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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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8 hours ago, Hauzen said:

I call BS on this. Care home would have had to notify the Care Inspectorate and SSSC of any staff member testing positive, if recklessness behaviour is determined on the part of the employee then SSSC would remove that worker's registration and they would no longer work in social care. Decision gets taken out of the hands of the care home in that instance, assuming due process is followed in terms of COVID notifications.

The poster you’re responding to has a history of ‘did ye aye’ tales that clearly didn’t happen. Just add this to the list.

In other news, John Swinney on BBC Scotland radio this morning again emphasising that schools are safe (repeated it several times). The seethe from a lot of teachers phoning in to say how blatantly unsafe it was and how they were desperate for schools to close was good though, hopefully enough will group together to force some sort of action on it. Feel really sorry for school staff who are being hung out to dry (and potentially die) by the government.

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I personally haven't had much of an issue with how the Scottish Govt have handled the virus overall, It's a new problem for most countries and I don't think we can expect perfection but the insistence of schools remaining open is bizarre and i can't get my head around closing almost everything bar the schools.


Children will be careless no matter what they are told to do, will be interesting to see this paper they are supposedly releasing today explaining their decision to keep schools open at all costs.

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15 minutes ago, Salvo Montalbano said:

Not in my experience. In fact, its the other way round. The Scottish App lets you take a photo of the QR code and it launches the App to check you in. The English (Serco) App doesn't launch automatically if you simply open your camera and scan the QR code, you have to open the App first. I was also told in several places during our October break down south to use the restaurants/cafes/whatever own App rather than thr NHS (Serco) one because that only registered the phone user as checking in, while the company App (and the Scottish NHS one) allows you to enter the number of people in your party.

Could be that the English one works better with an old phone. My camera doesn't work with QR on its own, I have to launch a QR app first. The English one does that in one go.

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9 hours ago, NewBornBairn said:

Stepson works at a council care home in South Lanarkshire.  About a month ago, one of the care assistants came in clearly showing symptoms. She spent most of the day working before finally being sent home in the afternoon after staff complained to management. She tested positive and was told to self-isolate. To celebrate going into self-isolation, she had a night out at a pub with her pals - 3 of whom also work at the care centre. Pictures all over FB of them having a whale of a time. One of the girls from the care home who went out with her that night developed symptoms a week later. She ended up hospitalised for a week. 20 years old by the way. Half a dozen staff (including stepson) got told to self-isolate because they'd been in contact.


Meantime, Covid has ripped through the care home (again). Three dead, one still in ICU, others in various stages of suffering effects. 


The girl who started the whole thing off has now completed her self-isolation and is back at work. They can't sack her because they're short staffed. 


Stepson went back to work today and finished his shift in tears having seen the effect this one stupid girl has had. She couldn't give a shit, complaining that the pubs are shut. 

Obviously poor from the girl who’s the one too blame but correct procedures haven’t been followed by sounds of it. A return to work would state why she was off and investigate accordingly. 

The care inspectorate would also be involved the second anyone tested positive, guessing she gets tested regularly through work? We are once a week with or without symptoms.

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12 minutes ago, NewBornBairn said:

Aye, because the idea that people are daft and act selfishly during a pandemic is completely unbelievable right enough. 

A few of the people on my Facebook friends list, have been clogging up my timeline with constant "facts and figures" on the virus, saying such things as "scamdemic" A and telling people to "wake up". Many arguing that it's only the old and people with underlying health conditions that die (which i cannot disagree with) but it seems to me that they don't care about the fact they could pass it on. something thats lost on me why should someone be put at risk just because of their age or health condition to satisfy selfish peoples needs. Also the people i'm talking about are mostly doing what they want anyway but still complain like they are being stopped.

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22 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

The poster you’re responding to has a history of ‘did ye aye’ tales that clearly didn’t happen. Just add this to the list.

In other news, John Swinney on BBC Scotland radio this morning again emphasising that schools are safe (repeated it several times). The seethe from a lot of teachers phoning in to say how blatantly unsafe it was and how they were desperate for schools to close was good though, hopefully enough will group together to force some sort of action on it. Feel really sorry for school staff who are being hung out to dry (and potentially die) by the government.

Aye, if i was a teacher I would not be happy working in a school at this time, you can tell kids what to do and what not do regarding COVID but at the end of the day they'll all be carrying on and ignoring protocols putting the teachers at risk.

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Stepson works at a council care home in South Lanarkshire.  About a month ago, one of the care assistants came in clearly showing symptoms. She spent most of the day working before finally being sent home in the afternoon after staff complained to management. She tested positive and was told to self-isolate. To celebrate going into self-isolation, she had a night out at a pub with her pals - 3 of whom also work at the care centre. Pictures all over FB of them having a whale of a time. One of the girls from the care home who went out with her that night developed symptoms a week later. She ended up hospitalised for a week. 20 years old by the way. Half a dozen staff (including stepson) got told to self-isolate because they'd been in contact.
Meantime, Covid has ripped through the care home (again). Three dead, one still in ICU, others in various stages of suffering effects. 
The girl who started the whole thing off has now completed her self-isolation and is back at work. They can't sack her because they're short staffed. 
Stepson went back to work today and finished his shift in tears having seen the effect this one stupid girl has had. She couldn't give a shit, complaining that the pubs are shut. 
Displaying that amount of disregard should end in a prison sentence or heavy fines.
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Are they really planning to stand up there with a straight face and end "Tier 4" in 3 weeks time if the numbers aren't dropping down in Glasgow in the name of "saving Christmas"? I see the Sun (I know...) reporting the current plan is 5 days of family mixing to be allowed from Xmas Eve. Absolutely laughable. I know they've got the "folk will just do what they want anyway" reasoning, but that's ship sailed about 4 months ago in terms of people following the rules strictly. 

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59 minutes ago, NewBornBairn said:

Aye, because the idea that people are daft and act selfishly during a pandemic is completely unbelievable right enough. 

It becomes completely unbelievable when someone actually sets out the protocol that staff and care home management are obliged to follow that contradicts your step-sprog's account at every turn.

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1 hour ago, Tynierose said:

Who cares if they sent a Hindu, a Muslim or a Klingon.   There handling of this whole debacle has been shambolic that's what should be remembered.  Now both them and the SG are desperate to save one day for the kudos at the expense of everything else. Embarrassing.

By the way religion is for absolute moon howlers.

My local minister said the same thing yesterday.

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1 hour ago, Tynierose said:

Who cares if they sent a Hindu, a Muslim or a Klingon.   There handling of this whole debacle has been shambolic that's what should be remembered.  Now both them and the SG are desperate to save one day for the kudos at the expense of everything else. Embarrassing.

By the way religion is for absolute moon howlers.

Tbh I don't think it's about the day it's probably more like the utterly mental amount of spending that goes with it. By letting folk go mad at Christmas it, in theory, will give the economy a shot in the arm until the vaccine is out. That's the only way I can understand their obsession for Christmas because like has been said many many times it's an arbitrary date and tbh the most important thing for people who are most into Christmas, going to churches, won't be allowed as far as I can tell. 

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1 minute ago, 101 said:

Tbh I don't think it's about the day it's probably more like the utterly mental amount of spending that goes with it. By letting folk go mad at Christmas it, in theory, will give the economy a shot in the arm until the vaccine is out. That's the only way I can understand their obsession for Christmas because like has been said many many times it's an arbitrary date and tbh the most important thing for people who are most into Christmas, going to churches, won't be allowed as far as I can tell. 

Nah its political pointscoring pish from both SG and Westminster.

Please suffer for another month so as you can see your loved ones over the festive period.   They know people will do what they want at Xmas anyway so it makes it look like they're in control and saving Christmas for everyone.

The thickos will lap it up as per.  Meanwhile business crumble in tier 4 despite being nowhere near tier 4 locations.   Mental health continues to suffer but alas the schools stay open

The science yet again being ignored when it suits but you can bet when tighter restrictions are needed the much vaunted science comes to the fore.

Its all contrary pish and quite frankly insulting to anyone with half a brain.

Just be honest ffs.

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15 minutes ago, virginton said:

It becomes completely unbelievable when someone actually sets out the protocol that staff and care home management are obliged to follow that contradicts your step-sprog's account at every turn.

You think it's unbelievable that a staff member wouldn't follow the isolation protocols?

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1 hour ago, DanMc99 said:

I personally haven't had much of an issue with how the Scottish Govt have handled the virus overall, It's a new problem for most countries and I don't think we can expect perfection but the insistence of schools remaining open is bizarre and i can't get my head around closing almost everything bar the schools.


Children will be careless no matter what they are told to do, will be interesting to see this paper they are supposedly releasing today explaining their decision to keep schools open at all costs.

Agree with all of that.  IMO there should have been a proper four week (or so) lockdown like the one earlier in the year with only essential shops and businesses open.  Schools and universities closed.

That would take pressure off the hospitals and would offer a reset with a good possibility of a vaccine on the horizon.

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1 hour ago, gav-ffc said:

Obviously poor from the girl who’s the one too blame but correct procedures haven’t been followed by sounds of it. A return to work would state why she was off and investigate accordingly. 

Hasn't the last decade been regularly peppered with stories of companies who run care homes being ruthless profiteering b*****ds who don't give a f**k about either staff or residents?

Were we all expecting them to act like angels during the pandemic? I've no doubt that the number of deaths in care homes will largely be down to how shittily they're run.

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