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Walking Down the Beechwood Road mk 2

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2 minutes ago, Raven said:

Well, I don't agree that it would be at anyone in the west's 'expense' unless someone actually lost out. That's all. I'll read all about it in this history book of yours ;) Enjoy your evening.


I never said it was anyone's expense in the west, that's the problem that's your quoting, never have.  Its not my history, is just history, if someone in the future looks back to see who were promoted to the Lowland League 2021/22 and 22/23 they will see that EOSFL team made it and the WOSFL did not.  

I definitely wont lose sleep over it either even though having bene to EOSFL games and WOSFL games this season,  I believe the WOSFL is way stronger

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1 hour ago, Bestsinceslicebread said:

the records will show, IF Beith win the league then history will show that the EOSFL supplied their champions to the Lowland league at the expense of the WOSFL & SOSFL champions. 


18 minutes ago, Bestsinceslicebread said:

I never said it was anyone's expense in the west, that's the problem that's your quoting, never have. 

Give it a rest.

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I thought Talbot were decent for a lot of that tussle but you can't be gifting two goal leads and expecting to get much from games. The League was already beyond us barring some outrageous twists of fate and this just poured another bucket of water on any lingering hope. 

I hope that the players keep the heads up and keep battling away of course even if it just means we find some form ahead of the WOS final.

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2 minutes ago, Botlad67 said:

Mistakes every game again, boys constantly played out of position, 1 up front at home. Constant long ball again. Absolutely rubbish 

Teams don't have to work hard to score against us. 

The goals we lose are criminal.

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Agree with all of above.

The only people who thought Talbot were still contenders were non talbot fans who weren't watching how poor we are.

Not that bothered we lost tonight as we had no chance of the league anyway and means we can rotate the squad and bring in the under 21's to hopefully keep us fresh for the WOS final and don't need to drive the boys into the ground with this disgrace of a fixture list

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Proverbial game of two halves tonight for me with beith being very sharp In the first half and fully deserving of our 2 nil half time lead and then Talbot being the better team second half and giving us a good few hairy moments , delighted to take the three points and still one game at a time for us .

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I thought beith were well Worth their 2 goal Lead at half time but probably thought Talbot deserved a point on second half performance , very impressed with 2 central defenders for beith and I would say having lost 3 in 25 games can’t see them losing 3 in 5 and their level of consistency is fantastic 

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2 minutes ago, Thejackdaw said:

Proverbial game of two halves tonight for me with beith being very sharp In the first half and fully deserving of our 2 nil half time lead and then Talbot being the better team second half and giving us a good few hairy moments , delighted to take the three points and still one game at a time for us .

Story of our season giving away stupid goals. Thought Beith battened down the hatches and kept a Talbot onslaught at bay. Performances like that win leagues. They can only throw this title away.

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The goals are absolutely criminal - one absolutely bizarre decision and a centre half/goalkeeper in no mans land. Other than that, I think we played some decent stuff especially in the second half but wasn’t to be. Some have to go after this season and we need some in.


Who would Talbot fans keep and who would they move on? 

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6 minutes ago, botlad said:

The goals are absolutely criminal - one absolutely bizarre decision and a centre half/goalkeeper in no mans land. Other than that, I think we played some decent stuff especially in the second half but wasn’t to be. Some have to go after this season and we need some in.


Who would Talbot fans keep and who would they move on? 

Talbot need about 8 quality starters and not jersey fillers. 



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5 hours ago, Bestsinceslicebread said:

Nothing, they and many others are the ones who wanted juniors and constantly listened to the junior FA and look what they did, shut up shop and told us all to go to the WOSFL.  So the problems of joining the WOSFL has nothing to do with them, they accepted us all

It wont be a transition season its has been a couple, with covid, 20 team league, all clubs adjusting to working from the Junior FA criteria to working within the SFA criteria etc...
Yes, earlier start to the season, more midweek games should help the league be comfortable when it comes to the end of season finish.  I will say that I didn't know teams voted against some of this

Oh and name calling of people on here lolololol

Heres a couple of facts and not your hypothetical stuff

Last season, Darvel win the league, amassing more points than all teams including, Pollok, your beloved Auchinleck. Darvel then go tp the playoff and are soundly beaten by the best of the EOSFL.  This means the best is the EOSFL and they are promoted to the Lowland League.  History will note that The best of the WOSFL, Darvel couldn't do it

This season if Beith win league they cannot go to the playoff are the are not SFA licensed, meaning again the best of the WOSFL league are not good enough.  Unless Darvel or Auchinleck win the league and go forwards to see if they can win it.   Your view and attitude is quite typical of someone ignorant about football between East and West.  Why is Beith going to beat Linlithgow?  is that your view, I'd expect its a view of many from fans of Beith, even Auchinleck and myself but guess what, nearly all at LInlithgow are thinking they would win the playoff at a canter and most of the fans of other East teams think the same, so its all hypothetical. Your views in the west against the views in the East.

but see your hypothetical nonsense and then backing it up saying someone is a clown which obviously makes you feel better lololol.  The FACT is, Last year the WOSFL wasn't good enough as the EOSFL champions were promoted to the Lowland league at the expense of our WOSFl champions and if Beith win league this season, (and yes its still an IF as Darvel or Auchinleck can still win league), then the best of the EOSFL will again be promoted at the expense of the WOSFL champions, that is fact and no matter what names you call people, you are wrong again, the best unfortunately from all our views in the West is that the East is the best as they have supplied the champions to the Lowland League and in the history books in the future there's no way we can get round that 

Have Creetown FC from the Sosfl not just been awarded their SFA licence?

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