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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Some people's idea of risk is just nuts. Chest pains, numbness in the left arm and trouble breathing? Best go to bed then. Don't want to catch Covid. 
Thats yer science deniers there. Folk who took scientists and doctors at their work that covid was dangerous for them, are now refusing the scientific data that says covid is no longer partocularly dangerous.

For some people, data that downplays covid will never be valid. They will always know better. These people are now the science deniers.
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57 minutes ago, scottsdad said:


Some people's idea of risk is just nuts. Chest pains, numbness in the left arm and trouble breathing? Best go to bed then. Don't want to catch Covid. 

That person's location tells you all you need to know btw

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The lack of activity on this thread tells you all that needs knowing about the diminishing concern of (the P&B sample of) the general population about Covid.

And most of the last couple of pages is on the bonkers idea of spending £300k on mutilating school doors rather than the effects of the virus. Has anyone (SG/BST I'm looking at you) costed the inevitable required replacement of all these suddently inadequate fire doors the day after some geek gets a wee bit excitable in his chemisrty class?

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Who the hell even has 300 friends?

I have a fairly close-knit circle of about 15 friends, on the likes of Facebook and that I have much more but the majority of them are acquaintances, family members, colleagues and ex-colleagues etc.. Certainly folk I am friendly with (even when I add on my current colleagues who I am close with that takes me up to about 25) but not who I would describe as friends.

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Some people's idea of risk is just nuts. Chest pains, numbness in the left arm and trouble breathing? Best go to bed then. Don't want to catch Covid. 
Neutropenia with leukemia, fvck yeah stick a Covid patients next to me.

Day 2 post Kidney transplant, cough at me fella.

We can all indulge in hyperbole.

If your wife or child had neutropenia would you be happy with a covid positive patient next to them.

People need to learn to be a little less dogmatic, black/white about this.

I suspect the reality in Sweden will not be as is portrayed.

It really isn't a bad cold and stats have clearly shown that.
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4 minutes ago, Gaz said:

Who the hell even has 300 friends?

I have a fairly close-knit circle of about 15 friends, on the likes of Facebook and that I have much more but the majority of them are acquaintances, family members, colleagues and ex-colleagues etc.. Certainly folk I am friendly with (even when I add on my current colleagues who I am close with that takes me up to about 25) but not who I would describe as friends.


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35 minutes ago, beardy said:

Neutropenia with leukemia, fvck yeah stick a Covid patients next to me.

Day 2 post Kidney transplant, cough at me fella.

We can all indulge in hyperbole.

If your wife or child had neutropenia would you be happy with a covid positive patient next to them.

People need to learn to be a little less dogmatic, black/white about this.

I suspect the reality in Sweden will not be as is portrayed.

It really isn't a bad cold and stats have clearly shown that.

Folks post-transplant would surely be shielded from not just Covid patients but all other patients. The immune suppressers alone mean this. A mild flu can be catastrophic for post-transplant patients. 

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1 hour ago, scottsdad said:


Some people's idea of risk is just nuts. Chest pains, numbness in the left arm and trouble breathing? Best go to bed then. Don't want to catch Covid. 

These people need professional psychological help.


1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

Thats yer science deniers there. Folk who took scientists and doctors at their work that covid was dangerous for them, are now refusing the scientific data that says covid is no longer partocularly dangerous.

For some people, data that downplays covid will never be valid. They will always know better. These people are now the science deniers.

This is all because of dreadful 'public health' communications and messaging, in particular from the social science crackpots.


28 minutes ago, beardy said:

Neutropenia with leukemia, fvck yeah stick a Covid patients next to me.

Day 2 post Kidney transplant, cough at me fella.

We can all indulge in hyperbole.

If your wife or child had neutropenia would you be happy with a covid positive patient next to them.

People need to learn to be a little less dogmatic, black/white about this.

I suspect the reality in Sweden will not be as is portrayed.

It really isn't a bad cold and stats have clearly shown that.

Err, I would suggest we simply return to pre-pandemic protocols in dealing with infectious diseases in such circumstances. Or are you denying the fact that both immunity levels and science through vaccination and antiviral drugs have completely de-risked Covid-19 to that of any other we accept? Did you think cancer treatment and organ transplants were risk-free in the before times?

Mortality rates have returned to expected, pre-pandemic levels:


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What is all this pish about keeping windaes open etc? Are we seriously suggesting that it’s so essential to avoid a glorified cold that we abandon all common sense? We give buildings ratings on how well the hold in heat yet we are supposed to just undo all of that to avoid the sniffly wifflys ?
Come on tae f**k! Last year c***s were lying down on motorways to campaign for better insulation and were telling folk to open windows and cut holes in doors
This is mental

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4 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:
24 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:
Never wrong oor nic

Genuinely unsure if I am being whooshed here, but isnt windows and doors inhibiting the natural flow of air pretty much the things that stands between us and.... Living outdoors?

Its the stupid wee laugh / smirk she does when questioned as well.

It's a fucking ludicrous idea - one that should never have gotten out the meeting room.

Now, despite it being pointed out by all and sundry that it's ludicrous, "don't back down, double down" mode is engaged.

It's soundbites like this one that will age dreadfully.

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Its the stupid wee laugh / smirk she does when questioned as well.
It's a fucking ludicrous idea - one that should never have gotten out the meeting room.
Now, despite it being pointed out by all and sundry that it's ludicrous, "don't back down, double down" mode is engaged.
It's soundbites like this one that will age dreadfully.
This sort of shit is borderline for the politics forum rarher than the covid thread which is quite correctly fading out now....

But im trying to think of the nest analogy, Simpsons if possible, for someone who is being really loud with a crowd at their back, and gets so caught up that they fail to notice the crown behind them lose interest and dissipate, or the foundations upon which they placed their soapbox slowly eroding away.

Thats whats happening to the SNP and their credibilitity the more they prattle on insisting that covid still needs to be controlled by them and their fantastical ideas
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