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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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My pal who works in ICU in Paidley says the NHS is coping fine, some hospitals got to capacity a couple of weeks ago but there was capacity elsewhere, now it's not an issue unless a big second wave hits.
The Scottish Government seem to be doing a reasonable job in terms of support for the vulnerable throughout this, although the picture could be different in the front line.
Social distancing remains a joke though, they should put signs on lampposts and start fining people to make an example. Way too many people just not giving a shit about passing very close despite me being as far away as possible in a path/pavement. There's been a significant increase in bams on bikes on pavements as well, infuriating when the roads are practically empty.
Was actually wondering about this earlier today. The horror stories from frontline workers seem to have dried up. Theres still .most likely massive ppe issues on account of relying on Matt Hancock to sort it, but either the media has grown bored of them, or the NHS is doing well and nowhere near overrun.
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3 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
1 hour ago, Lambie said:
My pal who works in ICU in Paidley says the NHS is coping fine, some hospitals got to capacity a couple of weeks ago but there was capacity elsewhere, now it's not an issue unless a big second wave hits.
The Scottish Government seem to be doing a reasonable job in terms of support for the vulnerable throughout this, although the picture could be different in the front line.
Social distancing remains a joke though, they should put signs on lampposts and start fining people to make an example. Way too many people just not giving a shit about passing very close despite me being as far away as possible in a path/pavement. There's been a significant increase in bams on bikes on pavements as well, infuriating when the roads are practically empty.

Was actually wondering about this earlier today. The horror stories from frontline workers seem to have dried up. Theres still .most likely massive ppe issues on account of relying on Matt Hancock to sort it, but either the media has grown bored of them, or the NHS is doing well and nowhere near overrun.

Aye if 40,000 folk hadn’t died we’d be wondering what all the fuss was about.

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1 hour ago, Lambie's Pigeon Feed said:

There's been a significant increase in bams on bikes on pavements as well, infuriating when the roads are practically empty.

There's a perfect solution to this.  Hold the middle line on the pavement so it either forces them onto the road, or into a bush or wall.

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11 minutes ago, FFCinthearea said:

There's a perfect solution to this.  Hold the middle line on the pavement so it either forces them onto the road, or into a bush or wall.

If it’s a shared walking/cycle path both have equal right of way and should act accordingly.

If it’s a pavement pedestrians should hold their ground.

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2 hours ago, bennett said:

Boris forgetting about his 5 weeks of dithering,  lack of testing and ppe but giving us lots of spin and bluster.





I was in Reception at our nick this morning when the Glorious Leader made his appearance this morning. One of the screws started with the "we'll be alright now" chat and, when his mate challenged him, started rambing on about how much good the Tories had done for this country. He then continued to explain how Trump had done so well for the USA. When I (unable to keep it zipped) asked, "what, by suggesting intravenuous Dettol to beat this virus?" he actually replied, "fake news!"

There's actual footage of him saying this, and people are happy to deny it happened. I'm fast beginning to agree that Humanity is the virus.

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3 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

I was in Reception at our nick this morning when the Glorious Leader made his appearance this morning. One of the screws started with the "we'll be alright now" chat and, when his mate challenged him, started rambing on about how much good the Tories had done for this country. He then continued to explain how Trump had done so well for the USA. When I (unable to keep it zipped) asked, "what, by suggesting intravenuous Dettol to beat this virus?" he actually replied, "fake news!"

There's actual footage of him saying this, and people are happy to deny it happened. I'm fast beginning to agree that Humanity is the virus.

Public sector folk in Scotland saying how good the Tories are :lol: try working under their pay and conditions.

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On the lockdown adherence thing... The streets around mine and teeming with folk. Weather playing a part no doubt. Thing is, there might be not a single person breaking protocol. I think theres a large element of folk who didnt bother with the once a day with members of your household thing at the start. Certainly seemed that way to me but now it seems like literally everyone is out

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