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Somewhat tangential but there was a guy I went to school with who got a first class honours (in History funnily enough) that was always a fairly mild mannered, quiet guy in any of my classes at school.
When I still had a Facebook account it was kind of horrible to watch him drift away into the alt right in the span of about a year (he started posted stuff about filling in online surveys for hours at a time to make money out of sheer desperation, failing his driving test, an acrimonious break-up with his girlfriend, not being able to get a decent job which I suspect was maybe due to interviewing really poorly as he was always a little bit twitchy when he was at school and all sorts of little Peep Show esque "life is fucking me over" moments besides)
At a certain point he started spraffing stuff about God Emperor Trump, smug pictures of Farage, evil feminazi's, communism is evil and will never ever work and the like, and I think he managed to alienate a lot of people in his social circle through it all. Your last paragraph sounds absolutely bang on about him projecting his inferiority; I always got the impression he wasn't able to understand why he wasn't getting whatever he wanted out of life and got taken in by Lyle Lanley types.
It was kind of eye opening as to it not just being thick gammon c***s that end up attracted to the alt right, if nothing else.
Is he on Black & White Army perchance, that seems the norm over there !
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7 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
3 hours ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:
Somewhat tangential but there was a guy I went to school with who got a first class honours (in History funnily enough) that was always a fairly mild mannered, quiet guy in any of my classes at school.
When I still had a Facebook account it was kind of horrible to watch him drift away into the alt right in the span of about a year (he started posted stuff about filling in online surveys for hours at a time to make money out of sheer desperation, failing his driving test, an acrimonious break-up with his girlfriend, not being able to get a decent job which I suspect was maybe due to interviewing really poorly as he was always a little bit twitchy when he was at school and all sorts of little Peep Show esque "life is fucking me over" moments besides)
At a certain point he started spraffing stuff about God Emperor Trump, smug pictures of Farage, evil feminazi's, communism is evil and will never ever work and the like, and I think he managed to alienate a lot of people in his social circle through it all. Your last paragraph sounds absolutely bang on about him projecting his inferiority; I always got the impression he wasn't able to understand why he wasn't getting whatever he wanted out of life and got taken in by Lyle Lanley types.
It was kind of eye opening as to it not just being thick gammon c***s that end up attracted to the alt right, if nothing else.

Is he on Black & White Army perchance, that seems the norm over there !

Boy was predominantly a Celtic fan, think he's been at a handful of Dumbarton games over the years as well. Haven't been on b&w army but going by Reynard and Lex's contributions on here I can believe it, ha.

Oh aye, had forgotten to mention that the guy I'm referring to was a massive fan of that Count Dankula roaster and all.

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1 minute ago, pozbaird said:

Why do you think?

It's horrendous that we can't have proper funerals which allow people to grieve properly.

I'm not sure why you wanted to bring people protesting about racial injustice into it, hence my question.

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2 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

It's horrendous that we can't have proper funerals which allow people to grieve properly.

I'm not sure why you wanted to bring people protesting about racial injustice into it, hence my question.

If they had been gathering in the capital to protest about the new Aberdeen kit I would still feel the same way, but I suspect you know that fine and well, and that the cause of their protest is not the issue.

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Just now, pozbaird said:

If they had been gathering in the capital to protest about the new Aberdeen kit I would still feel the same way, but I suspect you know that fine and well, and that the cause of their protest is not the issue.

That's just word salad.

You could maybe choose to get annoyed about people who continued to go to the supermarkets in pairs or other larger groups when the R rate was around 3 or 4 and kicked up a fuss when it was suggested that was a bad idea?

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1 minute ago, Marshmallo said:

That's just word salad.

You could maybe choose to get annoyed about people who continued to go to the supermarkets in pairs or other larger groups when the R rate was around 3 or 4 and kicked up a fuss when it was suggested that was a bad idea?

Wow, what an arse. What a complete w****r you are my friend.

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6 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

I'm not the one telling people how they should express or feel anger at systemic racism.

You OK with large scale protests in the capital where thousands and thousands will gather to protest, at this time, while at the exact same time, we still cannot have a family visitor in the house, we need to be outside, 2m apart? Are these mass gatherings / protests OK in your book, at this time....and I’m not bothered about the cause they are protesting about. Just answer the question.

Edited by pozbaird
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On 28/05/2020 at 18:39, pozbaird said:

My house is 7.5 miles from my golf course. I better cancel my tee time and stay home.

Aye, right ye’ are.


On 22/05/2020 at 10:43, pozbaird said:

No, that’s not what I meant. I am taking sensible precautions, I believe we all should be sensible. The shitebags I am talking about are guys like the one I mentioned in another post. The one who, while walking towards me on an otherwise deserted pavement, stopped dead in his tracks ten feet away from me, because I had stopped to get a stone out my shoe. He did a military type left turn, and marched straight into the middle of the road. Stopped on the white lines, did another deliberate sharp turn, and proceeded to march straight down the centre of a busy road, wearing in-ear buds, with a Mercedes A Class heading towards him from behind at 30mph.

The woman in the outdoor area of B&Q, wearing a mask and gloves, who angrily shouted at me that there were arrows on the floor, even though we were the only people in a huge outdoor area and I was about 5m away anyway. My first visit since they opened, I simply never noticed the arrows.

Cnuts like these, that’s who I’m talking about. Seem to be far too many of them around. Hopefully they decide to continue observing lockdown by locking themselves in their living rooms for a couple of years.


On 30/03/2020 at 14:54, pozbaird said:

The times we’ve went out shopping, we’ve both went, and we will continue to do so. We are both in our late 50s, and so far, the extent of our car crash experience is when I bumped into the car in front of me, back in 1984 when there were still traffic lights at the St James Interchange at Glasgow Airport, which always caused traffic to back up onto the M8 itself.

Next time we need to go out, we will say a prayer, buckle our seatbelts, and (on the very, very quiet roads we currently have that diminish the chances of being flattened by an HGV anyway), we will put our lives on the line and drive off to Tesco.

See when all this is over and you need something to do? Maybe Nuremberg could put on a rally for you to attend.


On 30/03/2020 at 15:11, pozbaird said:

Not when I’m reading some of the utter shite being posted on here by a couple of pains-in-the-arse it isn’t. Absolute fcuking roasters, lambasting  couples for doing the shopping, and going on about crashes.

Utter, utter fannies. IMHO. No-one need agree with me. 


On 30/03/2020 at 15:04, pozbaird said:

What do we gain from doing this? We gain the ability to only leave the house once. We combine being out for the shopping with going for our walk at the nearby Broadwood Loch, or the pond between the shops and Condorrat. While at the shops, we are quicker packing and paying, and getting out the shop again. Thus letting someone from the queue outside (should there be one) get in. We gain the ability to behave normally, for example, going up the aisle, and saying ‘ach, fancy a pack of those four cupcakes’, ‘nah, you chose last time, I fancy the millionaires shortbread.’. You know, normal happily married couple trivial shit that helps keep things seem a bit more normal in these far from normal times.  We can jointly choose a red wine we fancy, I can lift the heavier things.... I’ll leave it there.

Any more stupid fcuking questions? Nazi.

Tell me more about folk going against guidance and how much it angers you

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1 minute ago, pozbaird said:

Haaaaa! In the name of actual fcuk. What an absolute bellend you are. Jesus wept!

You can call me all the names under the sun if you want. You're a massive hypocrite and people out protesting has zero to do with attendees at funerals.

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1 hour ago, pozbaird said:

BLM and other demonstrations in London tomorrow, yet one of my best mates lost his mother a few weeks ago, and six people were at her funeral. Makes me fcuking sick to the stomach.

I was at a funeral with I would say approximately 100 recently, no church service, graveside only and social distancing was adhered too

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You can call me all the names under the sun if you want. You're a massive hypocrite and people out protesting has zero to do with attendees at funerals.

Agreed. He’s in the “utter weapon” category on this thread, along with Virginton and Todd_is_God. Between the 3 of them there has been at least 200 pages of mewling shite.

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