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BBC One Show tonight - a unionist anti-devolution segment on how "confusing" it is having different rules in the devolved nations.


It's like complaining about following different driving rules when you go to another country - it's not as if people are constantly moving themselves between the devolved nations and England.

It is nothing more than an appeal to the thick as pigshit.

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Why would a school being open in some Outer Hebridean shithole where there has only been one Covid case since March contribute to a second wave of cases there?  

So why have cases not soared in Dundee or Edinburgh?


Even you yourself said that Inverclyde's infection rate was low - and you might have expected it to be higher.


It's not just schools going back that is driving numbers up.


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Had 6 months to sort out the testing and results problems, fully confident that the clowns in charge can quickly solve this, like f**k. Imagine getting results 3 months later (after sample had been mislaid) saying you've got it after all, better late than never eh. Useless. Don't get these problems on CSI 

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As pointed out, the virus has to be somewhere for school openings to have an affect on cases.  So places where the virus isn't established, the schools re-opening won't have an affect but places where the virus is there schools reopening could have an affect on cases. 
So for example, in the week leading up to schools reopening Glasgow saw 71 new cases.  That is pretty low considering compared ot earlier in the pandemic but they were there.  The Highland health board saw 5 new cases during that week - obviously there's a lower population there but even taking that into account it's a lot lower, 1 case per 64.3k in NHS Highland, 1 case per 16.6k in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.  So you'd expect that somewhere like the Greater GLasgow area, with more cases both absolytely and proportionally could be affected by the schools going back whereas somewhere like NHS Highland wouldn't be, or would be less so.  There are obviously loads of other factors at play as well, of course.
I don't know if you can say this is a reason to keep the schools off though.
As I said - "not just schools" - there is a variety of reasons not just one to pin it on.
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Pennington is an Emeritus Professor. This is how an Emeritus Professor spends every day:


He also wasn't an epidemiologist or even a virologist, so in fact as specifically qualified to comment on this current outbreak as anyone on here. If there's another E-coli outbreak in his actual field of bacteriology then perhaps we should bring him out of the retirement home to contribute; until then he can be safely left to the Sunday Post hot-take column. 

Neither are you but it does not stop you having an opinion on it.
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Just berm saying almost exactly the same in our house. Whist hurling abuse at the TV.

Where do I live?
What are the rules here?

If the first question confuses you, you probably shouldn't leave the house.

BBC One Show tonight - a unionist anti-devolution segment on how "confusing" it is having different rules in the devolved nations.


It's like complaining about following different driving rules when you go to another country - it's not as if people are constantly moving themselves between the devolved nations and England.

It is nothing more than an appeal to the thick as pigshit.
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8 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Neither are you but it does not stop you having an opinion on it.

Except that ol' yeller Pennington was actually being held up as unquestionable voice of authority on the issue, rather than the standard gammon waving his fist at people drinking!!!111!!! that he now is. 

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BBC One Show tonight - a unionist anti-devolution segment on how "confusing" it is having different rules in the devolved nations.


It's like complaining about following different driving rules when you go to another country - it's not as if people are constantly moving themselves between the devolved nations and England.

It is nothing more than an appeal to the thick as pigshit.
That show is weird. Invite a top class guest like will Smith then cut off to some bizarre segment about fruit.
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1 hour ago, Andy groundhopper said:

Had 6 months to sort out the testing and results problems, fully confident that the clowns in charge can quickly solve this, like f**k. Imagine getting results 3 months later (after sample had been mislaid) saying you've got it after all, better late than never eh. Useless. Don't get these problems on CSI 

Do you need to isolate now? 🤣🤣

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3 hours ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

So why have cases not soared in Dundee or Edinburgh?


Even you yourself said that Inverclyde's infection rate was low - and you might have expected it to be higher.


It's not just schools going back that is driving numbers up.


Watching students arrive back over the weekend I'm slightly concerned that cases might shoot up in Edinburgh.

Still as long as Tarquin and Cressida Home-Counties get to complete their important media studies degrees who cares?

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Was reading something earlier that i broadly agreed with (not sure if this has been discussed but this is my first venture in here in a while).

It talked about how the government got their strategy total wrong from the outset. They have basically fucked the economy and we are now essentially back to square one. They suppressed the virus by basically stopping us living via lockdown. So it stands to reason that as soon as we started living again then the virus would come back.

They should have essentially shielded the vulnerable and taken proper financial care of them (not just £94 a week or whatever it is). We should have just carried on as normal to keep the economy moving as the non vulnerable have a small chance of dying from it. The kids should have been kept in school to maintain their futures. This would have helped built herd immunity as this is the only way to suppress the virus. Yes there will be a small number of people who suffer long term side affects of the virus but this is very small compared to the large number of people who have been killed due to the affects of the government strategy via non treatment of other illnesses.

All that is going to happen is they will rush out a vaccine without really understanding whether it works.

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Government ministers drawing up plans to restrict “frivolous demand” for tests.

Hopefully this should mean an end to school heads demanding a negative test for little Timmy to be allowed back to school after he had a sniffle.
Is this the UK government?

We got a letter from Jason Leitch via the school after the first week of term basically telling everyone to screw the nut and reminding us to only get a test if any of the actual covid symptoms are present.

Just wondering if this is England now experiencing what we did up here just after the schools went back.
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Is this the UK government?

We got a letter from Jason Leitch via the school after the first week of term basically telling everyone to screw the nut and reminding us to only get a test if any of the actual covid symptoms are present.

Just wondering if this is England now experiencing what we did up here just after the schools went back.

Yes sorry. I live in Essex these days so I forget to caveat my posts with the fact it’s specific to England and most of you guys live in Scotland.
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