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10 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

She’s presented a total failure really well and avoided any really tough questions.

Didnt turn up for initial cobr meetings

care homes


track and trace

allowing large crowds

blaming some failings on Westminster

spread in hospitals 

deputies don’t get a word in other than to make a mess of it

Apart from that she appears honest and presents things clearly.


All much ado about nothing I'M afraid.

Nobody is saying it's been perfect, however your "list" applies to almost every country in Europe and many of them with much worse records than Scotland.

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10 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

She’s presented a total failure really well and avoided any really tough questions.

Didnt turn up for initial cobr meetings

care homes


track and trace

allowing large crowds

blaming some failings on Westminster

spread in hospitals 

deputies don’t get a word in other than to make a mess of it

Apart from that she appears honest and presents things clearly.


Aye because she was chairing the Scottish Government Resilience Committee (oor equivalent of COBR) at the time

Really, criticising Nicola Sturgeon for not turning up at something is incredibly harsh.

Care Homes - think you need to seek answers on that from your Tory pal Robert Kilgour.  Privat Care Homes were a disgrace - think of the Skye disaster where they shipped in staff from Kent etc

Oh aye, I did have a laugh at your Track and Trace too.....hoho


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2 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

Ah sorry. But is there a criticism of it? I thought it was one area that had gone quite well.

I think the only criticisms I can think of are:

Users not inputting the code given to them by Test and Protect staff

Local authorities and other employers asking employees to turn off the app.

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2 minutes ago, The Naitch said:

Sturgeon didn't attend Cobra meetings because she was busy chairing the Scottish equivalent at the time. There's a lot to answer for at the end of this whole thing but, for the most part, that post of yours is a bit of a swing and a miss.

Plus it would be a bit weird for the Scottish FM to turn up when her English counterpart was busy at Chequers making cardboard buses.

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19 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

She’s presented a total failure really well and avoided any really tough questions.

Didnt turn up for initial cobr meetings

care homes


track and trace

allowing large crowds

blaming some failings on Westminster

spread in hospitals 

deputies don’t get a word in other than to make a mess of it

Apart from that she appears honest and presents things clearly.


This is a bit of a Scottish Labour / STURGEON RUINED MA BIZNISS type post

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On the football, it is going to be harder now for the SG to retain the same stolid indifference towards clubs having to play behind closed doors.

It is insane that people can mix in pubs, restaurants and supermarkets under strict conditions but can't watch a football match in the open air under agreed strict conditions.

On the vaccine, I can't wait and get back to enjoying football probably next season. Glad that there appears at least to be some end coming to all this even if the next few months waiting for that relaxation will be very frustrating.


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18 minutes ago, 101 said:

You know Track and Trace is an English thing right?

No, in Scotland it’s run by the health sector. I blamed England for it but was corrected on here.

All the things mentioned the Scottish government had control over yet chose not to.

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1 minute ago, D.A.F.C said:

No, in Scotland it’s run by the health sector. I blamed England for it but was corrected on here.

All the things mentioned the Scottish government had control over yet chose not to.

No you misunderstood me we don't have Track and Trace in Scotland it's entirely separate and has a different name. It's the difference between the Met Police and Police Scotland.

I chose that from your list because if the basics are wrong in the post I doubt there is much point getting into a proper debate about the other points you raised.

4 minutes ago, Ivo den Bieman said:

On the football, it is going to be harder now for the SG to retain the same stolid indifference towards clubs having to play behind closed doors.

It is insane that people can mix in pubs, restaurants and supermarkets under strict conditions but can't watch a football match in the open air under agreed strict conditions.

On the vaccine, I can't wait and get back to enjoying football probably next season. Glad that there appears at least to be some end coming to all this even if the next few months waiting for that relaxation will be very frustrating.


I think the SFA and SPFL have been utterly useless and I'm almost certain they suggested the 300 people and let the SG put football on the back burner

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I’m not anti snp or sturgeon particularly but it just makes me laugh when people say she’s and they are doing a great job.

Not really doing anything differently from England. We had months to prepare and months during the lockdown yet I don’t really any major policies that made me think wow that’s a great idea or you handled that well.

I realise that this site is quite militant towards pro snp and I’m not having a go just saying that they’re just as full of shit as any other uk politician.

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1 minute ago, Gordon EF said:

D.A.F.C's criticism of Sturgeon or the SNP is effectively the equivalent or some Tory on twitter who when asked to justify criticism of the SNP just proceeds to list all the things the Scottish Government is responsible for.

Who moved old people from hospital to care homes? The magic elves?


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1 minute ago, D.A.F.C said:

I’m not anti snp or sturgeon particularly but it just makes me laugh when people say she’s and they are doing a great job.

Not really doing anything differently from England. We had months to prepare and months during the lockdown yet I don’t really any major policies that made me think wow that’s a great idea or you handled that well.

I realise that this site is quite militant towards pro snp and I’m not having a go just saying that they’re just as full of shit as any other uk politician.

We know, we know, you're just the only one with enough objectivity to actually see that "they're all as bad as each other m8, all as bad as each other".

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2 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

I’m not anti snp or sturgeon particularly but it just makes me laugh when people say she’s and they are doing a great job.

Not really doing anything differently from England. We had months to prepare and months during the lockdown yet I don’t really any major policies that made me think wow that’s a great idea or you handled that well.

I realise that this site is quite militant towards pro snp and I’m not having a go just saying that they’re just as full of shit as any other uk politician.

I really don't think that's true tbh. In fact I think its utterly ridiculous

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4 minutes ago, Ivo den Bieman said:

On the football, it is going to be harder now for the SG to retain the same stolid indifference towards clubs having to play behind closed doors.

It is insane that people can mix in pubs, restaurants and supermarkets under strict conditions but can't watch a football match in the open air under agreed strict conditions.

On the vaccine, I can't wait and get back to enjoying football probably next season. Glad that there appears at least to be some end coming to all this even if the next few months waiting for that relaxation will be very frustrating.


Agree with this, however I'm totally perplexed as to how, in the space of less than a week, we've gone from "a very tough winter ahead", "potential of hospitals being over run", "back to April death rates" etc, to, "let's have a great christmas as you deserve it", "mix with your friends and family as it's been a tough year", "let's allow fans back to sporting events", "let's reopen all the hospitality and extend drinking times" etc, etc.

I'm honestly not getting this, have they just decided at the top of Government to "fcuk the virus" ?

or, have they been told that the restrictions make little to no difference ?

or, have certain business pressure groups finally won the day ?

Honestly, I'm just not understanding it at all............

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1 minute ago, D.A.F.C said:

I’m not anti snp or sturgeon particularly but it just makes me laugh when people say she’s and they are doing a great job.

Not really doing anything differently from England. We had months to prepare and months during the lockdown yet I don’t really any major policies that made me think wow that’s a great idea or you handled that well.

I realise that this site is quite militant towards pro snp and I’m not having a go just saying that they’re just as full of shit as any other uk politician.

I'm not sure what you mean about months to prepare, nobody predicted this particular one or knows fully about it even yet. Predictions at best have a wild difference between worst case and best case outcomes, it's pretty well impossible to plan for that without being blamed for either under reacting or over reacting.

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