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4 minutes ago, tamthebam said:

The Boss went off on a jaunt to St Andrews on his bike at the weekend and said there were coppers monitoring cars at Lundin Links.

His take is that the actual "stay local" restrictions ended last Friday to be replaced by "stay local" guidance. The difference being that you cannot be prosecuted for ignoring mere guidance and that if some cop tried to give him a fixed penalty ticket they would be told to stick it and the matter should be referred to the Procurator Fiscal who would put a pen through it.

How legally valid this point is I cannot say as I am not a lawyer and can't be arsed doing the research.

The legislation was updated on Friday: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2020/344/schedule/5/part/4

The requirement to remain at home was removed, and basically the restrictions on movement are now between council areas unless you have one of the various reasonable excuses. Of course there's still restrictions on gatherings as described in schedule 5 part 3 (max four from two households).

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Minimum 2 private PCR tests to travel even to countries on the "green" list once travel restarts. Putting a city break or long weekend out the window as well as family holidays. Interesting to see how the travel companies deal with bookings bumped into this summer that might yet go ahead but the additional cost means the customers cant afford to go.

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This sort of thing could kill off a lot of companies in the travel industry who have basically only survived the last year because of government support. When that support is removed, but there is still vastly reduced revenue due to the continued restrictions or requirements to test, then we are going to see a lot of problems. This is of course unless they extend support to that particular sector for a more extended period of time. I guess we will have to wait and see on that front. 

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Minimum 2 private PCR tests to travel even to countries on the "green" list once travel restarts. Putting a city break or long weekend out the window as well as family holidays. Interesting to see how the travel companies deal with bookings bumped into this summer that might yet go ahead but the additional cost means the customers cant afford to go.
Once again, rendering any "vaccine passport" utterly useless.
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Minimum 2 private PCR tests to travel even to countries on the "green" list once travel restarts. Putting a city break or long weekend out the window as well as family holidays. Interesting to see how the travel companies deal with bookings bumped into this summer that might yet go ahead but the additional cost means the customers cant afford to go.

Not quite right. Returning from green area is any test pre-departure (the government is ‘investigating’ if the LFTs they’re desperately trying to pawn off on people can be used for this purpose [emoji23]) and a private PCR on Day 0, 1 or 2 on arrival home. Assuming negative you’re fine. So hopefully ‘just’ the one private PCR test and a hopefully free LFT for pre-departure.

Amber is also LFT pre-departure, and two private PCR’s on arrival home, with a ten-day isolation at home but the second result can release you assuming two negatives.

Red will still be hotel quarantine and associated testing.

It’ll still be in the region of £200 for two adults from a green zone though, or £400 from amber, and more if they decide the LFTs aren’t good enough for pre-flight checks. And it doesn’t consider anything that the receiving country may be demanding on the way out either.
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OK. Then why do we need vaccine passports? Seems like we have no use for them. It's also demonstrating a total lack of confidence in the vaccines. 

Silly me, I forgot - VaRIaNts!!1

I'll be cancelling my holiday, then, unless it's cancelled for me. I'm not paying the £600 or whatever it'll costs the 3 of us for the privilege of leaving the country. 

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The travel industry pushing for the lateral flow test rather than PCR which makes sense as they are a lot cheaper and quick results although less reliable but seem to be accepted for healthcare/teacher to use. Not much being said on where you go if it's a PCR test on entry, do you have to stay at a government hotel for a night till results come back? Heard Jeane Freeman saying all holidays should be binned as that's what brought numbers up last year. She seems to be forgetting by the summer most adults will be double dosed with vaccine. Shapps saying he will be pushing for the price of PCR tests to come down, maybe the should have done that at the start instead of having them starting at a crazy £150 per test. 

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2 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
42 minutes ago, Scosha said:
Covid: Wales' gyms and household mixing changes brought forward https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-56680593

Meanwhile we remain under unprecedented restrictions, brought in under state of emergency conditions but can't possibly be reviewed for weeks because of rules

It’s actually fucking disgraceful not to just change this electioneering bullshit excuse to not review and relax faster. It’s an easy out for them to just say “it’s the rules” and put off any decision until May.

Get the nonsense travel restrictions and outdoor limits removed now.

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58 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

Heard Jeane Freeman saying all holidays should be binned as that's what brought numbers up last year. She seems to be forgetting by the summer most adults will be double dosed with vaccine. 

This is exactly my biggest issue with the whole thing. Why are we continuing to treat vaccinated people as if they are not vaccinated or that we don't have proven effective vaccines? It's really starting to anger me. 

How many studies showing the effectiveness of the vaccines do we need before we acknowledge that they are working, have turned the ride against Covid in terms of cases and are saving lives? 

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16 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

750% markup, aye sounds fair.

The problem is it's going to be a neccesity for the foreseeable future for getting abroad.  I suppose it's far better than the current 7500% mark up.  Think most folk would bite your hand off if they only had to pay £30 to access holidays again.

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3 minutes ago, Michael W said:

This is exactly my biggest issue with the whole thing. Why are we continuing to treat vaccinated people as if they are not vaccinated or that we don't have proven effective vaccines? It's really starting to anger me. 

How many studies showing the effectiveness of the vaccines do we need before we acknowledge that they are working, have turned the ride against Covid in terms of cases and are saving lives? 

And further to that, if they don't work then what? Airlines grounded permanently and have face masks stitched on to new borns?

Edited by jimbaxters
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