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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 hour ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

I think we need to stop all the testing.

I'm constantly reading on here of people feeling a bit flu- like and rushing to take tests.

Why? What’s the point?

If you’re not seriously ill, just ride it out.

I’m surprised that people are still testing as well tbh. If I get a runny nose and a sore throat I won’t be staying in the house for 10 days I’m afraid.

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Mind the Sridhar's of this world were saying how places like New Zealand could have travel bubbles with other 'Zero Covid' countries. Lasted about four days.

Some of the grifting from the 'experts' throughout has been unholy.

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Is he implying that the mask stopped him getting Covid?
There must be tons of folk that are triple vaxxed that hasn't had Covid.
I'm certainly one of those who have had three jags and haven't (knowingly at least) had Covid, and that's with my wife and daughter having had it at different times.

I've hardly tested myself during the last two years, so there is always the possibility that I have had it and was completely asymptomatic.
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Just now, peasy23 said:

I'm certainly one of those who have had three jags and haven't (knowingly at least) had Covid, and that's with my wife and daughter having had it at different times.

I've hardly tested myself during the last two years, so there is always the possibility that I have had it and was completely asymptomatic.

Same here.  Mrs. B hasn’t knowingly had it either.  Neither of us has either had symptoms or a test.

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5 hours ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

I’m surprised that people are still testing as well tbh. If I get a runny nose and a sore throat I won’t be staying in the house for 10 days I’m afraid.

I haven't been feeling great for the last 3 days, sore throat, sinuses etc. Tested negative both Tuesday and Wednesday, however I tested positive this afternoon. 🤨

I'm not working for now so will lie low for a few days drinking beer and wine and hopefully I'll test negative (twice) in 5/6 days.

My main concerns are for my Mother and Wife. Mother is almost 83 years old and as such very vulnerable. I wont mention anything as she'll just worry and she's not showing any symptoms. She will have to take a LFT before she goes to her day care so gonna wait for that unless anything changes.

Mrs b-l has major issues with her asthma and needs medication every day to manage it, hence why I (we) need to be careful. 

As it stands for me it's more like a car accident that wasn't your fault, however you still have to deal with the shit, now that it's happened.


Malt whisky has made me change some of the text. 


Edited by broon-loon
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Never had covid as far as I know even before I was triple vaxxed. Neither have my wife (triple vaxxed) or daughter (unvaxxed).

The 'rona  is rife at her school but she's never tested positive. Off today with a sore throat and cough but tested negative so far. Will test her again tonight but if that's negative she's going back in tomorrow. 

Wife and bairn both had the flu in Dec 19 but that is unlikely to have been covid if it wasn't here until the January.

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I've had 2 jabs, while the Mrs and most of my local extended family have had 3, apart from my brother, who along with his Mrs and son decided not to get it.

My brother's Mrs caught the rona at work early on (she's a nurse), and my triple-jagged mum has had it twice, but other than that to my knowledge the rest of us have escaped the plague. Is it really that unusual not to have had it? Throughout the whole thing, I'd say a small minority of my family and friends/colleagues have been struck with it.



(family outbreak incoming)

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Farrar noted one problem is that while some people may argue the pandemic is now in the past, and the situation in the middle of the pandemic was exaggerated, others believe it’s far from over.

“And so the tensions, I think, within societies are going to be very difficult to handle,” he said.



Not likely, when no single fucks will be given about the psycho brigade and their irrational terror. 

If they don't like it, they can just weld themselves into the house. Nothing of consequence will be lost. 



Farrar added that while he agreed it is time to begin easing Covid restrictions in the UK, he is in favour of keeping some measures.

“I would be in favour of continuing for instance, mask wearing on public transport, in enclosed spaces, etc,” he said. “And I would be pushing ever harder on trying to encourage people to be vaccinated, get their boosting doses, and make sure that everybody has access to the vaccines from a UK perspective.”


Shame then that you were already sent spinning out of the loop and out to Gurdasani levels of relevance back in November then. Unlucky. 


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3 hours ago, oaksoft said:

That person is terrified of covid......but not so terrified that they'll give up munching cheeseburgers. 🤣

Oh and I'm triple vaccinated along with all of my family.

None of us has had covid yet.

Being anti-social definitely helps but we've probably been unbelievably lucky too.

You also could have had it and just not known given how many people bat it off with no symptoms.


2 hours ago, oaksoft said:

If you want a laugh, have a read of some of the comments from people supporting this stuff and wishing we were doing the same as China.

Everywhere you look, there's insanity, from China to New Zealand and everwhere in between. 🤣

The Psycho Brigade are genuinely on the same wavelength as the anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theorists at this point. Even once the next couple of years pass and all cause mortality remains at pre-pandemic levels, with people not dropping down dead with LoNg CoViD and brain explosions or whatever nonsense they believe in, I wonder if they'll finally be able to move on.


2 hours ago, Zetterlund said:

I've had 2 jabs, while the Mrs and most of my local extended family have had 3, apart from my brother, who along with his Mrs and son decided not to get it.

My brother's Mrs caught the rona at work early on (she's a nurse), and my triple-jagged mum has had it twice, but other than that to my knowledge the rest of us have escaped the plague. Is it really that unusual not to have had it? Throughout the whole thing, I'd say a small minority of my family and friends/colleagues have been struck with it.

(family outbreak incoming)

If me or the missus have had it, we're certainly none the wiser. Same goes for my folks.


2 hours ago, bennett said:



Move along, nothing to see here, etc.


2 hours ago, virginton said:


Not likely, when no single fucks will be given about the psycho brigade and their irrational terror. 

If they don't like it, they can just weld themselves into the house. Nothing of consequence will be lost. 

Shame then that you were already sent spinning out of the loop and out to Gurdasani levels of relevance back in November then. Unlucky. 


Farrar is a fucking clown.

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The return to work has definitely begun. My commute through Edinburgh was bliss over the last 2 years, but this week (today in particular) has been brutal. Cars everywhere.
Bring back lockdown [emoji102]
This ^
f**k off and stay home office cuntos
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