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Managing Saints, with a RandomTwist


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Season Preview 2023/24


Theres yer players, and heres what they're playing with...


Celtic just live in a different stratosphere to the rest of the league. They spent £47m on players this Summer.

Livingston my obvious targets to try and stay ahead of.

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Summer Transfers 2023/24



Nothing else happened. Bit boring really.

Cunningham ended up at Carlisle, doubling his wages. MacBeath is still a free agent.



Bit more exciting. Trying to build up some depth, and add long term quality/sell on potential. You've already seen Salducco, so heres the rest...

Ebrima Darboe



Wanted someone a bit more defensive for that DM role. Suspect he'll struggle to replace Ewing and will inevitably leave without making any impact, but nice to have that option.

For a free transfer this can't go far wrong.

Mike McCall



My prodigy from my Southampton days.

Still no idea why hes even getting loaned out, and even more unsure how we keep getting him.

Not far off being one of the best midfielders in the league (outwith Celtic).

Sam Smith



Wanted a genuine challenger to Ruth.

Could've got Obafemi on loan again, but decided this lad on a permanent could earn me a fee while contributing just as much.

Jamie Connelly



Decided I wanted to replace Cunningham with a young option to replace Wright, eventually.

Spent all Summer trying to get him permanently, but no dice.

Loan without any option to buy, but he hopefully enjoys his time here and is easier to sign further down the line.

Bruce Anderson



A punt as a third choice striker.

Could develop a wee bit, but either way looks capable of playing 10 minutes at the end of games. Stevie May isnt up to it physically so needed a reliable 3rd choice option.


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St Johnstone squad 2023/24



Just the same. Theres no young keeper who looks remotely good enough so I really need to try and find a long term number one soon.



Exact same as last season.

Long term I think Ralston, Gordon and Harvie are likely to be the only survivors, and not all as regular starters.



Again, not too much difference from last season.

Interested to see if Salducco can force his way into things.

Want long term replacements for the wide roles, but looking strong beyond that.



A serviceable bunch.

Looking back May was pretty much done last season, you could see he was struggling physically. His 8 goals probably masked that a bit, but early top flight showings were not good.

Smith and Ruth should be fine.


Not great, not horrendous. Didn't want to change too much for the sake of it, and there wasn't much out there anyway tbh.

Hoping to make steady improvements over the next few windows.


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Betfred Cup Group 2023/24


Scudded Premiership Hearts, and got myself full of hope.

The drew with League Two Forfar at home and needed penalties.

Smith bagging two in his first three games a bonus.


At home to Kilmarnock in the next round.

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August 2023/24


A tough start, with trips to Celtic Park and Tynecastle. Can't complain with how it went.

We took the lead against Celtic, who then scored 4 times in the last 10 minutes, with all but one being ruled out. I just couldn't find a way to stop them at the end.

Kilmarnock game they battered us. After 50 minutes Drey Wright got sent off, then Brophy went straight up the park, beat about 4 men and made it 2-0. Our first home defeat since September 2022.

Hearts we battered, then their CB scored in the 87th minute from 30 yards.


Pretty chuffed.

Only one team has finished bottom two with more than 40pts (St Mirren with 41 a few years back), so that'll be the target.

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September 2023/24


Welcome back to Earth.

Absolutely pumped in every game. Beginning to think I've massively over rated my squad and fucked it by not improving it more.


Too early to know whats happening yet.

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100% fucked it by trusting this squad.

Just have to pray theres enough there to get us through this season in on piece then try and rebuild it in the Summer.

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7 hours ago, Poet of the Macabre said:

Happened to me with my Aberdeen save. Struggled to get 40% possession and looked shite in every game, regardless of tactics.

I was so cocky aswell 😂 

Played Motherwell as my first game in October and couldnt get near them. Top flight teams are so clinical its unreal.

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October 2023/24


Thank f**k for Sam Smith.

He missed about 4 sitters against St Mirren, but then made up for it. Went to a more defensive set up for the final game, theres no logic here.


Hearts being shite is a huge blessing.

Need 30pts from 28 games to reach my target.

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November 2023/24


f**k knows.

Love to claim this was a result of some in-depth, intensive, analysis of what was going wrong, but I literally just moved my wingers back to make a flat midfield four, and changed them to attack. Sam Smith is now the top scorer in the league.


Two months ago I was on the cusp of punting the entire side, now we just inflicted the first defeat this season on Celtic, and are clear in the top 5.

40pts still the target, and avoiding relegation still the aim, but who knows now.

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December 2023/24


What a month :lol:

Sam Smith is some boy, so is Drey Wright, but the entire reason for this turnaround is the defence. Turned rock solid since I went to a flat midfield.

We almost fucked it at the end, squad was knackered by the final three games and we actually went down to 10 against both Hamilton and St Mirren due to injuries.


Fighting for 3rd, its just utterly ridiculous.

The second half collapse with Southampton still haunts me so not getting carried away.

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Mid-Season squad review



Same as always.




Back four has stayed the same as last season.

Liam Gordon has really struggled and will be one I look to improve on. Issue is Griffiths will be away in the Summer, so I'll likely need two starting CBs next season.



Didn't realise I had so many, tbh.

May, Murray and Walker have all struggled with injury.

Ewing continues to star, and Scott Wright is actually performing better than last season.



Ruth has really struggled with the step up, so we're lucky Smith has hit the ground running.


January Transfer plans

Improve any position I can. Every position can be improved on either by getting a starter or a quality back up.

No holds barred, nobody is safe.

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