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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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14 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
43 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:
You’ve done it again, what would stop it getting back to large numbers again? Oh yeah, the current measures we have in place.
Numbers will increase if people are allowed to do what they want. The numbers are really low now and I can see why people are frustrated.
I don’t think that we will see huge numbers like before as care homes and hospitals should now be protected properly but community transmission will spike most definitely. That’s the nature of contagious diseases not under control.

Just need to look at Spain and France now running at 20k plus new infections a week. Why would we not have the same prorata rise here ? It simply beggars belief that we wouldn't see the same proportional rise.

Exactly, it was the same attitude (from government not Todd) before that left us unprepared.

I agree that there has to be a balance but to throw all the hard work away just because people are getting frustrated is daft. I do think that all outside activity apart from concerts and sports should be allowed tbh. Best to let people enjoy outdoors before the weather turns.

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28 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

It's like conversing with a plank. You pop up with shitey wee digs etc but add literally nothing to any conversation.


Note to self: must post more unexplained graphs and shriek hysterically how stupid everyone else is, especially those making the decisions. And quote German ambulance chasers and Italian quacks more often.

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32 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Except they haven't. At any time people have did what they wanted.

BLM. Clapping on a bridge. Defending Statues. Congas and street parties for VE Day. Going to the Beach.

All things we were told would cause massive spikes in two weeks, yet did absolutely nothing.

It's only since contact tracing, and the targetted testing of close contacts that cases have 'shot up' and even then, it's an absolutely minimal amount.

All outside and very localised. Transmission seems to come from indoors, judging by the Manchester explanation.

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1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:

Also, when we talk about 1,000 cases now, we are talking about a large percentage of those who have been targetted and would otherwise be unaware they were "ill"

People who remain asymptomatic can still be seen to have damage to their lungs and/or heart.

Why are you pretending that just because someone doesn't know they have had a virus, they are not ill? You're just plain wrong.

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1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:

Also, when we talk about 1,000 cases now, we are talking about a large percentage of those who have been targetted and would otherwise be unaware they were "ill"

Do you understand why people are targeted?

It's because they are at risk of being ill. Not 'ill'.

The people who have tested positive are ill. Not 'ill'.

And they are at risk of making other people ill. Not 'ill'.

And even those who never get a fever or a cough may end up with damage to their organs. Making them potentially long-term ill. Not 'ill'.

Edited by JTS98
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15 minutes ago, Snafu said:

I see there's one in Inverness

It's ok, just a teacher. 


P.S.For those saying the SG is being too cautious by not opening bowling alleys and big wedding parties and the like, opening schools was pretty out there, and a great test to see if we can isolate local infections quickly and let everyone else carry on as normal.

Edited by welshbairn
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25 minutes ago, JTS98 said:

People who remain asymptomatic can still be seen to have damage to their lungs and/or heart.

Why are you pretending that just because someone doesn't know they have had a virus, they are not ill? You're just plain wrong.

And yet, out of all the high profile people who have had it, just one had to go to hospital, none have died, and none have these complications you want to represent as being anything more than the same rare complications that can be caused by many, if not all, ILI's

Now, either the more high profile you are, the luckier you are, or, maybe, just maybe, it just isn't all that dangerous for the huge majority that get it.

But of course, those who have no symptoms are really very ill; they just need a cotton bud rammed up their nose to tell them.


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3 minutes ago, Snafu said:

So is this an expected upturn in cases due to kids going back to school plus the bigger kids going back to the pubs or is there a genuine rise in cases which we need to worry about in Scotland?




I'd say it was expected and we'll just have to see how well the trace and isolation works, while keeping schools operating.

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