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8 minutes ago, Glen Sannox said:

I see P&B Poster Boy Macron’s vaccination programme is going well. The French have managed to administer 352 vaccines. We’ve done a million!

I've lost count of the number of times people have said how great macron is. It's all macron, macron, macron. 

I'm glad you've put the fanboys in their place. 

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36 minutes ago, Glen Sannox said:

I see P&B Poster Boy Macron’s vaccination programme is going well. The French have managed to administer 352 vaccines. We’ve done a million!

We approved the vaccines first

At a speed which raised many eyebrows around the world

Good but also not surprising we are ahead of many in vaccination numbers, at the moment

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50 minutes ago, Glen Sannox said:

I see P&B Poster Boy Macron’s vaccination programme is going well. The French have managed to administer 352 vaccines. We’ve done a million!

The French being lazy and unorganised shocker.


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Our local rag is running a story about residents of a care home being positive days after receiving the vaccine. No mention of the time it takes after vaccination to develop immunity. You can probably imagine the comments on the Facebook page already.

It's going to be difficult enough for Government agencies to encourage take up without every single case of a vaccinated person testing positive regardless of how soon after the jab being seized upon as proof it doesn't work !
You'd think just for once that newspapers and journalists would report responsibly for the common good. You'd think.....
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1 hour ago, Glen Sannox said:

I see P&B Poster Boy Macron’s vaccination programme is going well. The French have managed to administer 352 vaccines. We’ve done a million!


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17 minutes ago, The Marly said:
1 hour ago, Billy Jean King said:
Our local rag is running a story about residents of a care home being positive days after receiving the vaccine. No mention of the time it takes after vaccination to develop immunity. You can probably imagine the comments on the Facebook page already.

It's going to be difficult enough for Government agencies to encourage take up without every single case of a vaccinated person testing positive regardless of how soon after the jab being seized upon as proof it doesn't work !

You'd think just for once that newspapers and journalists would report responsibly for the common good. You'd think.....

If it puts a few on the sales that's all that matters.

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1 hour ago, Glen Sannox said:

Hence the reason so many SNP types side with them. The “Brexit becoming a farce, bed wetters thread” was awash with “ go Macron” shite!

Certainly leaves me red faced having just been on my soap box in the works canteen about how great Macron is. I even interrupted football chat to extol the virtues of Macron.

Didn't think this was the way I would be convinced Brexit is in fact a good idea, but hey.... As long as we all get there in the end.




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