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28 minutes ago, Donathan said:


Technically you could fly to Germany and then hire a car at the German airport. Munich is about a 3 hour drive from Liechtenstein. You'd go through both Austria and Switzerland but just driving through a country that's on the list is not in itself a reason to quarantine. A mate of mine drove all the way from Turkey about a month ago and had to meticulously plan his route and stops to avoid self-isolation.

Not sure about that. I was due to fly from Inverness to Munich via Amsterdam next week, and stopping at Schiphol for a couple of hours was enough to put me in quarantine when I got back.

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A lot of the self tests are giving false results because people aren’t swabbing themselves properly. I know I wouldn’t do it to myself the same way the nurses do when I get tested. It’s horrible and anyone that suggests otherwise either hasn’t been tested, or it wasn’t carried out correctly.
Aye I'm skeptical about self tests because it's only natural you wouldn't make yourself that intentionally uncomfortable. Thankfully my Mrs is a nurse and will take sick pleasure from seeing me in discomfort so I'll get her to do it.
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We were always guaranteed to have a second wave. The government pandemic planning document that was released in April(ish) said there would definitely be at least three waves. Schools or no schools it will happen.
It's just a case of having an honest and open debate about how far we lockdown on this wave. Neither the Scottish or the UK government seem willing to do that. I have no doubt that Sturgeon is getting credible scientific advice but she seems to believe the public are thick teenagers who need a stern talking to.
Unfortunately she is right.
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The government no longer lying to us and instead being honest and admitting that schools are being kept open despite the evidence showing that they are major contributors to the spread, whilst other industries that are lesser contributors are kept closed/planned to be closed because they are not deemed as important as education.
It’s an acceptable stance to take, but the brazen lies are not.
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Jaffa- A male who can't produce sperm, Jaffa being derived from the title of a fruit company whose Oranges are seedless.
How do you think people who have or have had fertility issues feel reading you using that as an insult?
Utterly pathetic. 
Did you take that personally thinking he was making some Tangerine link?

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36 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:
1 hour ago, MONKMAN said:

A lot of the self tests are giving false results because people aren’t swabbing themselves properly. I know I wouldn’t do it to myself the same way the nurses do when I get tested. It’s horrible and anyone that suggests otherwise either hasn’t been tested, or it wasn’t carried out correctly.

Aye I'm skeptical about self tests because it's only natural you wouldn't make yourself that intentionally uncomfortable. Thankfully my Mrs is a nurse and will take sick pleasure from seeing me in discomfort so I'll get her to do it.

Wtf. Pics or GTF 

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23 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

Two things in that article:

The government, however, says only 19 schools are now closed because pupils or staff have caught the virus, compared with about 2,000 ten days ago. Jean-Michel Blanquer, the education minister, said: “This indicates that barrier measures are working and rules are being followed.”

Wtf 2000 schools were shut? 


"The official figures group schools and universities together, but doctors are demanding a separate tally for universities. They argue that students are more likely to transmit the virus than schoolchildren and the start of the university term has increased the risk.

Patrick Goldstein, head of emergencies at Lille Teaching Hospital, said: “We know children aren’t highly contagious but students are vectors of contamination like any other adults.”"

Again, their figures are fucked because they pile schools and unis together, but they seem to be suggesting it's unis more than schools to blame. 

f**k knows tbh 🤷‍♂️ 

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5 minutes ago, Snafu said:

To gain evidence this would mean testing the nations school children and teachers every so often, any volunteers?


If test and trace can specify empties as a major vector, surely its not beyond them to notice a pattern in schools? 

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I mean, I don't particularly mind one way or another if the schools are shut. I'd quite happily keep the boys at home and muck about with them all day. But there seems to be a lot of talk that it's lies that schools aren't spreading infection as much, but with all the data gathering going on, surely it would stick out like a sore thumb, beyond people on a website saying it's fact 

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6 minutes ago, Snafu said:

Seen it a few times with schools that a class isolates rather than having the whole school closed down.

Teachers are very much front line right now, plenty of examples thrown about in the media so we certainly all know about it.

A teacher at Bellshill Academy the latest.

Had an interview there about 12 years ago. COULD HAVE BEEN ME 

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