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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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10 hours ago, Empty It said:
10 hours ago, Savage Henry said:
Go back two years.  I’d imagine she’d have had a very high approval rate, even at the end of the first full proper lock down.   In reality, she’s had an absolute nightmare of the last six months.  Her state-knows-best leanings occasionally crept out, but folk bought into it (minimum alcohol pricing, sugar tax, etc, were largely supported on here).  She’s essentially banking on SNP voters to buy into the cult and ignore the last period of time.   It’s the folk who regard the SNP as a vehicle to bring about social justice who will leave the party in droves.  The folk who see independence as the be all and end all may continue to give her the benefit of the doubt.  It’s a gamble, but it’s politics.  

For me with Sturgeon it's the condescending, arrogant attitude she gives everytime shes questioned she genuinely gives of a "how dare you question me" attitude everytime someone asks her any question that isn't entirely to her approval. I'm not sure if it's a new thing or if it's just become way more evident during the pandemic, the eye rolling and the looks she gives some of the journalist is childish and pathetic.

You forgot to add the silly wee laugh that indicates that the question is either, in her opinion, not serious or is below her to answer. This has been going on for a while now.

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1 hour ago, Zetterlund said:

Not sure if this has been posted already. Hopefully the first of many, although I wont hold my breath.


great, more of it

terrifying thing is most people still dont realise theyve been abused with this constant fear propaganda, behaviour manipulation

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6 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

Less than half of ‘covid patients’ in London now being mainly treated for covid. I wonder when we’ll get proper data from the SG rather than two ‘random’ dates from random health boards.


This is something which seems to have gone under the radar and hasn’t really been questioned; Sturgeon promised a week or two ago to disclose the data of “with covid” and “because of covid”.

As you say, we got two random sample results based on a specific timescale. Surely even the Scottish Government would need to know the full picture and rolling trends etc? It’s hardly rocket science; unless I’m missing something, it’s surely just an audit around the health boards?

It is another example of poor optics and gives the suspicion that Sturgeon’s Government are suppressing the full facts.

Edited by deegee
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11 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

Less than half of ‘covid patients’ in London now being mainly treated for covid. I wonder when we’ll get proper data from the SG rather than two ‘random’ dates from random health boards.


I was slightly bemused by NS's dismissal of AS's question about the data on Tuesday tbh.

The excuse that it was "preliminary data" and that it was "broadly in line with August" is a poor one. Firstly, the dataset is far too small to make a fair comparison (a snapshot of a single day in August vs 2 different, but still small, data ranges in just 2 health boards) and also ignored his main point of the question - if the SG do not have this data to hand and at their disposal at all times, just what are they using to form their policies?

NS comes across as placing zero weight on the value of this data, preferring instead to view "with covid" and "because of covid" as exactly the same, and can't get her head round why everyone else doesn't feel the same.

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20 minutes ago, deegee said:

This is something which seems to have gone under the radar and hasn’t really been questioned; Sturgeon promised a week or two ago to disclose the data of “with covid” and “because of covid”.

As you say, we got two random sample results based on a specific timescale. Surely even the Scottish Government would need to know the full picture and rolling trends etc? It’s hardly rocket science; unless I’m missing something, it’s surely just an audit around the health boards?

It is another example of poor optics and gives the suspicion that Sturgeon’s Government are suppressing the full facts.

For me it’s no longer even a case that it “gives the suspicion” but more a case of “it as good as guarantees” that they’re are trying to pull the wool over our eyes for some unknown and no doubt baffling reason.

Edited by 8MileBU
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There is no need to isolate in this situation. Ridiculous 'leadership'. 

Should've just said he had diarrhoea, and at least then he'd be being honest about the fact he's shat himself. 

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On 11/01/2022 at 13:19, Patrick Noubissie said:

It'll be interesting to see if this party stuff sticks and makes any difference in the next few weeks. 



Westminster voting intention: LAB: 38% (+1) CON: 28% (-5) LDEM: 13% (+3) GRN: 7% (+1) REFUK: 4% (-1) via @YouGov

Labour 331
Conservatives 195
Lib Dems 44
SNP 52
Greens 1

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4 minutes ago, Patrick Noubissie said:


Westminster voting intention: LAB: 38% (+1) CON: 28% (-5) LDEM: 13% (+3) GRN: 7% (+1) REFUK: 4% (-1) via @YouGov

Labour 331
Conservatives 195
Lib Dems 44
SNP 52
Greens 1

biggest bedshit in history

imagine losing to this labour mob

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6 minutes ago, Patrick Noubissie said:


Westminster voting intention: LAB: 38% (+1) CON: 28% (-5) LDEM: 13% (+3) GRN: 7% (+1) REFUK: 4% (-1) via @YouGov

Labour 331
Conservatives 195
Lib Dems 44
SNP 52
Greens 1

Not a great position for the SNP who are banking on a hung Parliament to be able to extract a referendum out of Starmer in return to prop up his government.


If Labour get a majority, or even close enough to one that they can instead rely on Lib Dem support rather than SNP, then independence is dead in the water for the rest of the decade. 

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