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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 hour ago, Marshmallo said:

I've said many times that full school closures should be the last thing we look to implement. I just want honesty and transparency for risks of transmission and the real reasons decisions are being taken.

I'm just fuckingwitcha.

One thing I noted from the FM press conference was when asked about the school closures in Northern Ireland she said the prevelance there was 2.5 times that of Scotland.  Does that mean if cases and prevelance continues to rise we should expect a change of policy on schools?

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20 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
21 minutes ago, Falkirk09Bairn said:

This individual looks after children? 

Shared from brother - even I had a chuckle.

One disaster on this thread not enough for you?

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5 hours ago, bendan said:

Do you have a link for that stat? Seems incredible. Scotland has had about 230 deaths of people under 60.

Sure, it was a study by the United Hospital Fund and Boston Consulting Group: https://uhfnyc.org/publications/publication/covid-19-ripple-effect-impact-covid-19-children-new-york-state/ 

I made a mistake though, I thought it was NYC but it's New York State. So the population is nearly 20 million, rather than the 8-ish I said.

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30 minutes ago, doulikefish said:

Travellers from areas with high covid rates banned from travelling to Wales 



This will be fun

I don't get the fuss about this, they banned non essential travel in or out of Welsh hotspots weeks ago. It would be daft if they didn't apply the same rules to visitors from English hotspots.

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7 hours ago, G_Man1985 said:

Dinna even ken what meh no's were

Could do wee a few weeks aff 

@ICTChris asked if it was time to stock up on those little surgical masks.

2 hours ago, Michael W said:

Can confirm that the test is not pleasant! Walk in site and had to administer it myself. Results apparently in 24-42hrs. 

What did this guy get banned for?

2 hours ago, Marshmallo said:

I won't quote it to give the Mods less work when they have to delete it, but that is horrific and insensitive from @DeeTillEhDeh

But aren't you a mod? Can't you delete it?

2 hours ago, Rugster said:

One disaster on this thread not enough for you?

What was the other one?

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14th September 51 Covid patients in hospital in Scotland including 6 in ICU. One month later 570 in hospital including 49 in ICU. Thank goodness this public health crisis is firmly behind us.

  Edited to correct previous typo. It’s 570 in hospital not 750 as I typed earlier. Still a worrying increase.


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Guy I know is waiting on results from a Covid test but is almost certain he's got it. He's a fit guy in his late 30s and says it is brutal. Constant pain -sometimes agonising - in his chest and lungs and struggling to breathe. 

It doesn't sound particularly pleasant. 

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5 hours ago, Gaz said:

Also, to address points made a few pages ago:

The reason schools are still Monday to Friday 9-3 despite massive increases in technology is largely a logistical / childcare one rather than an educational one.

I don't think so. 

People who have the wealth to select any model of education/childcare still overwhelmingly select direct teaching in schools five (or six) days a week. 

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