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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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3 hours ago, RiG said:

Punted out of the pub last night at 22:30 just as they started on the penalty shoot out :lol: 

Whereabouts? My mate works in a pub in Glasgow and was sending me vids of everyone celebrating.

1 hour ago, Detournement said:

The government are going to rely on transport companies and retailers to enforce mask wearing for now.

The stuff about 'encouraging' vaccine passports probably means no vaccine passport requirement equals no operating license from the council for at least nightclub, gigs and strippers just now and probably pubs getting forced into it in the winter. 

Shan for Scotland, I'll be too busy getting swedgered at the WHP every week.

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What a bunch of absolute shitebags the government are. Last week announce covid passports/negative test wont be mandatory and then this week say they'd advise clubs, events etc to use them.  
Wonder which one of their pals will get the contract to make "Covid Passports".
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I'm absolutely livid - we've just come out of self isolation after being in contact with my stepdaughter who tested positive for Covid-19, (she's practically recovered and our grandson has completely recovered) when we've to self isolate again because our tramp of a son-in-law (actually step daughter no 4's ex partner) who sat in our house for 2 hours on Saturday exercising his visitation rights to see his children (he's not allowed in or even near afaik my step daughter's home) tested positive on Sunday.

Why did he decide to get tested on Sunday? He must have felt some inkling on Saturday that he wasn't well. He knows that my wife, myself and our daughter have underlying health conditions and although we are now all double vaccinated he has only ever worn a mask once since this started.

I warned my wife from the start that he was the weak link but she's terrified of causing "offence" (except when it comes to offending me, of course) by asking him to wear a mask.

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1 hour ago, The Master said:

“I make no excuses for keeping people safe”

Definitely up there with one of the most triggering things she's said these past 16 months.

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46 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

I'm absolutely livid - we've just come out of self isolation after being in contact with my stepdaughter who tested positive for Covid-19, (she's practically recovered and our grandson has completely recovered) when we've to self isolate again because our tramp of a son-in-law (actually step daughter no 4's ex partner) who sat in our house for 2 hours on Saturday exercising his visitation rights to see his children (he's not allowed in or even near afaik my step daughter's home) tested positive on Sunday.

Why did he decide to get tested on Sunday? He must have felt some inkling on Saturday that he wasn't well. He knows that my wife, myself and our daughter have underlying health conditions and although we are now all double vaccinated he has only ever worn a mask once since this started.

I warned my wife from the start that he was the weak link but she's terrified of causing "offence" (except when it comes to offending me, of course) by asking him to wear a mask.

This comes across as you being a bit of a dick tbh.

Maybe he got tested after visiting because he was concerned he may have caught it from you, a close contact of a confirmed case?

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50 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

I'm absolutely livid - we've just come out of self isolation after being in contact with my stepdaughter who tested positive for Covid-19, (she's practically recovered and our grandson has completely recovered) when we've to self isolate again because our tramp of a son-in-law (actually step daughter no 4's ex partner) who sat in our house for 2 hours on Saturday exercising his visitation rights to see his children (he's not allowed in or even near afaik my step daughter's home) tested positive on Sunday.

Why did he decide to get tested on Sunday? He must have felt some inkling on Saturday that he wasn't well. He knows that my wife, myself and our daughter have underlying health conditions and although we are now all double vaccinated he has only ever worn a mask once since this started.

I warned my wife from the start that he was the weak link but she's terrified of causing "offence" (except when it comes to offending me, of course) by asking him to wear a mask.

Were you wearing a mask?

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1 minute ago, Todd_is_God said:

This comes across as you being a bit of a dick tbh.

Maybe he got tested after visiting because he was concerned he may have caught it from you, a close contact of a confirmed case?

Why didn't he get tested the previous week then?

Everyone in our house must be asymptomatic if that's the case.

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2 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

Why didn't he get tested the previous week then?

Everyone in our house must be asymptomatic if that's the case.

Why was he in your house if you were supposed to be self isolating?

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5 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

Why didn't he get tested the previous week then?

Why don't you ask him? Rather than coming on here pointing the finger of blame at someone else (who you clearly do not like), whilst simultaneously shamelessly moaning about your wife being terrified to cause offense by not asking him something?

Edited by Todd_is_God
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1 minute ago, Rugster said:

Why was he in your house if you were supposed to be self isolating?

He'd been in it the Saturday before, and the self isolation ended today. 

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22 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Definitely up there with one of the most triggering things she's said these past 16 months.

It’s the worst for me. It basically says ‘screw your business and by extension your family. I want to keep people who are destined to die earlier then they should alive for a bit longer.’

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2 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Why don't you ask him? Rather than coming on here pointing the finger of blame at someone else (who you clearly do not like), whilst simultaneously shamelessly moaning about your wife being terrified to cause offense by also not asking him something?

I will the next time I see him.

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2 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

He'd been in it the Saturday before, and the self isolation ended today. 

So he was in before your self isolation started? In that case there’s no way you should have to isolate again as you already have done. Something not adding up here. 

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2 minutes ago, Rugster said:

So he was in before your self isolation started? In that case there’s no way you should have to isolate again as you already have done. Something not adding up here. 

He was in before we knew we had to self isolate, and the 10 days (not 14 as I originally thought) started from 28th June, so the self isolation ended on 8th July.

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2 hours ago, The Master said:

“I make no excuses for keeping people safe”

This'll be it. The Scottish Government has absolutely clownshoed the past year, I've zero faith in them not continuing to do so.

England will be free and past their freedom surge of cases, while we're still in lockdown and being told its too risky to open up so close to Winter.

I've expected to wait until at least next Summer for us to have our "freedom day" and nothing I've seen or heard from Sturgeon changes that opinion. 

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