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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Have you seen his performance today with Piers Morgan about the school meals?

I just watched it whilst trying to find what you were talking about, and I now need an emergency chiropractor to some to my house, having cringed myself into a pretzel shape
I can't stand the man but Piers Morgan is one of a very few journalists who have held this government to account
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1 hour ago, Billy Jean King said:

Again what bit of TARGET don't you understand. The target was clearly defined again minutes ago. All over 65s and the clinically vulnerable by 1 March. What part of that can't you grasp.

How they get to that target is wholly unimportant as long as they do.

The target is clearly defined.

The target was previously defined as 1 million people will be vaccinated by January 31. Until they entirely dismantled the goalposts to try and cover their own backs.

But some people bizarrely have an unerring faith that this one will be different.

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I can't stand the man but Piers Morgan is one of a very few journalists who have held this government to account
He put the boot right into that clammy wee car salesman today. Susannah Reid also had a dig at him too, the look on Hancocks face was amazing. He's a man who doesn't think he should face that sort of scrutiny, but wouldn't be able to offer you a reason why he should be exempt. Fucking self entitled wretch. Proper scrutiny of his role in this pandemic would leave him utterly broken and toxic. Something we should all hope for. In our wildest dreams he might one day have to rely on a handout from Compass Group.
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2 minutes ago, MuckleMoo said:
6 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
Have you seen his performance today with Piers Morgan about the school meals?

I just watched it whilst trying to find what you were talking about, and I now need an emergency chiropractor to some to my house, having cringed myself into a pretzel shape

I can't stand the man but Piers Morgan is one of a very few journalists who have held this government to account

He has, but he has been quite happy to criticise the border situation despite going on holiday himself on more than one occasion. Also sooked up to NS for seemingly no reason other than she would go on his show. He's really in no position to comment on NS and the SG's handling of covid as he doesn't live here, and using her as a stick to beat WM with was little more than political pointscoring.

It would have been interesting to see how NS and the SG handled being grilled every day rather than the mostly soft touch jourmalism offered.

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2 hours ago, Steven W said:

Actually dumbfouded that construction and manufacturing, and the thousands of people (a large percentage of who can't WFH) it employs, carries on.

Really quite bizarre to instead focus on people Click and Collecting from Argos and having takeaway pints. How many of the infections over the past few weeks are actually attibuted to this stuff. Can only be a handful at best

Some construction sites were preparing to be shut down, but I thought they were expecting the announcement tomorrow?

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5 minutes ago, Steven W said:

871 people have been vaccinated and its unknown what health board they belong to.

What on earth is going on there?



The more detailed documents posted by ICTChris explained it - these are people who either don't have their health board on their record (probably a handful) and people who live elsewhere in the UK.

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4 hours ago, SoapMactavish said:

Just to address the whole” lOnG cOvId iS a HoAx” on here.

There is categorically a post-covid syndrome of some sort, particularly in regard to people still having chest issues like breathlessness, chest pain etc a long way down the line from the actual acute infection. 

I am seeing on a daily basis significant numbers of patients attending with these symptoms 8,9 or even 10 months after getting infected intially. Some are bad enough to need admitted through ED. 

Call it long covid or whatever you want but it does exist and is not the same as post viral fatigue. 

Don't think anybody said that, in fact I went as far as to make sure that I wasn't being misinterpreted as calling it a hoax.

My (fairly legitimate, IMO) concern is that when the death rate goes significantly down come the summer - once we've got the vulnerable vaccinated and the natural help of the warm weather - I can easily see certain people in the very-much-enjoying-all-this-extra-media-attention-they're-getting scientific community pivoting from "well yes we've stopped the deaths but what are we going to do about Long COVID? Better not risk it and keep the restrictions in!".

I'm just telling you now, those people will be roundly to fucking bolt by the lion's share of the population.

Edited by HibsFan
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6 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

The more detailed documents posted by ICTChris explained it - these are people who either don't have their health board on their record (probably a handful) and people who live elsewhere in the UK.

Thank you - I figured there would be some reason to it

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33 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

 Proper scrutiny of his role in this pandemic would leave him utterly broken and toxic. Something we should all hope for. In our wildest dreams he might one day have to rely on a handout from Compass Group.

I won't have this divisive language. I just won't have it.

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