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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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36 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Think it’s a wee dig.  I’m sure Ted is a fine upstanding citizen but there will be some self-employed folk who will try it on, particularly if they are paid a lot in cash.

My contacts in HMRC tell me this is flushing a few tax avoiders out the woodwork they'd struggled to pin down before. A lot of intelligence being gathered for future reference.

Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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6 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

I wonder if anything is being done to cross reference the number of new hospital admissions and the 15,000 people still flying into the U.K. each day.

They cant even count care home deaths down south so i very much doubt it 

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3 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

My contacts in HMRC tell me this is flushing a few tax avoiders out the woodwork they'd struggled to pin down before. A lot of intelligence being gathered for future reference.

Good.  Tax dodging b*****ds.

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1 minute ago, doulikefish said:

They cant even count care home deaths down south so i very much doubt it 

Doubt they're flying from countries more virulent than ours to make it a problem anyway. If there are any.

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3 hours ago, DrewDon said:

Fair play to my next door neighbours' daughter, who arrived with shopping for her elderly, high-risk parents about two hours ago and has since decided to join them for a coffee and a chat in their back garden. It's not the first time since lockdown, either. Maybe she's after the inheritance. 

Similar on my neighbours. They’re early 70’s and in good health. Their grandson (mid 20’s) comes around every other night and they all sit in the garden chatting for half an hour or so. More acceptable than the junkie over the other side who had a “pal” in the house earlier, and now they’ve went out somewhere 

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5 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

My contacts in HMRC tell me this is flushing a few tax avoiders out the woodwork they'd struggled to pin down before. A lot of intelligence being gathered for future reference.

Tax avoiders are the very worst among us. I’d like to see them get absolutely hounded by the media and general public and treated with as much disdain as drink drivers and nonces. Utter vermin. 

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1 hour ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Nurses, doctors, police, firefighters, prison staff, supermarket workers..


Bank staff & don't forget the junkies who seem to be multiplying by the day in Glasgow.

Edited by WATTOO
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2 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I watched the STV news there. £43million for a “hospital” that probably won’t get used. What a white elephant and yet another example of the OTT behaviour involved with Coronavirus 

It's a necessary precaution as we're talking about life or death here.

If the country can afford the hundred billion minimum for a rail line that we DEFINITELY don't need, then £43 million for a hospital that we may well need seems like a very small price to pay.

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9 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I watched the STV news there. £43million for a “hospital” that probably won’t get used. What a white elephant and yet another example of the OTT behaviour involved with Coronavirus 

Not necessarily aimed at you but posted this a while back.

On 01/04/2020 at 20:51, welshbairn said:

Utter fuckwits who can't get their head around why they're making space in hospitals can't lose, apart from maybe dying a horrible death. If social isolation works and capacity doesn't get overwhelmed, they'll say told you so, what was all all the fuss about. If it doesn't and there are folk dying without care in the corridors, they'll say told you so, social isolation was a waste of time, as they cough their last breath.


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14 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I watched the STV news there. £43million for a “hospital” that probably won’t get used. What a white elephant and yet another example of the OTT behaviour involved with Coronavirus 

Aye, we.should all just nip down The Winchester until this blows over....oh wait!

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