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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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4 hours ago, sparky88 said:

All viruses mutate, constantly. Mutations are the reason why a different flu vaccine is needed every year. And why a "booster" vaccine is talked about being needed in autumn for old folk for COViD. 

We need to start thinking about COVID in a completely different way. COVID19 will be around as long as humans exist, and so will its mutations. So we will be balancing risk with regards to COVID all the time . 


The uks response has been a disaster in every way and we need to shut down things because testing and track and trace don’t exist in an effective way. We needed to shut down completely then open up slowly but we did neither and will be stuck in lockdowns until enough people are vaccinated.

If we allow people to come in and out then the vaccine will need updated. The alternative is mass testing or just letting thousands die every year. 

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2 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

So until people have been vaccinated they can't visit a restaurant, bar, or any other public place either?

Or is it just those unvaccinated foreigny types that are a problem? Can't be risking the health in the UK by exposing ourselves to them and their Kent, Bristol and Liverpool variants can we? Much safer to stay here.

Once we have 70% herd immunity the chances of variants emerging here will be miniscule. 

Variants happen via transmission. We are going to hopefully have very little transmission in the UK in about 2 months. The majority of the world will be unfortunately still be highly infectious.

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1 minute ago, D.A.F.C said:

The uks response has been a disaster in every way and we need to shut down things because testing and track and trace don’t exist in an effective way. We needed to shut down completely then open up slowly but we did neither and will be stuck in lockdowns until enough people are vaccinated.

If we allow people to come in and out then the vaccine will need updated. The alternative is mass testing or just letting thousands die every year. 

Like we do currently with the flu?

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7 minutes ago, latapythelegend said:

No it's a fortunate bonus to day to day life. Nobody a sunshine holiday to get by, we all enjoy them but its not a necessity.

So what IS a necessity ?

Going for a pint ?, going out for a meal ?, going to church ?, going to a football / rugby match ?

None of these things are necessities either, however it would be a rather sad world if all we could do was work, sleep, rinse, repeat.

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1 minute ago, Todd_is_God said:

Too dangerous to get a haircut, but perfectly fine to gather to worship a sky fairy...

Am I not right in saying that, just 2 months ago, 100 per 100k was safe enough to go for a pint in the pub until 10.30pm, yet now we have a vaccine a wee trim is apocalyptic?

Get these clowns as far to f**k as possible.

Yeah. Some areas remained in level 2 with a prevalence of over 200 per 100k.

A place of worship is absolutely not a necessity - perhaps to a religious person but it's no more necessary to society at large than any other facet.

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8 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:


Leitch saying a few things of note here:

- Likely to go back to tiers as we begin to roll back restrictions

- 100 cases per 100k nationally is "too high" to begin looking at opening anything up

- Schools the priority along with "places of worship" where we will take a national approach

That can GTF. Leitch is a bit of a bible-basher, but I'm sure that totally isn't influencing his decision to put opening up churches ahead of actual businesses...

Anyway I worship Nat Wedderburn and will therefore be spending my Saturdays watching him performing roulettes on a soggy football pitch. 

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Does this mean that even with the vaccine rollout complete and nobody going into hospital, that if case rates exceed 100 per 100,000 in future that the state can intervene to shut society down by diktat?

It needs clarified, otherwise when does that madness ever stop?

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2 minutes ago, super_carson said:

The first of those - I agree with (I appreciate you may not, Marshy, but I'm just speaking as teacher who is sick of his laptop). 

The second can take a big long f**k off to itself, and then when it's all the way fucked off, it can f**k off some more.    I have absolutely no problem with religion in the slightest, live and live let live and all that.  But there is absolutely no way we should be cherry picking what kind of gatherings are and aren't allowed.  Why should someone be able to go to the church before the football, for example? Who is to say that one is more important than the other, rationally and objectively speaking.  If the government start making arbitrary decisions about what is and isn't an acceptable then a lot of the rationale of these decisions fall down.  

I'm sure I've seen it mentioned that Leitch has strong religious beliefs?  Ulterior motives for wanting churches opened maybe?

I'd suggest the overwhelming majority of people in the country couldn't give two hoots about churches being opened up.  I personally only know two people that are into religion (a retired minister and his wife) so opening up churches is not helping with any return to normality for the vast majority.

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It's absolutely wild how many people seem to be insinuating that only zero deaths are acceptable as an ongoing health / societal strategy. I mean humans have only been dying for as long as we've ever existed so it might just need a little more time for people to adjust to that fact.

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2 minutes ago, Left Back said:

I'm sure I've seen it mentioned that Leitch has strong religious beliefs?  Ulterior motives for wanting churches opened maybe?

I'd suggest the overwhelming majority of people in the country couldn't give two hoots about churches being opened up.  I personally only know two people that are into religion (a retired minister and his wife) so opening up churches is not helping with any return to normality for the vast majority.

I think you are right, although I don't actually know that for a fact.  

I get that churches etc. are important to many people and religion, churches, mosques etc. do good charity work in their local community and help individuals with a isolation;  I'm not knocking that, or anyone who is religious either. But there are so many different organisations who cannot operate at the moment who do all those things.  Zoom church services have been fairly successful, from what I've seen from the one my other half watches.  Although if (and I'll accept it's probably a big if)  it transpires that this is something Leitch, a supposedly religious man, has pushed for then that's wholly unacceptable.  

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Places of worship being given any sort of preference is rage-inducing. Pray in the bloody house FFS. 

Schools are expected, but really there needs to be a plan to vaccinate at least secondary school kids. Schools will have the distinction of being the only non-vaccinated setting by August and therefore are basically going to keep the virus in circulation. Perhaps school kids aren't impacted in the same way as some are, but given what we keep hearing about spread of the virus and can't be sure vaccines stop that, schools risk pulling us all down. Not to mention the famous quote that R can't be kept below 1 thanks to the "more infectious Kent variant". 

Edited by Michael W
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3 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

So what IS a necessity ?

Going for a pint ?, going out for a meal ?, going to church ?, going to a football / rugby match ?

None of these things are necessities either, however it would be a rather sad world if all we could do was work, sleep, rinse, repeat.

They are things you can typically do all year round . Surely it makes more sense to have then sense of normality first for 50 weeks of the year instead of being desperate for a holiday 2 weeks of the year?

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7 minutes ago, Jan Vojáček said:

That can GTF. Leitch is a bit of a bible-basher, but I'm sure that totally isn't influencing his decision to put opening up churches ahead of actual businesses...

Anyway I worship Nat Wedderburn and will therefore be spending my Saturdays watching him performing roulettes on a soggy football pitch. 

It's not Leitch's decision, it's the Scottish Governments.

Religion is clearly more important than non-essential businesses. Religion dictates how a lot of people live their lives. Just because those of us who aren't religious do not necessarily appreciate that doesn't make it less important.

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6 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Does this mean that even with the vaccine rollout complete and nobody going into hospital, that if case rates exceed 100 per 100,000 in future that the state can intervene to shut society down by diktat?

It needs clarified, otherwise when does that madness ever stop?

Its a bit worrying that all the emergency legislation that was passed is going to remain long after this is gone and be used regularly to impinge on people's previous freedoms.   Not just the SG but all of them.

We're already seeing an airbrushing campaign that seems to be trying to convince people tha last summer was normal.  Tell enough people enough times they will eventually believe it.

I'm not overly happy with the direction of travel in this regard.

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Just now, Elixir said:

Does this mean that even with the vaccine rollout complete and nobody going into hospital, that if case rates exceed 100 per 100,000 in future that the state can intervene to shut society down by diktat?

It needs clarified, otherwise when does that madness ever stop?

I must admit, I've been pretty pro Gov throughout this and thought erring on the side of caution was the way to go to try and stop as many deaths / serious illness as possible, however I've now got to the completely cheesed off point as there now seems no way out of this ??

We have the vaccines that they all heralded, we have all the new drugs and treatments that they said would stop lots of the fatalities, we've got a much better understanding of dealing with the virus, we've had major restrictions for months (approaching a full year) and yet over the past few days the rhetoric coming from all Governments appears to be that it's pointless, it's all been in vain and these restrictions will NEED to continue indefinitely !!

Why ?? I thought it was about stopping deaths and serious illness, so have we not achieved that ?? Either the vaccine works or it doesn't surely ????

So, is this it ? is this life forever more ??, is this all we have to live for ???

The fact people are actually defending the banning of holidays just shows how screwed up / subservient our population has become, well, I'm sorry, but this simply can't go on indefinitely, another way out is needed and needed fast, before we all go bloody insane !!!

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Just now, G51 said:

It's not Leitch's decision, it's the Scottish Governments.

Religion is clearly more important than non-essential businesses. Religion dictates how a lot of people live their lives. Just because those of us who aren't religious do not necessarily appreciate that doesn't make it less important.

I would argue that there are more people impacted by not being able to work, trade and pay bills than there are about not getting to church on a Sunday.


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