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I was in a pub last week - working under a heavily reduced capacity already - and the bar staff were just directing punters to booth areas where there was space: if they were implementing household restrictions as well then half the remaining space would have been unusable as well. The idea that they're supposed to enforce this nonsense is utterly ridiculous while Leitch and his chums are quite happy to launch dozens of weans from different households into the same room at full capacity all week long and pretend that it's not an issue.
What is it that you actually want? IIRC you were critical of 2 metre SD. So do you believe in 1 metre SD in all settings? Do you think schools back is a trade off that's shouldnt have been made? If so, how would you square the impact of continued closure?
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19 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
43 minutes ago, virginton said:


What is it that you actually want? IIRC you were critical of 2 metre SD. So do you believe in 1 metre SD in all settings? Do you think schools back is a trade off that's shouldnt have been made? If so, how would you square the impact of continued closure?

I want a consistent set of strictly necessary restrictions across all areas of society until the threat can be deemed fully under control.

- SD should be at most 1m and ideally confined to the bin and replaced with much more strictly enforced face covering policy. No exceptions and automatic truncheons to the face for objectors who still want to waltz around without wearing them in a restricted setting. 

- If governments still want to apply SD then schools should not be considered magically exempt and should instead be punted down to 50% occupancy, with students doing home learning on a rotating schedule. This is part of the current plan on how universities and colleges will restart anyway.

- The most significant sources of contagion should be the first to close and the last to reopen under any restrictions: this means public schools instead of pretending that they're fine and that 'sacrificing' elsewhere based on no logical or scientific grounds is a solution

Tl;Dr - No backsliding to keep snippy parents or any other pressure group happy and so no blatant contradictions across different environments at the same time.

Edited by vikingTON
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16 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

It's a stadium which is ~80% standing, it has entrance gates and stairwells which are outside, and has relatively few toilets for its size.

They may play in an elite leage, but, main stand aside, the Alte Försterei is far from an elite stadium.

The majority of our lower league / non league stadiums compare very closely to it in terms of facilities.

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What is it that you actually want? IIRC you were critical of 2 metre SD. So do you believe in 1 metre SD in all settings? Do you think schools back is a trade off that's shouldnt have been made? If so, how would you square the impact of continued closure?

Fucking wanted Riverside Festival to go ahead tbph
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Interesting to note that, despite the Aberdeen 'outbreak' being a "warning to us all" there are currently 16 (6%) less people in hospital tonight than when the lockdown was ordered on 5th August.

The overall figures may be inflated, but it is looking like the "wait 2 weeks" brigade have lost out again.

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Interesting to note that, despite the Aberdeen 'outbreak' being a "warning to us all" there are currently 16 (6%) less people in hospital tonight than when the lockdown was ordered on 5th August.
The overall figures may be inflated, but it is looking like the "wait 2 weeks" brigade have lost out again.
Or in other words the localised restrictions worked.
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3 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
34 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:
Interesting to note that, despite the Aberdeen 'outbreak' being a "warning to us all" there are currently 16 (6%) less people in hospital tonight than when the lockdown was ordered on 5th August.
The overall figures may be inflated, but it is looking like the "wait 2 weeks" brigade have lost out again.

Or in other words the localised restrictions worked.

What a predictable reply, which completely ignores the elephant in the room where, despite a relatively large number of cases of this "dangerous and deadly virus" being recorded over the weeks following the lockdown, hospitalisations did not increase.


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1 hour ago, Todd_is_God said:

What a predictable reply, which completely ignores the elephant in the room where, despite a relatively large number of cases of this "dangerous and deadly virus" being recorded over the weeks following the lockdown, hospitalisations did not increase.


You’re going to be gutted when this is all over aren’t you? Be honest. 

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Watching college american football, and they have electronic whistles, which you can't really hear.

I can't see the logic behind allowing players to gang tackle each other, but declaring the blowing of a whistle unsafe.

A player is more likely to get hurt because he heard the whistle and the defender didn't, than a player is saved from catching covid-19 from an official with a proper whistle.

The referee still speaks into his microphone.


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