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2 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Yeah lockdown madness strikes again, this time in West Lothian




Jack Walker, defending, said his client had no recollection of committing the offence. He explained: “He had a considerable amount of alcohol that day.

“He recognises that he is extremely fortunate that there were no other consequences of his actions. Nobody was hurt, nor did the fire spread.

“That said, it remains a very serious offence and Mr Muir accepts that. He was struggling due to the lockdown period and he also suffers from ADHD.

“It seems to me the major factor here  was the quantity of alcohol he’d consumed and it’s somewhat concerning he has no recollection of his behaviour.


Has anyone here gone on a bucky fueled rampage and torched a car?

That's a very vibrant hoodie VT has on there. 

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5 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Too busy fingering his nieces is what I heard.

Shandon or Ghandi?

4 minutes ago, Shandön Par said:

I didn't know he was dead? Are you sure about this? 

Im not 100% sure tbh. I'll go and ask him (he's in the office down the corridor).

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2 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Shandon or Ghandi?

Im not 100% sure tbh. I'll go and ask him (he's in the office down the corridor).

You are hardly one to talk, the one who wines and dines his two "nieces" on his trips to London and Edinburgh. 

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55 minutes ago, Szamo's_Ammo said:

No going into the homes of family or friends, no football, no pubs or nightclubs, working from home, no holidays.


But neither are children going to see family or friends, go to the football, go to nightclubs, obviously (but then they're not going children's parties) and neither are they going on holiday.

Seems to me you want children to sacrifice more than what you're doing yourself

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Just now, Steven W said:

But neither are children going to see family or friends, go to the football, go to nightclubs, obviously (but then they're not going children's parties) and neither are they going on holiday.

Seems to me you want children to sacrifice more than what you're doing yourself

They're not working from home are they?

When the schools move to a blended learning model or have to shutdown completely because the virus has gotten out of hand, I've been asked if I'll babysit my niece when my sister has shifts during the day and I'm available. That will be a bit of an inconvenience but we all have to do our bit.

The parents who think that life is a points based system where having children means the whole world has to revolve around them will just have to deal with it as best they can I'm afraid.

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6 minutes ago, Shandön Par said:

You are hardly one to talk, the one who wines and dines his two "nieces" on his trips to London and Edinburgh. 

Funnily enough, one has now moved to Edinburgh and one has stayed in London. 

Thats all Im saying on the matter, good day sir.

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2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

And repeat. If you want a catchphrase to go viral you need to make it a bit snappier. 

Fair play to the boy, mind - it must be some size of a fag packet he's doing those sums on.

Todd's going to want a word about those graphs when he gets back, mind. Assuming he gets out of quarantine before this buffoon gets punted, that is.

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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1 hour ago, Bob Mahelp said:

Given that it's been a fact for years that the SNP face more media scrutiny and criticism than probably any UK political party in history, it truly beggars belief that an elected SNP MP would willingly and knowingly do something as f*cking stupid as this. 

She needs to resign, and pronto. Daft cow. 

While I agree with the general point here, I would have said Corbyn's Labour got a bit more scrutiny, criticism and downright defamation.

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8 minutes ago, Snafu said:

The young people everywhere are an investment, our investment for the future, this is something not to be f***ed with.

Investment in their future means a proper education and fair and equal opportunities when they leave school, that maybe isn't the reality in every case in the real world but every young person deserves better than this.

So no it would be complete and utter madness to close schools and universities putting the future of young people at risk of not fulfilling their potential.

As for consequences and acting in selfish manners there has been plenty of examples through this crisis of adults behaving in a selfish manner, you only have to look back at the start of March with the panic buying parents grabbing all the toilet rolls, asprins and hand wash for themselves.


Thank you for your opinion but I wholeheartedly do not agree.

Yes there is selfishness across the ages but I don't have time to go into every example.

I wonder if it will still be madness if figures continue to climb and weve done everything else.

Nothing is sacrosanct.

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55 minutes ago, Szamo's_Ammo said:

They're not working from home are they?

When the schools move to a blended learning model or have to shutdown completely because the virus has gotten out of hand, I've been asked if I'll babysit my niece when my sister has shifts during the day and I'm available. That will be a bit of an inconvenience but we all have to do our bit.

The parents who think that life is a points based system where having children means the whole world has to revolve around them will just have to deal with it as best they can I'm afraid.

I never mentioned 'parents'. You did.

However, I agree we all need to do our part. 

I think though that the children of today have the same right to a proper education, the same way you, or I, or millions of others had. 

I don't think you should be under some illusion that's schools are a free for all, despite what you've read. Frequent hand sanitising, classes not allowed to mix with other classes, school bags banned, play frames taped up and declared out of order to name but a few measurements in place.

Personally I feel, the kids' are pulling their weight and making sacrifices. You may think otherwise

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