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I think you're being overly harsh here mate. People are saying it's great to see because we've been unable to do anything remotely like this for months and months. It doesn't mean they're happy to settle for this, just that they are glad that the process has begun. We can argue till we're blue in our faces about how quickly it should be happening, but 8t is surely a good thing that we've started down that road? 
Possibly. Maybe a generational thing too. If your young, free and gagging for your Nat King perhaps this is a good development. I enjoy a day in a beer garden but prefer to pick a lovely warm day. I suppose we all have different views, I'm happy to wait for either warmer weather or better still a couple of weeks for an indoor pint or a meal with a bottle of wine. Also might not be so cold in city / town centres as down here on the coast.
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2 hours ago, Lyle Lanley said:

Rewind festival been cancelled and poInting the blame at the SG. 


Are there festivals going ahead in June/ July? As far as I can see Riverside, Slam's thing in Edinburgh with Fly and Parklife are all scheduled for September weekends while R&L are going ahead at the usual August bank holiday weekend.

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24 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
2 hours ago, madwullie said:
I think you're being overly harsh here mate. People are saying it's great to see because we've been unable to do anything remotely like this for months and months. It doesn't mean they're happy to settle for this, just that they are glad that the process has begun. We can argue till we're blue in our faces about how quickly it should be happening, but 8t is surely a good thing that we've started down that road? 

Possibly. Maybe a generational thing too. If your young, free and gagging for your Nat King perhaps this is a good development. I enjoy a day in a beer garden but prefer to pick a lovely warm day. I suppose we all have different views, I'm happy to wait for either warmer weather or better still a couple of weeks for an indoor pint or a meal with a bottle of wine. Also might not be so cold in city / town centres as down here on the coast.

I'm a boring old fart too mate. We got this 👊

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Festivals openly encouraging folk to cross the border where they will be able to put their events on is quite frankly, a fucking minter for Scotgov, and an absolute kick in the teeth for folk who would otherwise get work/make money out of these types of events coming to town. 


See also, the travel industry. 

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12 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
1 hour ago, Elixir said:
Billy Jean King absolutely hates European cafe culture.

I hate it when it's fucking Baltic.

Reported for racism towards Latvia. 

9 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Festivals openly encouraging folk to cross the border where they will be able to put their events on is quite frankly, a fucking minter for Scotgov, and an absolute kick in the teeth for folk who would otherwise get work/make money out of these types of events coming to town. 


See also, the travel industry. 

Virgin Atlantic as alluded to earlier this week have cancelled their Scottish timetable and moved all flights on to Manchester, costing Glasgow Airport dozens of seasonal jobs, revenue from passengers and tourists arriving from the other direction. Knock on impact of subsidiary businesses like car parks/car hire etc also and revenue from businesses operating in the terminals/costing jobs there, all because they’re not willing to follow the science and set sensible guidelines for international travel. Short sighted at best. 
We’re travelling to Orlando from Manchester now, not ideal but I dont trust the Scottish Government to open up tourism so f**k it my money will be spent at an English airport now. 

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It's almost like they're pivoting their position thanks to what we all knew ages ago, and as there isn't going to be another wave of infections which threatens the health service:




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9 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Reported for racism towards Latvia. 

Virgin Atlantic as alluded to earlier this week have cancelled their Scottish timetable and moved all flights on to Manchester, costing Glasgow Airport dozens of seasonal jobs, revenue from passengers and tourists arriving from the other direction. Knock on impact of subsidiary businesses like car parks/car hire etc also and revenue from businesses operating in the terminals/costing jobs there, all because they’re not willing to follow the science and set sensible guidelines for international travel. Short sighted at best. 
We’re travelling to Orlando from Manchester now, not ideal but I dont trust the Scottish Government to open up tourism so f**k it my money will be spent at an English airport now. 

I actually cant believe it now its actually happening, Scotgov torching these industries on some vague ideological basis that appeals to fringe psychopaths. 


We are way, WAY past the stage of being able to claim some sort of credibility for the "BORIS IS GOING TOO FAST PITTIN LIFES AT RISK!!!" shite. Numbers utterly plummeting weeks into the school term with lockdown being more and more ignored even as it is lessened anyway. 

Its now about the economy and Scotgov are having a fucking disaster on that score. Data not dates, and folloeing the science are the mainstays of Scotgovs supposed approach, and these are teo things that they are demonstrably not doing. The science tells us that the vaccines are obliterating it, the data tells us that the dates could come forward and still we hold huge sectors over the coals. Pathetic

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Aye but but Nicola is keeping us aw safe.  Go up North,spend a fortune, buy some shortbread and listen to Andy Stewart in the rain. A true tartan staycation.
The SG have shat on the hospitality sector and there attitudes towards it and things like gyms etc has been nothing short of a disgrace.
It's almost like because they fucked up the nursing homes at the start they are shit scared to make any potential decison that could cause a wee upturn in cases.
Here's a wee clue, your hospitals are empty, deaths are down, all evidence shows vaccines work.
Stop being gutless pathetic shitebags ringing people's livelihoods and actually fucking lead.
It's pitiful.
I hope they get their arses felt by the hospitality industry in that court case, and more follow. They are ruining people for no good reason here. Its genuinely a disgrace that will be brushed away with big sweeping strokes of "unprecedented" and "did our best" and most likely bare faced lies about "the science"
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I'm the last person who wants to defend the SNP but bringing forward reopening during the election period would be controversial.
And to stick the boot in as I like to do it's their own fault for the roadmap being fucking shite.
I think the main problem for night time hospitality, aviation/travel, festivals to name a few is that they have no credible roadmap.
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12 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
13 minutes ago, Detournement said:
I'm the last person who wants to defend the SNP but bringing forward reopening during the election period would be controversial.
And to stick the boot in as I like to do it's their own fault for the roadmap being fucking shite.

I think the main problem for night time hospitality, aviation/travel, festivals to name a few is that they have no credible roadmap.

Credible is redundant. They have no roadmap at all.

It's actually unbelievable that a government forcibly closing those sectors and giving absolutely no indication as to what needs to happen for them to re-open is seen as ok by anyone.

You may think that it's likely that the SG will allow these things to happen hot on the heels of the UK Gov, and that probably will be the case. But it's not good enough tbh. Nightclubs can, but aviation and festivals can't just flick a switch and open up at the drop of a hat. These sectors need time to restart, and I don't believe for a second no-one in the SG realises that. I'd love to know what their thought process is.

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40 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
42 minutes ago, Tynierose said:
Aye but but Nicola is keeping us aw safe.  Go up North,spend a fortune, buy some shortbread and listen to Andy Stewart in the rain. A true tartan staycation.
The SG have shat on the hospitality sector and there attitudes towards it and things like gyms etc has been nothing short of a disgrace.
It's almost like because they fucked up the nursing homes at the start they are shit scared to make any potential decison that could cause a wee upturn in cases.
Here's a wee clue, your hospitals are empty, deaths are down, all evidence shows vaccines work.
Stop being gutless pathetic shitebags ringing people's livelihoods and actually fucking lead.
It's pitiful.

I hope they get their arses felt by the hospitality industry in that court case, and more follow. They are ruining people for no good reason here. Its genuinely a disgrace that will be brushed away with big sweeping strokes of "unprecedented" and "did our best" and most likely bare faced lies about "the science"

I discussed the fact I thought there would be legal action by industries to open up and some of ‘the guys’ reacted as if it was madness to suggest it. Hopefully they win. Its only a matter of time before a fully vaccinated person launches a legal challenge on isolation etc following contact tracing. 
They don’t even have a plan for that, its 10 days. My brother’s mrs was absolutely fucked with the rona and he didnt even test positive for it because of that pfizery goodness. I’d also have a significant issue with being asked to isolate a further time for having had outside contact with a person as happened to me in November. It really irks me that with the contact tracing via leaving numbers at restaurants etc you dont know who the person is that tested positive to argue your case. 

16 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Credible is redundant. They have no roadmap at all.

It's actually unbelievable that a government forcibly closing those sectors and giving absolutely no indication as to what needs to happen for them to re-open is seen as ok by anyone.

You may think that it's likely that the SG will allow these things to happen hot on the heels of the UK Gov, and that probably will be the case. But it's not good enough tbh. Nightclubs can, but aviation and festivals can't just flick a switch and open up at the drop of a hat. These sectors need time to restart, and I don't believe for a second no-one in the SG realises that. I'd love to know what their thought process is.

Agreed, the aviation industry is the main one for me as I like to travel, for a spring/summer/autumn timetable for example youve got to recruit, train, equip, vetting, yer crew, ground staff etc, thats just not practical for most seasonal airlines and you cant really blame them for not investing that money in the Scottish aviation sector when the messaging is so negative.

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3 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

I discussed the fact I thought there would be legal action by industries to open up and some of ‘the guys’ reacted as if it was madness to suggest it. Hopefully they win. Its only a matter of time before a fully vaccinated person launches a legal challenge on isolation etc following contact tracing. 
They don’t even have a plan for that, its 10 days. My brother’s mrs was absolutely fucked with the rona and he didnt even test positive for it because of that pfizery goodness. I’d also have a significant issue with being asked to isolate a further time for having had outside contact with a person as happened to me in November. It really irks me that with the contact tracing via leaving numbers at restaurants etc you dont know who the person is that tested positive to argue your case. 

I know that theres a piece here about whats essential and whats not, or maye actually now I think about it.... Stay at home is gone so its maybe not even relevant.... But I was in a cafe with my pal today where we had to scan in etc. We then sat at a well cleaned table from which we didnt move and no one was near us, but I could easily get T&T'ed from there. 

I went from there to a fucking hoaching M&S foodhall where not a shred of details were taken obviously. 

Now I consider both tasks to be low risk, but I know which one id consider to be higher by a fair margin. 

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On travel I see Spain extended it's ban on 3rd countries inc UK to 31 May today so the 17th would now appear to be moot at least for anyone looking to get to Spain. Incredible to see outrage on travel forums from people who took 17 May as gospel and are now not going to get. Surely they must have realised it needed willing by both sides.

ETA apparently English half term is 2nd half of May and that had been the catalyst for bookings.

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2 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:

On travel I see Spain extended it's ban on 3rd countries inc UK to 31 May today so the 17th would now appear to be moot at least for anyone looking to get to Spain. Incredible to see outrage on travel forums from people who took 17 May as gospel and are now not going to get. Surely they must have realised it needed willing by both sides.

Have you seen the rates in Spain? They dont seem to be mainly falling on the plain, they dont seem to be falling too great anywhere. Dont think anyone is arguing for travel to be relaxed to Spain until they lower.  

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Have you seen the rates in Spain? They dont seem to be mainly falling on the plain, they dont seem to be falling too great anywhere. Dont think anyone is arguing for travel to be relaxed to Spain until they lower.  
That other countries fail to control their rates and hence block travel is fully putwith our control. Its certainly not an excuse for scotgov chasing travel operators south of the border.
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