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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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29 minutes ago, philpy said:

This is Just going to set people right back.  I really hope she realises that it will f**k with people's mental health big style. 

Dealing with one does not exclude the other. We're not going back to the NHS being solely there for Covid. I can't see us going back to the same situation as march so it's likely we will still be able to have human to human interaction.

If you have concerns about your own or other people's mental health chat to them or direct them to their GP. This is everyone's business of course effected by central government but not dictated by them.

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39 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:

It seems to me that the Scottish Government always feels it needs to be seen to be doing something when it comes to COVID-19. They are trying too hard. If I was them I’d keep going with the wear a mask, social distance, wash your hands messaging and just let people get on with it.  I’d also like to hear what the outcomes have been for the majority of these thousands of people testing positive.

If they announce another lockdown for the October holidays I won’t be happy. I get that there are more cases being reported but presumably that’s because we’re actually testing thousands of people now, where as back in the Spring you were only getting tested if you went to hospital. If deaths start rising dramatically that’s when they should be ramping up restrictions.

Waiting for that as your trigger would be too late and doing anything then isn't going to have an effect for 2 weeks so that's 2 weeks of deaths, that would be unforgivable for any government to knowingly let that happen.

The trigger for tighter restrictions has to be number of cases because once folk are in ICU or dead it takes too long to correct the tail spin. I would agree with you if the virus incubated for 2 days but 2 weeks is too long.

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6 hours ago, Donathan said:

For all that Sturgeon has won popularity in this pandemic for being a lot more open with the public than the UK government, the Scottish response has been just as bad if not worse. How on earth is covid as prevalent in Scotland as the rest of the UK now when they had cases so low in July?

We opened one sector earlier than the rest of the UK, and it rhymes with "fools"

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3 minutes ago, 101 said:

Waiting for that as your trigger would be too late and doing anything then isn't going to have an effect for 2 weeks so that's 2 weeks of deaths, that would be unforgivable for any government to knowingly let that happen.

The trigger for tighter restrictions has to be number of cases because once folk are in ICU or dead it takes too long to correct the tail spin. I would agree with you if the virus incubated for 2 days but 2 weeks is too long.

In Spring the number of cases must have been way higher than it is now given the number of deaths every day. How many people do the government reckon have already had the virus given the death rates in the Spring? Locking down again will likely see a fall in cases - if people observe the lockdown as well as they did previously, which isn’t a given  - but it would then likely rise again when they open things up again. Do we just keep going on like this until a vaccine is available and enough people have been vaccinated? What state will society be in by then? How many folk will be unemployed?

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1 minute ago, Scary Bear said:

In Spring the number of cases must have been way higher than it is now given the number of deaths every day.

Not necessarily though - wouldn't it be the case that those most at risk would be hit hardest and more likely to die in the early days of the outbreak?  

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The only way another lockdown would work is to have a 3 week full on stay in the hoose event then close all borders including with England. Then have a huge testing and tracking and trace effort. This won't happpen so well do a fortnight in october then a fortnight in the new year.

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4 minutes ago, hk blues said:

Not necessarily though - wouldn't it be the case that those most at risk would be hit hardest and more likely to die in the early days of the outbreak?  

I was assuming there would be an even spread of the virus about society. I don’t see why that wouldn’t be the case.

This time round the most at risk are more aware of the risks and the need for social distancing, masks, etc. so I suppose you could be right.

Edited by Scary Bear
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I don’t see a full circuit breaker occurring, but what I do see happening is a restriction on travel outside your local council area coming into force.

As much as I don’t like it, I must say I think a restriction on travel makes the most sense out of any mooted measures. Rates are now pretty high across most of the central belt, especially in Glasgow and Edinburgh, and there’ll be thousands of holiday bookings from these areas in the more rural areas in October. It probably does make a bit of sense and might even be backed up by ‘the science’.

Closing gyms and pubs is fucking stupid though. Enter Rishi Sunak who is expected to announce an economic package today which will make this possible in Newcastle and Liverpool due to rising rates (they’re about double Glasgow currently).

It’s going to be a dreadful winter. It didn’t have to be this way.
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11 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:

In Spring the number of cases must have been way higher than it is now given the number of deaths every day. How many people do the government reckon have already had the virus given the death rates in the Spring? Locking down again will likely see a fall in cases - if people observe the lockdown as well as they did previously, which isn’t a given  - but it would then likely rise again when they open things up again. Do we just keep going on like this until a vaccine is available and enough people have been vaccinated? What state will society be in by then? How many folk will be unemployed?

This was exactly my point when it was first speculated a few weeks ago. 

The mental health issues that have been caused by this and will continue to be caused through loss of freedom to go about lives, loss of jobs, worry about losing homes etc are going to be far more terrible and long lasting than the pandemic itself. 

This doesn't factor in the very real chance that no effective vaccine actually gets developed. We're essentially staving it off and waiting for something that we don't actually know is going to happen. If there was concrete feedback that yes, a vaccine works but there is just a backlog in producing doses, I'd perhaps feel different and understand the need to keep the wolf from the door but there is absolutely nothing concrete so far to confirm that this is 100% going to be the case. 


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As much as I don’t like it, I must say I think a restriction on travel makes the most sense out of any mooted measures. Rates are now pretty high across most of the central belt, especially in Glasgow and Edinburgh, and there’ll be thousands of holiday bookings from these areas in the more rural areas in October. It probably does make a bit of sense and might even be backed up by ‘the science’.

Closing gyms and pubs is fucking stupid though. Enter Rishi Sunak who is expected to announce an economic package today which will make this possible in Newcastle and Liverpool due to rising rates (they’re about double Glasgow currently).

It’s going to be a dreadful winter. It didn’t have to be this way.

I’m only thinking this because both chief advisors think a circuit breaker won’t work.

Also, from memory the leaked document showed the worst case scenario. Imposing a restriction on leaving your council area is in line with the welsh govt.
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3 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

This was exactly my point when it was first speculated a few weeks ago. 

The mental health issues that have been caused by this and will continue to be caused through loss of freedom to go about lives, loss of jobs, worry about losing homes etc are going to be far more terrible and long lasting than the pandemic itself. 

This doesn't factor in the very real chance that no effective vaccine actually gets developed. We're essentially staving it off and waiting for something that we don't actually know is going to happen. If there was concrete feedback that yes, a vaccine works but there is just a backlog in producing doses, I'd perhaps feel different and understand the need to keep the wolf from the door but there is absolutely nothing concrete so far to confirm that this is 100% going to be the case. 


I think you need to factor the time of year as well. Its getting darker and the nights are closing in. At least late march and April were lovely and had the opposite thing happening. 

There was also a sense of fear and folk did feel they were all in it together. That's certainly not the case now.  

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2 minutes ago, Paco said:


Closing gyms and pubs is fucking stupid though. Enter Rishi Sunak who is expected to announce an economic package today which will make this possible in Newcastle and Liverpool due to rising rates (they’re about double Glasgow currently).


Correct. I'm currently in gym just now and it's absolutely spotless, everyone far apart, no dramas. 

I work from home every day, sit in front of a PC, interact very little with anyone apart from my partner and this will be the case for the foreseeable. Aside from my work, all I have just now to keep me sane is the gym as I literally do nothing else. 

My partner built her own hairdressing salon in a separate building on our property and runs it as a legitimate business. Although it's on our property, there is no crossover from our home, it even has its own toilet so no one actually comes into our house. She has gone to massive lengths to ensure this is as legit as possible and follows every guideline, equipment cleaned in barbicide, all surfaces wiped, strictly one in at a time. 

The thought that she's worked so hard to get this business started and has broken no rules but has to close for the foreseeable is a huge mental and financial stress on both of us. 

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14 minutes ago, Scary Bear said:

I was assuming there would be an even spread of the virus about society. I don’t see why that wouldn’t be the case.

This time round the most at risk are more aware of the risks and the need for social distancing, masks, etc. so I suppose you could be right.

The spread will likely be even, but the impact not so much.  And, as you say, we are better prepared now so deaths should be less prevalent even if the number of cases was the same or even more now compared to then.

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