathartic.

They will (you'd hope anyway) all have things they do which they consider to be fun and cathartic (possibly trying to get football banned, mind).

 So when, as they are in some cases, they shriek about how "the social" won't give their man counselling or how other people are vying for limited mental health treatment, they might want to consider the likely effects of their demands that this fun and cathartic activity for other people be stopped, i.e. they might find that the mental health services they are upset about not being able to obtain become even more deluged because some people cannot access their usual source of catharsis/contentment.

I make no attempt to say whether case numbers etc are "that bad that fun must be stopped", but it's  certainly the case that some folk are a right spiteful lot regards how they think other people should be allowed to spend their leisure time and what's "worthy" in that regard.

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16 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

Had to delete the twitter app off my phone after reading those horrific comments. Some of the SNP supporters couldn’t give a f**k about people’s mental health. Fucking arseholes the lot of them. 

In some cases, it's just thickness as well. They don't like football, so it is not a valid way to enjoy yourself/not important/it can't be providing that function and "even if it does, who cares how you want to spend your time? You've to do what I want"'.

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You can tell that covid is starting to get to some folk when our resident conspiracy theorist, who has spent 18 months telling us how we should be afraid we're being turned into docile, manipulated and highly controlled puppets is now bigging up the Chinese way of treating their population. [emoji1787]
Whilst sonme of his nonsense is genuine batshit mental, a lot of it is just attention-seeking. I suspect the latest contribution was the latter. Probably [emoji23]
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3 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I’m going to bet the numbers with it at the moment are absolutely massive. Both sides of my family, loads of people I know through work or friends are testing positive at the moment.

This. The upside to this, of course is it runs out of people to infect quickly.

Back in August trying to manage staff was a nightmare for a few weeks as every day there were multiple people reporting they had to isolate. Once this passed, though, there were no issues.

The same will happen again here. And you have to think it will be soon.

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