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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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12 hours ago, Scosha said:

Dunno if it was just a coincidence or not but was in Nando’s this evening in Glasgow and not a mask to be seen amongst any customers coming and going. 

Sounds extra cheeky.


3 hours ago, Hard Graft said:

Had to laugh when Sturgeon mentioned that people involved in "Track and Trace" would be losing their jobs.  Pity she did not show the same compassion to those in the hospitality industry when she repeatedly shafted them.

I think you'll find she makes no apologies for keeping people safe!


3 hours ago, scottsdad said:

BBC Scotland this morning interviewed two folk from the shielding community. 

I wasn't expecting quite so much anger, but the two who were on were furious. As far as they see it, removing these "protections" is discriminating against the disabled. It's a human rights violation.

This will be why Sturgeon has been dreading this moment for so long. Knowing it will be seen as an act of betrayal for these people. Nae luck.


2 hours ago, scottsdad said:

Imagine spending years at university, learning. Imagine then getting a prized place as a PhD student. Then imagine that your job is to collect and count hamster sperm. 

Full on, SAS style counterterrorism suit respirator. Absolute mutant.

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It's worth noting that we never saw scenes like in Hong Kong in recent weeks on ole 'Plague Island'. It's almost like the reality of mitigation and not the pursuit of fantasy elimination was the only option. I wonder if that will ever become apparent to certain grifting scientists.

Beijing will also be absolutely shitting it over this potentially happening all over mainland China. You have to wonder if they'll truly become North Korea esque in terms of no-one in or out for years to come because of it, or if they'll let the inevitable happen after the CCP congress later this year.


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19 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

A bit of perspective

75 Covid-related deaths (not necessary deaths as a result of contracting it) out of 1,152. Excess deaths well down. 

Surely this counts as low risk, unless we as a nation have decided to abolish death completely.

Sturgeon would try and push for that IMO.

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22 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

A bit of perspective

75 Covid-related deaths (not necessary deaths as a result of contracting it) out of 1,152. Excess deaths well down. 

Surely this counts as low risk, unless we as a nation have decided to abolish death completely.

Which makes having to wait another four weeks before this utter pish is launched into the sea even more of a joke. It should have been binned immediately. Sturgeon will be absolutely desperate for the Pi variant to emerge.

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The ONS gold standard showing rising/higher infection rates in Scotland than decreasing/lower reckless England. Deary me, what a minter that is for the Scottish Government and their advisers.


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3 hours ago, Ron Aldo said:

It's slightly ironic that a large number of the Track & Trace workers only started working there after losing their previous jobs due to various Covid measures.

Sturgeon didn't seem to give to give a toss about these people previously when she was shutting down sectors of the economy and begging for money to close even more. It's rich of her try and use them now to highlight how reckless the Tories are apparently being.

I haven't seen anything about this - have the number employed in T&T been used as an argument for continuing restictions?  Surely not.

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10 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Humans come together when it suits but are otherwise independent creatures.

I disagree, I think we are highly social. Which is why lockdowns were so terrible.

11 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

people didn't generally give a shit about the vulnerable pre-2020 and they'll go back to not giving much of a shit now that it's over

Perhaps, however maybe us all being vulnerable, to an extent. Will have changed the mindset of some and even if folk don't give a shit I'm sure we can't really be that pissed off with folk who are concerned about day to day life voicing those concerns.

Thankfully charities rely on people who do give a shit about all sorts of things that don't effect them otherwise.

14 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Humans are brutal I'm afraid but at least we do try.

We try, we can try harder.

As an example a whole load of folk destroyed the sunflower lanyard scheme, I would argue for selfish reasons. 


In the end I think government and business are the big winners from individualism.

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17 minutes ago, The Master said:

TfL are scrapping their mask requirement from tomorrow.

Someone needs to do an FOI to find out why it's (officially) being kept here for another month. 

Presumably so the when first case of the next variant is confirmed in the UK before the 21st of March she can say 'right masks and vaccine passports are mandatory again'.

She's given herself a months wiggle room as she probably believes cases will rise again before then.

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1 hour ago, scottsdad said:

A bit of perspective

75 Covid-related deaths (not necessary deaths as a result of contracting it) out of 1,152. Excess deaths well down. 

Surely this counts as low risk, unless we as a nation have decided to abolish death completely.

Whilst the general point is right, the excess deaths are being compared to 2016, 17, 18, 19 and 21 which isn't ideal given the massively increased mortality in the first two months of 2021 will skew it a bit higher. But even when taking 15-19 instead we are still seeing some excess coming through for every week so far - standardising for the age of the population, mortality in the first 6 weeks of the year is pretty much the same as the first six weeks of 2020.


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I haven't seen anything about this - have the number employed in T&T been used as an argument for continuing restictions?  Surely not.
Not an argument for restrictions, as such, but NS made a point in yesterday's briefing that doing away with T&T would result in a number of people losing their jobs. While that unfortunately might be the case, it shouldn't be a reason to keep it in place if its no longer required.
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5 hours ago, scottsdad said:

BBC Scotland this morning interviewed two folk from the shielding community. 

I wasn't expecting quite so much anger, but the two who were on were furious. As far as they see it, removing these "protections" is discriminating against the disabled. It's a human rights violation. 

I think the point really needs to be made - nobody is forcing people to take off masks. If you feel safe with one on, keep it on. If you feel safer not going to the shops, don't go to the shops. If you don't feel safe at a concert/football match/meeting, then don't go. 

Just because the narrative is about ending the legal requirements for these things doesn't mean they are banned. Masks will carry on for many. 

Didn't see the interview so can't comment on what the interviewees said, but your points are spot on.

I'm on the shielding list, and have adjusted what I do slightly, mainly doing my shopping early in the morning. I do the occasional LFT test in case I'm asymptomatic. I know that, if I catch covid, I have a contact number to ensure I get the anti virals as quickly as possible to give me the greatest chance of not getting seriously ill. In short, there's plenty of stuff there to give you the best protection you can get.

The disabled are discriminated against in many ways, but the lifting of restrictions is not one of them, and protesting against them does their cause no good.


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1 minute ago, Ron Aldo said:
40 minutes ago, ICTChris said:
I haven't seen anything about this - have the number employed in T&T been used as an argument for continuing restictions?  Surely not.

Not an argument for restrictions, as such, but NS made a point in yesterday's briefing that doing away with T&T would result in a number of people losing their jobs. While that unfortunately might be the case, it shouldn't be a reason to keep it in place if its no longer required.

Reminds me of the probably apocrychal story about the Berlin Wall.  Some Western news team asked an East German soldier what he thought of it all - "terrible, I'll lose my job" he said.

These jobs were always going to be temporary in the first place.

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Went for my antigen test for flying to the US tomorrow and got the results back within an hour as 'unclear'. Randox then said I'd need to pay for another one and it'd need to be a PCR rapid test which I done but in the meantime I went elsewhere and got another antigen because I didn't trust them not to mess it up. So another £80 down and I'll complain to Randox when I'm back home but lesson for the day is anyone travelling to the US and needing the test the day before book it for the morning as if you do it late on and get an unclear result back after everywhere is shut then you're possibly fucked.


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