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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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12 hours ago, Hillonearth said:

You managed to get that out of the bit you bolded in the quote - especially the second half? I'm literally saying the opposite - the majority of people DIDN'T bother their arses with restrictions that made zero sense.

KInd of proves the point I was making about the more trenchant types at either end of the scale though, so by all means you're welcome to go off like a landmine full of diarrhoea.

Looks like covid can sometimes lead to an acute loss of sense of self-awareness.

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On 20/04/2022 at 09:55, superbigal said:

Well I finally became one of my own stats. Horrendous cough on Monday. Negative.
Turned into a cold yesterday so convinced that's all it was.
However positive test today. To be fair its a beautiful day to be sitting with covid in the back garden.
My weeping cherry I planted when I moved in back in 2007 is magnificent. Beastly underneath not letting the birds feed.20220420_094944.jpg

Brave posting that whilst advertising you'll be stuck there for a few days 😉

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One in four patients in intensive care units in Scotland were there primarily for Covid, a report has found.

Public Health Scotland said that in a further 14% of patients, the positive test may have contributed to admission, though it was not the main reason.

The study found that for 60% of admissions since 1 January, a positive Covid test was "coincidental".

The data showed only 20 patients were currently in ICU - suggesting around only five were primarily due to Covid.

Covid may have contributed to a further three admissions, although it was not the main reason.





Edited by NorthernLights
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9 hours ago, oaksoft said:

Now THAT made me laugh out loud. 😆

I misread your original post but I'm sure I'll survive the embarrassment.

On the positive side, I seem to have upset just the right type of people with that post. 😆

TBH I did wonder if that had been the case, but there are so many hair-trigger irrational responses elicited on both sides of the Great Divide by now I wasn't sure.

Figured it was somebody seeing the word "precautions" in my initial post and going thermobaric...that being said even when I was talking about precautions I was more meaning doing what I reckon most folk have been doing - a quick size-up of cost v. benefits and not doing anything that your gut reaction is that it seems dumb. I'd like to think the majority of people are intelligent enough to make their own decisions without recourse to government diktat.

An example: in December we got an invite to one of my missus' workmates daughter's engagement. Wasn't a huge draw anyway as we'd only know a handful of folk there, and on top of that from talking to her we knew ahead of time they were one of those mad extended families that seemingly had been playing pass the parcel with the virus since Day One.

Given their history, there was a sense that the evening wouldn't involve many fucks being given and also that one of us catching it might put the kibosh on Christmas for the second year running - her old man's immunocompromised due to arthritis medication he's on - so we said we already had something on that night. No big deal, and sure as f**k it transpired that one or more of those who did go turned up riddled and gave it to half the venue.

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17 hours ago, oaksoft said:

And these people wonder why conspiracy theories develop. 😆

Any reasonable person would conclude they've deliberately withheld that information to keep the pandemic uppermost in people's minds.

It reminds me of the comment I made a few months back. Sturgeon and her mates have led vulnerable people up a mountain of fear for political reasons and then, when it suited them, they've dumped them on the summit and left them to find their own way back down again. It's unforgiveable.

Clearly, such honesty and transparency will build confidence and trust in public health! I'm sure the personal and political motivations driving these past two years won't lead to any negative future outcomes!

For example, 'The Science' in action:

Bring back for four days, cases 'level off', then back in the bin. The Democrat States are mental. It used to be the Republican States that were bat shit.

Edited by Elixir
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12 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Is  that a bit like Main Player Syndrome?

who just cannot get out of the habit of trawling the internet 24 hours a day and posting the most obscure tweets to highlight that they have been the world authority on the pandemic all along (sometimes adding a "hilarious" picture of Colin Montgomery or Neil Warnock which has all the other main players pissing themselves , although to be fair most of his main player mates have given up on this thread now)

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