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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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29 minutes ago, JTS98 said:

That's what was tried first here. The problem is that people observe the other people around them and take their cues from them.

There were people jogging at the park right in the middle of Kuala Lumpur, so this led to a group of South American backpackers thinking the park was open and having a picnic in the park. The police had to move them on, and they weren't happy because they could see people running and were annoyed that they couldn't have their picnic.

People base their behaviour on how others are behaving.

There were loads of examples of this in the first few days here.

So, exercise was banned and compliance has gone from an estimated 60% to an estimated 92%. This will save lives.

Ambiguity has to be removed.

From having worked in Borneo, thought I'd just check.......

Yes.., right now in Kuala Lumpur, it's   8pm on Monday evening.  It's  26 degrees C ( 79 F ), and 95% humidity

The March daytime average temperature is 33 degrees C  (  91 F ).

It's not the same as a balmy springtime day in the UK.   Anyone who spends a lot of time outside in KL is deranged.

Must admit, first time I knew about the 2 metre distancing thing was this morning.

I'd previously thought it was 1 metre, and acted accordingly.

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5 minutes ago, Dons_1988 said:

Let's be honest, the government will have known fine well that a decent % of people would ignore advice.

Now when they put us in lockdown they can say 'we gave you a chance and you fucked it up'.

I fully expect lockdown was the plan from the start and this 'please comply or we'll go further' is just politics.

I'm quite sure their measures are aimed at us getting 5/10k deaths or whatever number they deem acceptable during this cycle, the skill will be timing it so the numbers don't go too high as to f**k the place, I'm not convinced they've got it right as this wasn't the original plan. 

It will be down to the general public to decide if the loss of their loved ones was a price worth taking. 

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3 minutes ago, Ya Bezzer! said:

I had to get my mum's prescription at the chemists and when I went along it was shut and there was a crowd of about 50 - 100 people outside.

Phoned the doctor and he says it's only going to be open for limited hours and might have to close completely.

Can see things like this getting pretty chaotic pretty fast.  People need their prescriptions.


How can they possibly shut chemists?  Utter stupidity.

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For the Nervous Nellies: Our family went to the Kinneil Estate yesterday. Here was our thinking. If you can tell me what was actually wrong with it, I'd love to hear it.

We thought about walking or cycling round Linlithgow Loch, but it's always pretty busy and we thought it would be worse yesterday. Same for the canal, and that path is too narrow to pass with sufficient distance, especially on bikes.

Then we thought about Muiravonside, because it has wide paths. We knew it could be busy, we thought about going to see and if the car park was busy then we'd turn back. But it didn't seem worth it.

Then we remembered Kinneil Estate is always quiet, it's very spacious and the paths are wide. There were about 10 cars at the car park. We walked round the estate, easily keeping 2m distance from the handful of people we passed. Everyone was making big, exaggerated moves to the edge of the paths, it was quite funny. We didn't pat dogs, for a change. We didn't sit on benches because you're bound to put your hands where others have. We had a picnic and threw a ball around on a wide, empty area of grass.

We washed hands before we left and as soon as we got home. We used wipes before the picnic and before getting back to the car.

Anyone who thinks that we should have stayed home is making up their own rules and expecting others to live by them.

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14 minutes ago, GordonS said:

As for your question, genuinely, if you follow the social distancing advice you are at more risk of catching a disease in your shower. 


12 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

Possibly the shower, if it's legionnaires.

I think you both are well aware I was talking about the current highly contagious virus which is being passed around by those venturing outside for periods of time. As far as I'm aware there have been no cases passed through the water supply and directly in through someones personal shower. I get you argue that doing your exercise outside is fine, for most it probably will be, but you're acting like this isn't increasing risk to you or others, it absolutely is.

8 minutes ago, Hedgecutter said:

Given that I can go for a walk around the country lanes with my hands in my pockets (the wind can be somewhat cold just now) then I'm almost certainly at higher risk of catching the virus in my own bathroom seeing as other people push the same shower button, taps and toilet flush.  If I stay at home then I'm more likely to drink, hence more likely to use the toilet, hence more likely to touch those surfaces.   

Leave it out, Hedge. Those taps/buttons/toilet flush only get contaminated by people leaving the house and bringing bacteria back in. If you don't leave the house your risk of getting this virus is extremely slim. 

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what REALLY pisses me off is people out hiking, at the beach etc who think because they didn't come into contact with anyone its fine. Imagine we all had that mentality, they are taking advantage of the fact other people are complying. It is utterly selfish arsehole behaviour. Its not hard to do and should be given no congratulation but there should be  a small innate sense of your doing the right thing by just sitting in your hoose that outweighs the satisfaction of going outside. It doesn't seem like people understand fully how this virus travels. Say it's as simple as you touching a handrail someone else touched half an hour ago, you could literally be contributing to killing a human being but folk genuinely couldn't seem to care less as long as they get their time outside and instagram story out of it, it might not work like that but for the sake of just sitting on your sofa why the F chance it. People are just being far too risky. It has really riled me and i would never do it but it makes me want to launch a venomous facebook post and just call people out and tell them how big p***ks they are being. They seem to be utterly oblivious to it which pisses me off even more. 

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Interesting stats from Singapore the last few days. We have seen an increase in infections the last three days. Today being a record. The vast majority (80+%) are imported cases. So much so that as of 23:59 tonight, foreigners can no longer enter or transit to/via Singapore. This could last until June. Where are the majority of these infections coming from? The UK!


On the debate of staying in or going out. Countries are following their own experts and own policies. In Singapore schools are still open, public transport running as normal and ‘social distancing’ is at generally the minimum and we appear to be doing pretty well in this. Our neighbours in Malaysia as you know, have taken more extreme measures. Countries and attitudes are different as are governments, the governments attitude and of course the data modelling and who and how it is being presented.

A lot of this falls into the local situation, extent of the spread in a given area and people applying common sense and follow the recommended guidelines.

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1 minute ago, The Moonster said:


I think you both are well aware I was talking about the current highly contagious virus which is being passed around by those venturing outside for periods of time. As far as I'm aware there have been no cases passed through the water supply and directly in through someones personal shower. I get you argue that doing your exercise outside is fine, for most it probably will be, but you're acting like this isn't increasing risk to you or others, it absolutely is.


No, I actually believed the words you were using. If you meant something else then you should have said so.

There's effectively zero risk of spreading Covid-19 from going for a walk if you follow the advice and don't touch anything.

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18 minutes ago, WATTOO said:

With all due respect that's a bloody ridiculous argument.

The "golfer" or indeed "fat jock" could just as easy "fall down the stairs in the house", "scold themselves with the kettle", "trip on the backdoor step putting out the rubbish", "slip when in the shower" etc, etc.

S&M thread for that sort of pish...

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1 minute ago, GordonS said:

I don't think there's the slightest chance that that's true.

I’m somewhere in between.  Don’t think it was the plan ‘from the start’ however the government very quickly moved from ‘herd immunity’ to where we are now and may be looking for justification to go further given the Italian and Spanish situations in particular.

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1 minute ago, Granny Danger said:

I’m somewhere in between.  Don’t think it was the plan ‘from the start’ however the government very quickly moved from ‘herd immunity’ to where we are now and may be looking for justification to go further given the Italian and Spanish situations in particular.

Herd immunity went out the window as a policy option when the Imperial College paper showed that it would mean ICUs being completely overwhelmed before we got there, given the proportion of cases that require medical attention. You couldn't flatten the curve enough. Instead they moved to keeping a trickle of cases coming through that they could cope with, and ramp up restrictions when the numbers ticked up.

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Just now, Terry Singh said:

Is it really so hard for fowk to sit on their arse in the house for the time being (work permitting)

For three months? Yes. It'll cause mental and physical illnesses. If we can safely get exercise then it's silly not to.

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7 minutes ago, Bairn Necessities said:

Should we ban all driving because some people drive drunk and/or badly? 

To play to your hypothetical, at the moment we have a situation whereby there's been loads of snow and/or flooding, with police advising that everybody except 4x4 drivers use an inconvenient detour.  When Mr Polo & Mrs Golf keep deciding to chance it and f*** it up, the snow gates slam shut and the road gets closed to everybody, even the 4x4s. 

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19 minutes ago, GordonS said:

For the Nervous Nellies: Our family went to the Kinneil Estate yesterday. Here was our thinking. If you can tell me what was actually wrong with it, I'd love to hear it.

We thought about walking or cycling round Linlithgow Loch, but it's always pretty busy and we thought it would be worse yesterday. Same for the canal, and that path is too narrow to pass with sufficient distance, especially on bikes.

Then we thought about Muiravonside, because it has wide paths. We knew it could be busy, we thought about going to see and if the car park was busy then we'd turn back. But it didn't seem worth it.

Then we remembered Kinneil Estate is always quiet, it's very spacious and the paths are wide. There were about 10 cars at the car park. We walked round the estate, easily keeping 2m distance from the handful of people we passed. Everyone was making big, exaggerated moves to the edge of the paths, it was quite funny. We didn't pat dogs, for a change. We didn't sit on benches because you're bound to put your hands where others have. We had a picnic and threw a ball around on a wide, empty area of grass.

We washed hands before we left and as soon as we got home. We used wipes before the picnic and before getting back to the car.

Anyone who thinks that we should have stayed home is making up their own rules and expecting others to live by them.

Did your family keep 2m apart?

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18 minutes ago, SlipperyP said:

Fat Jock is in his house and could probably get some medical treatment at his house, probably by himself.   Playing golf at the village greens he will need assistance from someone....

The good news for Fat Jock is that We're fully equipped and our Club Pro, Secretary and Course Manager are all trained first aiders. We even have two defibrillators (one on the course and one in the clubhouse) with lots of the membership also trained in their use. We also have a few retired Doctors among our playing membership, so in fairness you're probably as safe "on the course" as you are anywhere.

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The tediousness of JTS98’s post is growing faster than the virus.
I’d try to map it out but I’d probably make an arse of it.
It's been like a constant stream of pollution.

I respect his opinion but he went on so much even folk agreeing with him thought he was a dick. That's counter-productive. Self awareness is a vital skill, kids.

Important to note, this virus doesn't last long outside, according to evidence (in pretty sure). Indoor surfaces, public transport etc is a much bigger threat. Get those trains and buses and offices empty. And get the queues outside shops and chemists sorted.

Those things would help much more than telling someone not to go for a quiet, rules-compliant walk (or dare i say a game of gowf).

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