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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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6 minutes ago, WeAreElgin said:

I genuinely thought track and trace or whatever it's called finished ages ago. I haven't checked in at a restaurant or whatever in well over a year!

I don't think I ever have.  When asked I've just gone 'aye no bother' then not done it.

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Commenting on the First Minister’s Covid-19 update to the Scottish Parliament, Dr Liz Cameron CBE, Chief Executive of the Scottish Chambers of Commerce said:

“Scottish businesses were looking forward to returning to greater normality and the decision to delay the removal of all remaining Covid-19 restrictions will come as a bitter disappointment.

“Further delay will put Scotland’s recovery into reverse gear again, create confusion, dent business confidence, putting the buffers on economic growth.

“The Scottish Government’s strategic framework recognises that the success of the vaccine rollout minimises the risk of serious illness and should enable Scotland’s businesses and individuals to begin living and working with increasingly normality alongside the virus.

“Businesses cannot continue to operate with the start-stop lever being pulled just weeks apart, with no clear confirmation as to what the triggers driving decision making are.

“Businesses have invested millions throughout the course of the pandemic to keep their customers and employees safe and with Scotland falling behind other parts of the UK when it comes to the removal of restrictions, putting trust back in individuals and businesses to manage the health and safety of workplace environments and behave sensibly is becoming increasingly overdue.

“The Scottish Government must commit to the removal of all remaining restrictions as soon as possible whilst providing greater detail on what triggers sit behind the decision-making process to protect consumer and business confidence in the meantime.”


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34 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Looks like his MP played him like a fiddle - pretending to care about getting restrictions removed but secretly wanting them increased.

Yep, I remember that well. Sat down with Mason for about an hour with a whole list of questions and Mason was agreeing with him.

Now the swine is asking for MORE restrictions.

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51 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

No one voted for this pish, they are taking it upon themselves to throw around arbitrary legislation which affects peoples lives with no tangible benefit and never having to justify their actions. It’s simply not right. 

YOU voted for this pish.  When Sturgeon declaimed herself 'Chief Mammy' in 2018 it was clear she had lost the plot and was on a self-aggrandising ego-trip.  Everything has got worse since then.

Yet despite 15 years of dreadful governance in Scotland - a preview of how iJock will look - you still want a tartan curtain pulled across Britain from the Solway to the Tweed.

Hell mend you.

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2 minutes ago, Glennie said:

who is 'we'?

anyone making the decision to follow 'isolating' shite and any other covidmania restrictions deserves all they get

My daughter has it and I'd rather she didn't infect the school, also if I subsequently get it and don't stay off work, I'd suggest they'd be pretty annoyed as the hospitality industry doesn't need people working in it knowinly spreading it.

Yes maybe I a a sheep. But I need my job.

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Just now, RH33 said:

My daughter has it and I'd rather she didn't infect the school, also if I subsequently get it and don't stay off work, I'd suggest they'd be pretty annoyed as the hospitality industry doesn't need people working in it knowinly spreading it.

Yes maybe I a a sheep. But I need my job.

youre being held hostage by psychopaths peddling hysteria, and going along with it

as i said, you deserve all you get

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The SNP are so desperate to implement the worlds biggest liberal nanny state.

Honestly fear for what other nonsense they will put in to place over the coming years.

Next calling someone fat will come with a 5 year jail sentence.

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Listening to the Times daily podcast about children who haven’t returned to school post lockdown. Really sobering, apparently 100,000 children have dropped out of schooling during the pandemic.
There are several interviews with parents, one whose child was refusing to go back and another whose mother refused to send him back as she didn’t think it was safe. Very sad but the second example especially you could tell the mother was feeding the kids anxiety and probably contributing to their problems.
We have several parents who have refused to send their children back to school since last summer.

Some of them are also the ones who rarely sent their kids to school pre-lockdown.
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On masks, there are several issues t play here. The first is the genuine real world evidence that they make no difference. The UK is an excellent example of this - parts dropped their masks (England) and others kept them, and it made no measurable difference to case rates. You might then think that Scotland ditching them would make no difference. 
But then you get the lab experiments. i posted on here a while back about some talking head or other on radio who had read a paper stating that masks cut Covid transmission by something like 83%. In lab conditions i am sure it did - but Scottish cases were not 83% lower than England's.
Away from the science, we have ideological thoughts on the masks. Some say "It's just a mask, what's the fuss?". Others find them dehumanising, and they can cause a range of minor side effects such as skin irritation - especially for workers who wear them all day. The dehumanising issue is the one for me. We have babies and toddlers who have barely seen a human face outside of their immediate family that isn't covered over. How is that leading to a healthy integration into society? It won't. 
As soon as you had self-diagnosed exemptions masking as a strategy was fucked.

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2 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

We have several parents who gave refused to send their children back to school since last summer.

Some of them are also the ones who rarely sent their kids to school pre-lockdown.

The two cases discussed on the podcast were one a kid in Islington who came from a middle class home and was now a school refuser.  Pre-pandemic he'd been doing well at school, no issues with attendance but now he just didn't get out of bed.  The other case was a boy whose mother wouldn't let him go back because it wasn't safe, she said that the risks were too high, Germany had HEPA filters and mandatory masks but we don't have that so she wouldn't send him in.  Second mum said that her son was mildly autistic and had been obsessed with the stats and numbers about Covid, which made me think that she had probably got really into it as well and while perhaps being well intentioned might not be helping her son.  The whole thing was just a bit sad.

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