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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

I hope Andrew Lloyd Webber follows through on his threat to open up his theatre fully next week He promised he would do so and said they'd need to send the police to close them down. We need more of that. Much more of that.

A mate was at a wedding in Glasgow over the weekend and the jobsworth manager apparently screamed at people for not distancing during the reception and phoned in the polis to clear the place and check rooms afterwards to make sure it was just actual guests staying over and no partying.

Tinpot hotels are probably less able to stand up against the rules than Lloyd~Webber and the likes, but there’s ways to go about it. Not convinced everybody is either willing or able to snap out of the officious attitudes either.

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6 hours ago, anotherchance said:

A mate was at a wedding in Glasgow over the weekend and the jobsworth manager apparently screamed at people for not distancing during the reception and phoned in the polis to clear the place and check rooms afterwards to make sure it was just actual guests staying over and no partying.

Tinpot hotels are probably less able to stand up against the rules than Lloyd~Webber and the likes, but there’s ways to go about it. Not convinced everybody is either willing or able to snap out of the officious attitudes either.

We have got a wedding next week in England. Postponed from just before lockdown so no restrictions now in terms of numbers. Apparently social distancing must be adhered to and masks worn when not at tables. Looking forward to see someone pathetically trying to enforce social distancing.

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8 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Might be wrong but I kinda get the feeling that the public are beginning to get totally hacked off with these restrictions.

Listened to Boris but wasn’t convinced.

I think people will probably accept another few weeks of this nonsense but that’s it!!

Reports coming out that people are starting to abandon masks on public transport in England and hopefully this will be the start of some concerted civil disobedience. I certainly am up for it.

100% true from being on trains at the weekend. Possibly something to do with the heat and the fact that they were full of young lads going to watch the England game together, but the percentage of passengers wearing a mask is down noticeably in recent days. This only seems to be happening on public transport for now and hasn’t spilled into the shops yet but worth monitoring. 

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9 hours ago, Left Back said:

Because they made such a monumental c**t of it last year and caused thousands of un-necessary deaths they’re paralysed with fear of doing the same again.

They already have. The Delta variant is everywhere, despite forcing people to pay £1750 to stay in a hotel for 11 days  in order to stop the Delta variant circulating. I don't understand why more people aren't angrier about the failure of hotel quarantining. 

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35 minutes ago, sparky88 said:

We have got a wedding next week in England. Postponed from just before lockdown so no restrictions now in terms of numbers. Apparently social distancing must be adhered to and masks worn when not at tables. Looking forward to see someone pathetically trying to enforce social distancing.

But social distancing will presumably impact upon the amount of people allowed to attend?

The news re weddings yesterday isn't quite what it's being portrayed as.

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They already have. The Delta variant is everywhere, despite forcing people to pay £1750 to stay in a hotel for 11 days  in order to stop the Delta variant circulating. I don't understand why more people aren't angrier about the failure of hotel quarantining. 

The UK border policy has been completely pointless since January. Thousands of people came in from India when the Delta variant was known about, and they didn’t have to quarantine in a hotel because Boris wanted a photo opportunity in India. They’ll make a big deal about PHE not calling it a ‘variant of concern’ until late April but they red-listed neighbouring countries in early April, and any other country with Covid rates like India was red-listed well before. It was a deliberate choice so Johnson could play at Empire.

We’ve been denied holidays and foreign travel - it was literally illegal - for six months now, all to stop variants coming into the country. A new variant now accounts for 95% of cases in the country. This is 100% the fault of Boris Johnson and the UK Government, no ifs or buts.

It shouldn’t surprise me, but it does, that they appear to be getting next to no heat for this aside from people who hate them anyway. Johnson’s choices mean businesses have to stay closed and operate at lower capacities for at least an extra four weeks, and even at that the new July 19th date will not be what June 21st was meant to be, or would’ve been if the border policy was effective. The national reaction to that appears to be a shrug. I don’t understand it at all.
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5 minutes ago, Paco said:

The national reaction to that appears to be a shrug. I don’t understand it at all.

What are you expecting?

The government have literally made protests illegal, an attempt at one in England a few days ago saw the police threatening anyone who gathered with jail because it would be a non-socially distanced crowd of over 30 people 😂

The media have no interest in creating a fuss either. You'll get one or two who try, but most know that bad news gathers more clicks than opinion pieces.

It would take a massive scale, organised, protest in multiple cities at once to do anything. The best chance is small business owners coming together to do that, but most are currently busy trying to find the money to keep going.

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20 minutes ago, Steven W said:

But social distancing will presumably impact upon the amount of people allowed to attend?

The news re weddings yesterday isn't quite what it's being portrayed as.

I think their numbers were over the previous limit but not much more so I think social distancing won't limit numbers. However, yes there's a limit on singing and dancing - necessitating the couple being told they can play music, but only quietly. 



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11 hours ago, Rugster said:

I’ve asked this a number of times and not had an answer, but can anyone actually tell me, tin foil hatters aside ( that means you detournement) a Bona fide reason why the government would actually want to keep restrictions in place for longer than necessary in their mind, given the damage it is doing to all sorts of areas? 

People like leitch are definitely determined to drag this out for as long as possible . End to this sends them back to being a nobody. 

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A timeline for during the pandemic in Scotland for anyone interested.
This timeline focuses on Scotland’s response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and includes all major developments. Each entry includes a link to further information and/or relevant official reports, policies and guidance.
Good to see the crayons back, lad.[emoji106]
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Anyone kidding on they are listening to these advisors and living to their rules  is either doing it for politically motivated reasons or is a fanny. As I said yesterday I was in a boozer for the game with no one following any guidlines except probably washing their hands after a pish, place was well over capacity, no polis chapping the door or Helen Lovejoy types protesting outside. The govt have to protect their own back so they have to take a doom and gloom approach with their messaging but they know adhering to the rules has been pretty much binned by the public outside of wearing a mask on transport or in shops. I feel for businesses who are getting it tight but kidding on we are in lockdown or under some sort of forced restrictions is on the individual not the general public now. 

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10 hours ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

They got so much wrong at the start with care homes etc and are now absolutely terrified to believe that the vaccines are cigaring the virus and pandering to Baul, Leitch and Devi. 
Dont think anyone’s suggesting that NS is sitting at home delighted everyone’s life is fucked, but most here at least suggesting that they are absolutely too slow to move and constantly looking for the negative in every development. 

The biggest problem with Sturgeon and the SNP is that they will not accept criticism. They are all told to sing from the same song sheet and it is very rarely that you hear of any internal dissent.

You only have to watch FMQ to see this in action. Any question Sturgeon is asked is treated with contempt, as if someone has the audacity to question her actions and she has now gone back to her stupid habit of inserting her silly little laugh in the middle of the answer as if the question is below contempt.

She thinks she is in total control here and will not be questioned or judged.

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2 minutes ago, Elric said:

The biggest problem with Sturgeon and the SNP is that they will not accept criticism. They are all told to sing from the same song sheet and it is very rarely that you hear of any internal dissent.

You only have to watch FMQ to see this in action. Any question Sturgeon is asked is treated with contempt, as if someone has the audacity to question her actions and she has now gone back to her stupid habit of inserting her silly little laugh in the middle of the answer as if the question is below contempt.

She thinks she is in total control here and will not be questioned or judged.


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59 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

What are you expecting?

The government have literally made protests illegal, an attempt at one in England a few days ago saw the police threatening anyone who gathered with jail because it would be a non-socially distanced crowd of over 30 people 😂

The media have no interest in creating a fuss either. You'll get one or two who try, but most know that bad news gathers more clicks than opinion pieces.

It would take a massive scale, organised, protest in multiple cities at once to do anything. The best chance is small business owners coming together to do that, but most are currently busy trying to find the money to keep going.

Much of the left are still in full on adult nappy mode about COVID because it gives them a chance to show that they care more than those who aren’t.

Their only issue is that Boris didn’t act earlier with things like the Indian red listing etc.

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That 10 weeks chat has had two impacts on me. Firstly it's put the lingering feeling of misery that followed me about for most of the past year back into the back of my mind. The feeling of dread waiting on an update from the Government on what you can't do now. And that's exhausting. 

But secondly it's made me feel far more determined to just live my life and ignore the rules. To be perfectly honest, at the moment, I've no idea what the rules even are. Other than restricted crowds at sporting events and masks in supermarkets. They became ridiculous contradictory nonsense a long time ago. 

With almost everyone in vulnerable groups vaccinated, four deaths of people for any reason at all who have tested positive within 28 days reported last week and hospital numbers lower than a small junior game I fail to see the point in any of this. It's panic led dithering from a government paralysed by fear and too scared to make a decision listening to oddballs determined to further their own time in the limelight.

Furlough ending will be the only thing that takes Scotland out of lockdown. I honestly believe that.

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It's fine to ignore the rules, but it's the things you can't control that are fucking folk.

I've not been able to get a doctors appointment for 2 weeks, and if I do it'll be an over the phone appointment despite it being something a doctor needs to see.

I'm not anticipating it being anything serious, but there's absolutely plenty of folk with major issues who aren't getting seen in time because of this.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
57 minutes ago, Paco said:

It shouldn’t surprise me, but it does, that they appear to be getting next to no heat for this aside from people who hate them anyway. Johnson’s choices mean businesses have to stay closed and operate at lower capacities for at least an extra four weeks, and even at that the new July 19th date will not be what June 21st was meant to be, or would’ve been if the border policy was effective. The national reaction to that appears to be a shrug. I don’t understand it at all.

One of the reasons is the generally easy ride Johnson gets from the right wing press. There's no co-ordinated or daily attacks on him in the same way there was against Sturgeon and the SNP over the Salmond affair.  The only paper that even attempts to disect the Tory f**k ups is The Guardian, and ironically they are very pro-lockdown and have a bizarre way of reporting the pandemic. 

Another reason is the pathetic opposition in Labour, which seems to exist to rubber stamp Tory decisions. For 5 years now they've let the Tories have free reign, and nothing seems to be changing. 

The main reason I suspect though is that many people are in the mindset that no matter what happens, it's a pandemic and there's nothing else the government can do. They're doing they're best to keep us all safe, aren't they ? 

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