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Qp vs Elgin

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Lastly on the searching issue, is there any possibility that the Police have asked the club/stadium management to enforce this?
I have no idea how likely this is, and again it doesn't explain why it doesn't happen at Scotland games, but it's just a thought.

Finally, apologies to any Elgin fans still following this thread. Bad enough that they had a long journey in terrible conditions to see their team get beat, but then the match thread gets hijacked by a debate about our stewarding policies.
Sorry guys.

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8 hours ago, Ben Reilly said:

A perfectly reasonable response, which I think echoes many of the points I've been making.
The key word in your post is 'constructively'. I have never said that people who disagree with the searches shouldn't raise their concerns with the club. My original post was primarily questioning the actions of those who make a fuss arguing about it with the stewards (and making a ti.....ok I'll drop that bit now emoji6.png)
Again, I agree that of course we want to encourage as many people as possible to come to games and feel welcome, but as per my response to PASSANDMOVE I'm not sure it will really be a deal breaker for the majority of potential new fans.

Maybe not a deal breaker for the majority but as had been said, not very welcoming is it? cant imagine children , in particular, being happily searched by, them can you? Anyway, a statement from the club would hopefully clear this up but........

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Maybe not a deal breaker for the majority but as had been said, not very welcoming is it? cant imagine children , in particular, being happily searched by, them can you? Anyway, a statement from the club would hopefully clear this up but........
Not particularly welcoming no, but for a total newcomer, probably not unexpected. They dont search children anywhere that I've ever seen (football,concerts, theme parks et.)c, I assume due to some sort of child protection/PVG issue. My son has even asked me on more than one occasion why I was searched and he wasn't so even he can see the inconsistencies.
He's also fed up of me stuffing 4 cans of Super Lager down his sleeves.

As has been stated by others, apparently a number of the committee read these forums, plus some folk are contacting the club, so it will be interesting to see whether they acknowledge it.
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20 minutes ago, Ben Reilly said:

They dont search children 

I saw them searching a wee lassie's rucksack the other week.  She could only have been about 4 years old.  I couldn't believe it.


For me its not about the hassle as such, as it isn't all that much of a hassle as Ben's pointed out, but the treatment of football fans as people who are to be viewed with suspicion that goes back to Thatcherite attempts to demonise normal folk who just want to go along to games.  

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23 minutes ago, Ben Reilly said:

As has been stated by others, apparently a number of the committee read these forums, plus some folk are contacting the club, so it will be interesting to see whether they acknowledge it.

I've had conversations with committee members ages ago about this and they told me it was the stewarding company that chose to do it. When I raised it with the head steward he told me it was our general manager who instructed them 😩 ( which it was ) 

The issue was only raised with the club on behalf of a lot of supporters - home and opposition - because the general feeling was it was OTT. You're right, absolutely no point in moaning at the stewards anymore, I just let them do it now.... although I still maintain the only time a relative stranger should get away with groping you at a football ground is while celebrating an injury time winner  

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44 minutes ago, Cowden Cowboy said:

Searching rucksacks is surely standard practice at most Scottish League grounds and folks know the reason why

I think it's the nutsack searches, rather than the rucksack searches, that people are taking issue with. 

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45 minutes ago, Bring Your Own Socks said:

Aye, it was a great game. Second goal was unbelievable. Who we playing next?

Och we've moved on from the positive stuff. We can't moan about the football these days so we need something else to vent on  

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Some may feel it is an over reaction. I object to the fact that you can go through one entrance and not be searched and yet you go through another and you do get searched. Also there is one particular steward who is really rude.

I stopped going to Queens games for a while and the main reason was the search. When I complained I was told I would not be allowed in. After 50 years of going to watch my team it made me feel uncomfortable enough to call it a day. It is not the searches that bother me, it is the fact that it is selective and sexist in that only males going through a certain gate get searched. If it does not bother you then fine, we all have different opinions. The same steward last season confronted a group of 14 year old away supporters just as they walked up with a tirade about one strike and you are out. The boys were well behaved and quiet and just looked at him in surprise.

The whole thing is way over the top. Yes as a sixty year old reasonably respectable human being I object to being manhandled for no reason at all. I have come back to the occasional game but every time I do it hacks me off having to go through the search bit.

Ok, maybe I am just old and grumpy but that's what I think.

Great win and performance on Saturday. Team, not stewards.

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On ‎17‎/‎02‎/‎2020 at 16:02, williebraveheart said:

. When I asked about this a few years back I did not receive the courtesy of a reply, a main reason why I have refused to apply for membership having been invited on several occasions. The main point I would make, and it is not original, is that QP should surely want to make game day as pleasant as possible to attract more people in. If there is no point in doing something or it isn't being done properly why do it at all?

I blame the Gretna 6

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3 hours ago, Mick1867 said:

Officially aye. The Vicar's years of experience on how to invade a pitch discreetly got him off

The Gretna six. Now that is an other sorry tale of how the Club, totally mishandled a situation with members and supporters. So badly handled ,that the then President wrote a letter quoting an act of Parliament, that only applied to England and not Scotland. Obviously geography was not his strong point at school.

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