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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Just now, PedroMoutinho said:

So the SG have cut the health budget in order to protect public health.

Money that should’ve been used to increase NHS capacity is instead being spent on nonsense theatre.


It's absolutely wild. Not content with gambling other people's jobs and business to try and win a popularity contest, they've badgered the UK Gov for free money, been told no (on more than one occasion), then, despite the data showing ever more optimistic outcomes, raised the stakes by gambling with public health, only for the Tories to again call their bluff.

It's ridiculous. This isn't "Reckless Toarrrrrrrries" stuff, it's all on the SNP.

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Just now, Todd_is_God said:

It's absolutely wild. Not content with gambling other people's jobs and business to try and win a popularity contest, they've badgered the UK Gov for free money, been told no (on more than one occasion), then, despite the data showing ever more optimistic outcomes, raised the stakes by gambling with public health, only for the Tories to again call their bluff.

It's ridiculous. This isn't "Reckless Toarrrrrrrries" stuff, it's all on the SNP.

They are fucking lucky that the ongoing damage this causes wont be as easy to calculate as a line on a death certificate, but I certainly hope people remember. 

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I had a conversation with my mum earlier today about the restrictions and sadly she's very much "I'd rather she overreacts than underreacts". Point blank refuses to acknowledge that Sturgeon may have got this wrong and has overreacted too early. 

I imagine she's in the minority with that, my partner and her family have been pro Sturgeon all during the pandemic but they are also now starting to question the figures and Scottish Govt reaction right now

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If England do indeed do nothing, the addresses to Parliament on the 29th and 5th are going to be very interesting indeed.

Will the SNP crack and lift restrictions immediately? Or will they ride the 3 week period out just because they can.

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Just now, FK1Bairn said:

I had a conversation with my mum earlier today about the restrictions and sadly she's very much "I'd rather she overreacts than underreacts".

Without being disrespectful to your mother and forgive me if I’m generalising, but it’s easy to be in favour of restrictions on nightclubs and the football etc, if they don’t effect you.

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18 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Being aligned with certain people over a number of years probably masks your view of their worst excesses, but the reaction to this last week on here, and wider social media and from people I have spoke to has brought the somewhat uncomfortable, cultist nature of some SNP supporters into focus for me. 


Yeah. I have found out first hand that hardline SNP supporters are spot on with you if you're on their side but as soon as you start questioning 'why' to anything, a great number of them become deeply offended and even somewhat aggressive.

I don't remember this being the case with SNP politicians or supporters pre indy referendum. In fact part of the reason I was drawn to them was their own belligerence, their habit of questioning convention and upsetting the apple cart. That's what I wanted an independent Scotland to be and it still is. But I don't believe that is what independent Scotland would look like under this governance, nothing like it. I remember having a fucking laugh at them getting a row in parliament for applauding rather than going 'rabble rabble rabble' with the rest of them and I remember laughing like f**k at it cos it went against protocol and silly conventions. Now though, it's a case of fall into line and if you don't, you're not welcome. You're either all in or all out, no dissent, no differing opinions, no potential for shake up, no hint of wanting change as questions are a sign of discontent.

In my mind at least, 14 years in power has left them as the perfect example of you either go out a hero or linger long enough to become the villains.

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32 minutes ago, AMMjag said:

The word 'tsunami' should be treated like a big wet kipper and slapped repeatedly over Sturgeon's stupid lego head, until she's ready to step back into some realm of sanity and deal with the consequences of her hysterics. 

Tbf Boris was at it with Tidal wave the day after of thereabouts.

He just doesn't have the political capital to f**k this bit of the pandemic up.

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Oh and it's no longer a defence to say 'but at least they are not the tories'. 

That defence worked when they were making some questionable decisions but were still doing an acceptable enough job of governing. 

Scandals, cover ups, back handers to their pals, attempts of retention of emergency powers in non emergency situations, fudging of numbers and the latest debacle to name a few things, means that 'they aren't tories' is not a good enough reason to put an X in the box beside them in my opinion. 

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10 minutes ago, 101 said:

Tbf Boris was at it with Tidal wave the day after of thereabouts.

He just doesn't have the political capital to f**k this bit of the pandemic up.

That's it really, neither side are making decisions on the basis of what's best for the actual humans affected by this, it's all political maneuvering from everyone involved without a thought to the people they should be looking after. Unfortunately for us we're on the negative side of all this 

Edited by Bert Raccoon
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Just now, FK1Bairn said:

I had a conversation with my mum earlier today about the restrictions and sadly she's very much "I'd rather she overreacts than underreacts". Point blank refuses to acknowledge that Sturgeon may have got this wrong and has overreacted too early. 

I imagine she's in the minority with that, my partner and her family have been pro Sturgeon all during the pandemic but they are also now starting to question the figures and Scottish Govt reaction right now


2 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

Yeah. I have found out first hand that hardline SNP supporters are spot on with you if you're on their side but as soon as you start questioning 'why' to anything, a great number of them become deeply offended and even somewhat aggressive.

I don't remember this being the case with SNP politicians or supporters pre indy referendum. In fact part of the reason I was drawn to them was their own belligerence, their habit of questioning convention and upsetting the apple cart. That's what I wanted an independent Scotland to be and it still is. But I don't believe that is what independent Scotland would look like under this governance, nothing like it. I remember having a fucking laugh at them getting a row in parliament for applauding rather than going 'rabble rabble rabble' with the rest of them and I remember laughing like f**k at it cos it went against protocol and silly conventions. Now though, it's a case of fall into line and if you don't, you're not welcome. You're either all in or all out, no dissent, no differing opinions, no potential for shake up, no hint of wanting change as questions are a sign of discontent.

In my mind at least, 14 years in power has left them as the perfect example of you either go out a hero or linger long enough to become the villains.

I’ve had an enormous amount of shite off my SNP cultist pals in group chats this last few days.

I’m very much pro indy, but even admitting that I’m not viewing COVID solely through an independence prism, and saying I’m not really thinking about Indy much - f**k me, you’d think I’d shat over each of their living rooms on Christmas morning.

Even fairly agreeable subjects like job protection, mental health in relation to going to the football all gets scoffed at because they see it as an attack on Nicola, and therefore them, by extension. 

Repeat 1000 times a day how bad the Tories are and you’re in, but it’s really just confirmation bias nonsense, it goes nowhere and the narrative being repeated helps them to feel validated.

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6 minutes ago, No_Problemo said:

I saw a clip of Sturgeon there and talking about caution. Basically, she believes it is better to err on the side of caution as this doesn’t cost human lives. 

Regardless of it being a misuse of powers - that just isn’t strictly true is it! 

I mean that logic could be applied to literally anything. But it doesn't make it right, and would come with associated downsides that need balanced.

That is the type of rambling defence i would expect from a simp (where are they btw?), not a First Minister.

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11 hours ago, anotherchance said:


Repeat 1000 times a day how bad the Tories are and you’re in, but it’s really just confirmation bias nonsense, it goes nowhere and the narrative being repeated helps them to feel validated.

This is the fucking thing. The Tories ARE bad. I don't think you'll get many people on this site or even in Scottish society outwith Rangers supporters who will disagree with that.

Tories being bad does not correlate though with the fact that the SNP have also become bad. This is not a black and white argument but unfortunately nowadays with the rise of social media bringing like-minded people together and ironically discouraging debate between divides, politics has absolutely become tribal. Like a football team almost - stick with them through thick and thin no matter what and anyone voting for the other party supports the other team and are bad.

It's honestly batshit mental that it's gotten to this, that criticism of the party you LEND your vote to, is taken as a personal sleight by a great many people on their character. I've said it before on this thread on more than one occasion, if I entrust my vote to a party, then I am going to be it's biggest critic if I feel that they are not doing a good job. My vote is something I will be able to use maybe 10-12 times in my entire adult life...15 tops (though we're in situation of being able to vote in two sets of government elections). They have taken a valuable resource from me - as they do with every single person who votes for them - so if I feel that I am not getting a good enough return on the investment of my vote, then I'll fucking question, criticise and demand improvement from the inside or the resource will be removed or placed elsewhere. The sheer number of people who do not, cannot, see it that way and decide that a vote binds you to the party you vote for, regardless of what they do with the responsibility you entrust to them, is frankly fucking insane. The number of people on the planet currently and throughout history who have had that right to choose, to question or to demand better removed from them by force, coercion and intimidation is absolutely frightening and yet here we are, a generation of people who are actually wilfully choosing not to exercise that right because of how they feel they'd be perceived.

Edited by djchapsticks
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To add to what has already been said, what the Scottish and Welsh Governments have done is unforgivable. They have ABSALOOTLEY FUCKED it.

Just how quickly can/will they U-turn here? This level of misjudgement should genuinely be bringing them down. They have played games with the lives of the entire population, and lost.

Ironically, the Scottish Government's mewling rhetoric in the early days was nauseating, but it did fit the overall mood of the public back then. Hence their approval ratings at the time. However, they have truly been unable to read the room since the summer, dragged out the 'care more' act too long, and what is currently unfolding could crucify them for years to come.

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