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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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10 minutes ago, Squalor Vic said:

It's unreal how people can't grasp the financial implications staying at home with a cold could have. So many people in poorer areas, on low incomes etc just can't afford to take a few days off without pay or with SSP (which is a joke anyway)...its not that easy, and tbh, staying at home with a cold is just a ridiculous suggestion 

Sadly, nothing unreal about it Vic. These people restricting us are “money blind”. They have no concept of paying bills and balancing books.

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1 minute ago, Elixir said:

If they just go back to where we were in the autumn then it's just on a par with where England is at the moment. How can they be seen to care more? Trying to enforce more ridiculous, dystopian and pointless plastic screens and one-way systems?

Yip; I’ve been loving the return of security guards at the entrance of the supermarket, directing folk on entry only/ exit only doors, protected and marked out by a line of shopping baskets lol. Especially useful in halting the airborne virus post-Christmas and New Year when the store is practically empty but the “theatre of shop doors” continues to keep us safe. 

Also loving the return of more plastic shields which cause you to literally twist your neck around them to hear the assistant and to hand over your payment.

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34 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

If it’s negative stay at home anyways…. Because reasons?

Great advice 


Sorry your flight is cancelled as the pilot has to stay at home. He doesn't have covid, but he sneezed this morning. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. 

Sorry there's barely any groceries today - a few of the drivers coughed so we had to cancel their round whilst they isolate for sevwn days even though every LFT is negative. Come back next week. 

Whilst there are some things that we should look at doing, i.e. ending the presenteeism culture that basically forces people in when they're coughing their lungs up, there are quite a few absolutionists like the man quoted who are broken beyond all repair by this. What a way to lead your life. 




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15 minutes ago, Squalor Vic said:

It's unreal how people can't grasp the financial implications staying at home with a cold could have. So many people in poorer areas, on low incomes etc just can't afford to take a few days off without pay or with SSP (which is a joke anyway)...its not that easy, and tbh, staying at home with a cold is just a ridiculous suggestion 

As long as Alan's weekly Prime delivery reaches him, he's alright Jack. Probably has a box of sanctimony on subscription. 

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49 minutes ago, Thorongil said:

According to the current numbers, the likelihood of being hospitalised due to COVID of any stripe is 0.005%.


0.005% - what's your source for that?  It's incredibly low - 1 in 20,000.  I suspect you really mean 0.5%, which would be more in accord with UK daily hospital admissions of c. 1400 and daily infections of c. 120,000.  But not totally in accord, as that would make the figure 1.2%.

I don't sympathise with the doom-mongers at all, but let's make the case for relaxing restrictions without resorting to making up statistics.

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There was an STV tweet posted here earlier, and I couldn't believe one of the replies had shared that misleading FT graph from last week with the missing Scotland and Wales data. So I wondered - what is the graph showing now... 


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10 minutes ago, Gnash said:

0.005% - what's your source for that?  It's incredibly low - 1 in 20,000.  I suspect you really mean 0.5%, which would be more in accord with UK daily hospital admissions of c. 1400 and daily infections of c. 120,000.  But not totally in accord, as that would make the figure 1.2%.

I don't sympathise with the doom-mongers at all, but let's make the case for relaxing restrictions without resorting to making up statistics.

In 3 days in Scotland the hospital total has increased by 288, whilst 55,000 cases have been recorded. 

I did of course mean 0.5%. Apologies. But again I would point out that the real percentage is far, far lower in reality due to the amount of untested infected people and the fact that people are being recorded in the COVID hospital numbers despite not requiring hospital treatment for COVID. 

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Just tested positive on lateral flow, feels like I've got a bad cold (been couple years since one of them!) and a bit achey/shivery earlier but seems manageable. Just in time for going back to work tomorrow, baws.
I feel utter pish, think we need another lockdown.
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1 hour ago, Clown Job said:

If it’s negative stay at home anyways…. Because reasons?

Great advice 


These c***s are off their heads. If I took a day off everytime I had a runny nose I'd never be in bloody work.

I do a ton of beak though right enough  so it's constantly running. 

And I don't work.


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1 hour ago, Ginaro said:

There was an STV tweet posted here earlier, and I couldn't believe one of the replies had shared that misleading FT graph from last week with the missing Scotland and Wales data. So I wondered - what is the graph showing now... 


I couldn’t believe it but the Falkirk FC CEO (‘SNP member’ in his Twitter bio) was liking that nonsense graph on his Twitter last week along with associated Bella Caledonia commentary.

I’m sure everyone who shared that nonsense will share this one in the interests of balance…

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This Utah tech CEO having a very normal one.


The email by David Bateman, shared with FOX 13 by numerous sources, begins with the subject line "Genocide."


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14 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Sounds plausible.

They are really going baws oot though by vaccinating all countries to take America over.

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1 hour ago, PedroMoutinho said:

I couldn’t believe it but the Falkirk FC CEO (‘SNP member’ in his Twitter bio) was liking that nonsense graph on his Twitter last week along with associated Bella Caledonia commentary.

I’m sure everyone who shared that nonsense will share this one in the interests of balance…

I do enjoy the delicious irony of those sharing the graph which is clearly missing days of data with crap like 'restrictions are working', 'Scotland is doing better' etc. etc.

These are the very same people who rail against misinformation and fake news and they are perpetuating it themselves. You couldn't make it up.

I guess its fine when it suits their political interests. 🤷‍♂️

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The travel industry is now calling for all testing requirements as a condition of travel to be removed.

Lessons learnt here. The last 12 months in particular since vaccine rollout has been for nothing in terms of test on deptarture/return. It's obvious that you cannot stop the spread if a variant has the perfect set of attributes to become dominant.

There's going to be some amount of pushback on this from labs with cushy government contracts though. This is their summer bread and butter when cases and tests in the general population drop off. These are the same people and firms who will call the heads of the travel industry greedy over the next few hours and days in response to this whilst sweating bullets that their own newfound wealth is at risk of continuing. 

Edited by djchapsticks
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