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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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9 minutes ago, Have some faith in Magic said:

"Captain Tom Moore defended by Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby over Barbados trip as he fights Covid in hospital – Metro" https://metro.co.uk/2021/02/01/captain-tom-moore-barbados-trip-defended-after-trolls-attack-14001571/amp/

You are all vile trolls. 🙄

Not sure a 25+ degree change in temperature is a good shock for a frail 100 year old respiratory system. 

I know it's the Metro and Julia Hartley-Brewer but I'm not really sure people questioning whether a 100 year old going on a plane for eight hours in the middle of a pandemic when parts of the UK were in lockdown, Covid numbers were shooting up again and people were being told to stay home and not travel even within the UK can really qualify as 'trolls'.

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6 minutes ago, Jambomo said:

I don’t think anyone thinks the NHS should need to benefit from charity or that it sits right with people that he felt he needed to do it.

I don’t know how it turned into so many people having a go at him for it or the people who congratulated him for doing it though.

He was basically a nice old man who raised money for something he believed in. I find it mad that some people couldn’t separate the two and still congratulate him on his efforts without it being some kind of reflection on their views of NHS underfunding.

Fair point but the eulogising that's gone alongside his good guy status is over the top. One of the reasons I struggle to watch the BBC is their determination to tap into and magnify the old bulldog spirit pish instead of properly ripping apart Johnson, Patel and that odious c**t Rees Mogg. 

The auld boy did well and all the best to his family. That's plenty. 

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Not sure what to make of the BBC reporting that the Captain Sir Tom guy died "with coronavirus" after catching pneumonia rather than reporting it as another COVID-19 fatality as they almost certainly would in any other instance. Not a pleasant way to go so RIP and condolences and all that but weird how this is being spun.

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17 minutes ago, madwullie said:

London and the South East have been in proper lockdown far longer than we've endured recently up here, 

Lol wut

London was in tier 2 (a weak sauce version of Scotland's tier 3) just before Christmas. Most of the Central Belt has been under tighter restrictions continuously since that bullshit 'two week circuit breaker' in October. 

Edited by vikingTON
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9 minutes ago, Jambomo said:

Yeah but what I mean is, that wasn’t his fault. He shouldn’t be getting a hard time for doing something nice, because other people are arseholes and take everything too far. 

You’re absolutely right btw. My irritation with what’s about to come is not with the man himself. 

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15 minutes ago, Rob1885 said:
18 minutes ago, madwullie said:
Genuinely surprised at the clamour for us to follow the English lead in the next few months. I get NS' approach is too Conservative for some, but the mob down south have made f**k up after f**k up, u turn after u turn, and looking at it objectively, have almost seemed to be encouraging the virus to spread throughout the whole shitshow. 
Eat out to help out, waiting until it was almost pointless to have even the most basic checks at airports, opening the schools for one fucking day, Boris saves Christmas, billion pound contracts for m8s, etc etc etc etc etc.
London and the South East have been in proper lockdown far longer than we've endured recently up here, all as a result of their disastrous flip flopping policy making, and its been suggested that had they had the balls to stop people going abroad for piss ups in the summer, we might even be in a situation where we have many multiples fewer cases, hospitalisations and deaths than we currently have.
I mean, I get the snp are about a million miles from blameless here, but to be gantin on the UK govt imposing looser restrictions on us than our govt would like because Matt "verge of tears" Hancock hinted we might just get to go a holiday in the summer (a promise he'll have zero problem ditchingnlast minute, as previously shown, if it looks like a stupid decision 2 months down the line. It just seems bonkers to me. 
If everywhere else is opening up, the numbers are miles down, and the vaccines prove to be as effective as they are looking, then all this will be possible without humping the Tories' leg now because they've shown a bit of ankle. 

London was pretty much open till about a week before Xmas, Wullie. Glasgow has been in tier 4 since September or some fucking nonsense like that so bit of a swing and a miss wi that one.

I was sure the South East got locked down before us at Xmas? Sorry if I got that wrong. Point still stands though - all evidence of their decision making has been absutely shite throughout this... and that's without even considering brexit. 

Something they say they might do 4 months down the line has absolutely no weight whatsoever to it - there's not one of them that won't tell the most blatant of lies if they think it will put opinion polls up a 0.000001 of a percentage point, so hitching hopes on them doing anything they might say seems a bit, well, willfully blind. 

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1 hour ago, Snafu said:

Had more bad news passed on to me today about the Care Home my mother stays in that it has been confirmed that both areas that home the residents with dementia which includes where my mother stays are affected with one person having died. All residents and staff had been vaccinated at the start of January, many of whom right now are positive but either showing minor or no symptoms, though some residents have become very unwell. I can't imagine what the staff are going through, stress levels through the roof and having to put a brave face on and keep calm, they are amazing.

I'm trying not to get wound up about it and keeping my mind occupied and busy, but I can't help the worry that I'll get that phone call in the next couple of days.

Hope it all pans out O.K., and you don't get that phone call.

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And who would have thought that an old bloke wandering aboot his garden holding a zimmer frame would become the "toast of the nation" ??
Strange times indeed.

I would’ve thought this. It’s just the right level of tinpot for this stupid island. It’s the sort of shite you see on ITV all the time.
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1 hour ago, Elric said:

That was what I was discussing with the wife earlier today - without extra time added will schools be able to catch up. Have noticed the difference in my oldest grandchild, she was doing well in class but now seems lost.  Perhaps they should consider this year a complete right off and repeat the year for all. Would prove a heavy impact for P1 with kids coming through from nursery though

That idea was floated by the Childrens Commissioner for NI at the tail end of last week on the Nolan Show. I'm sure she didn't just come out with it and was probably put "out there" to gauge public reaction. I've heard no more about it.

I, like you, think it's a good idea, but basically means you're doubling up on P1s, don't know how practical that would be.

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15 minutes ago, madwullie said:

I was sure the South East got locked down before us at Xmas? Sorry if I got that wrong. Point still stands though - all evidence of their decision making has been absutely shite throughout this... and that's without even considering brexit. 

Something they say they might do 4 months down the line has absolutely no weight whatsoever to it - there's not one of them that won't tell the most blatant of lies if they think it will put opinion polls up a 0.000001 of a percentage point, so hitching hopes on them doing anything they might say seems a bit, well, willfully blind. 

The South East (or at least most of it) was T2 after the exit from the November lockdown. More of it got shoved into T3 as time passed, before the entire south and London were put in national lockdown. I was in T3 a day before the lockdown! 

A shambles, frankly. 

Edited by Michael W
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